"You don't have to know."

She Taifu responded coldly, and then left indifferently.

"Two adults!"

She Taifu respectfully ran to Wuchen and Niugui, with a flattering smile on his face, and respectfully said: "That dove is going to end, the poison has attacked."

"Nice job." Niu Gui gave him an admiring look.

"Do you have other descendants in your family?" Wuchen looked at She Taifu indifferently.


She Taifu was stunned for a moment, not sure what Wuchen meant, but he replied respectfully, "I still have a few children, they are all..."


Before She Taifu could finish speaking, Wuchen slashed down with a knife, and the golden sword light saw blood seal his throat, killing She Taifu on the spot.

"When I take the position of the boss in the future, your descendants will replace Jiu and become the group leader of that faction. In this way, you can close your eyes under Huang Quan."

Wuchen glanced at She Taifu's body indifferently, then used Amaterasu to burn it to pieces.

"Why do you want to kill him?" Niu Gui asked in a deep voice, She Taifu had been turned against by him, and he was considered his own.

"Because it's useless."

Wuchen responded very simply, looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and said with great certainty: "Like his unreliable wall, you can betray the dove today, and you can betray us in the future."

"It makes some sense."

Niu Gui nodded lightly. At first, he only promised some benefits, but She Taifu relentlessly betrayed him and even killed Jiu. If others promised She Taifu some benefits, this shameless guy could also betray him.

This kind of person needs to be wiped out!


Chapter 8 is suspected [Second]

"Let's go."

Wuchen disappeared together with the bull ghost into the darkness, and no monsters saw the trace of the two along the way.

On the second day, someone found Dove's body, and the Nuliang Group immediately set off a huge wave. After all, he was a powerful cadre. He was killed when he said it, and he died in a place like the Nuliang Group headquarters.

If it is not handled well, people may panic and everyone will be violently uneasy. After all, this is the headquarters of the Nuliang Group. It is not safe here. Where else is safe?

The general also understood the seriousness of the situation, and immediately held a meeting, and all the monsters under his banner were summoned.


At this moment, the conference room used for the meeting has gathered all the bigwigs, almost all of them are team leaders.

Including Wuchen, the boss of the Niugui group who just took office, and the retired Niugui all participated in this meeting.

"Oops... as expected, we arrived at the Prehistoric Animal Park."

Wuchen sat lazily on the tatami, swept the corners of his eyes, and there were all kinds of strange monsters.

If the Nuliang group opened a zoo, it would definitely make a lot of money!

It is worth mentioning that the little devil Nura Luxiong attended this meeting, it seems that he is going to accept his monster bloodline.

"Everyone, I think everyone understands that Jiu died in the headquarters of the Nuliang Group yesterday, and I also sent the Crow Tengu to find out the cause of death. It was the medicine he drank last night, which was poisoned by someone..."

The commander-in-chief spoke in a deep voice, with no hint of joy or anger, "The She Taifu who was in charge of preparing the medicine for the dove was also killed."

"In other words, dead without proof?"

"Who is so presumptuous, dare to sneak into our Nuliang group to kill?"

"The devil knows!"

"If you catch it, you must smash it into tens of thousands of pieces."


This group of monsters talked a lot, Wuchen glanced at it roughly, and couldn't help sneering, no wonder the Nuliang group went backwards, this group of scumbags are all rabble, but it's powerful to open their mouths and guns. Everyone is quick.

"Niugui and Wuchen, what do you think?"

At this moment, the general's eyes were cast over, and there was a strange light beating in his eyes.

"This one……"

Niu Gui pondered for a while, perhaps a little guilty, he didn't dare to meet the general manager.

"Don't worry, this matter is dead and unproven, and no one can find out that we did it." Wuchen's voice resounded in Niu Gui's mind.

Hearing this, Niu Gui immediately took a deep breath, stabilized his uneasy heart, and then slowly said: "After catching the prisoner, we must execute him."

"You seem to have a big conflict with Jiu." Nuliang Luxiong suddenly spoke, looking at Niugui and Wuchen with a very bad tone.

"what do you mean?"

Wuchen glanced at Nuliang Luxiong calmly, and said plainly: "Little devil, don't you know how to catch a thief and get dirty? Just relying on verbal speculation is nonsense. You, the heir of the Nuliang group, are too stupid. ."

"Who is this guy? How dare you talk to the young master with that attitude."

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