"Are you serious?" Wuchen was stunned for a moment. In fact, he didn't mean to make fun of Snow Maiden. After all, this woman is a cook. If it irritates her, she will put some weird things like bugs in her food in the future. tragedy.

"Of course, we are good friends." Snow Maiden looked at Wuchen seriously.

"Snow Girl..."

The prostitute was so moved that her eyes shone with stars.

"Don't blame me if you find hardships yourself."

The corners of Wuchen's mouth were full of teasing, and he looked at the two with a smile, and said, "Well, you two can serve me and take a bath."


Both women exclaimed in exclamation, their voices shrill and ear-piercing, and then their pretty faces flushed red and clenched their fists.

"Why don't you die? Perverted." Snow Maiden scolded, the surrounding tatami was frozen by her.

"That's right, there is a sentence on the human head, it's called a knife on the head of the color, you'd better take it easy!" The prostitute Mao also looked at Wuchen viciously.

"There's a knife at the beginning of the color? It seems like there is a sentence, but..."

A wretched smile appeared on Wuchen's face, "But I've also heard the saying that peony flowers die, and it's romantic to be a ghost, so ah, you should serve me and take a bath. If I'm really killed, I'll accept my fate."

"You think beautifully, Snow Maiden, let's go!"

The prostitute took the snow girl and fled in a hurry, and disappeared within a few seconds, giving no chance to dust-free at all.

"It's just that you still spy on others? It's too naive. It's too tender and young to be scared away by just using some tricks."

Wuchen watched the two women disappear, and then left quietly.



In Niu Gui's room, the sliding door was gently opened, and Wuchen walked in lazily, "Are you going to act tonight? I'll follow along and have a look."

Nothing can go wrong just in case.

"Master Wuchen is going too?"

Niu Gui looked at Wuchen unexpectedly, "Isn't it necessary? I have ordered She Taifu to kill the dove. Although that kid is also a team leader, Lord Wuchen has also seen it, he is just a sick child, and his strength is poor. "

"Don't be careless, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, not to mention that this is the head of the Nuliang group. If it is discovered, we may also be implicated." Wuchen looked at the bull ghost seriously, the latter carefully After thinking about it, he nodded slightly.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was late at night. Most of the monsters in the Nura group were asleep, and only Dove's room was still lit by candlelight.

"Cough cough...cough...cough...cough..."

Until late at night, Dove kept coughing and his face was pale. It is not difficult to see that his physical fitness was extremely poor and he needed medication to maintain it.

"Master Jiu, it's late at night, you should drink the medicine and sleep quickly." She Taifu put down a bowl of freshly boiled medicine in front of Jiu, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed away.

This bowl of medicine has already been filled with deadly poison. She Taifu can be sure that once the dove drinks this bowl of poison, he will die without a doubt.

"Excuse me."

Jiu gave She Taifu a grateful look, and said with embarrassment: "I am worthless, sometimes I feel that sitting in the position of team leader is a waste, and I can't do it if I want to help the general."

"Master Jiu is serious, but your value has not been reflected." She Taifu replied absent-mindedly, scolding inwardly: "Since you know that you are a waste, you should die quickly, and what are you talking about?"

"hope so."

Jiu gave a wry smile, and immediately picked up the medicine bowl in front of him and gulped it down.

"It's done!"

After seeing the dove drinking the poison, Yatafu's eyes lit up with excitement.

"We can retreat now."

Niu Gui and Wuchen, who were hiding outside the door, also naturally saw a scene. Niu Gui urged Wuchen to leave quickly, and it was inevitable that they would be suspected if they were seen.

"Don't worry, don't worry, no one will find us." Wuchen gave Niu Gui a relieved look, indicating that there is no need to worry, because he has been using the domineering sense of knowledge to perceive the situation around him, even a ghost. No.

"It's just that the dove is dead, and there is one character that has not been resolved." Wuchen smiled mysteriously.

"There's one more person?" Niu Gui frowned, and then his expression sank, "Could it be Lu Xiong? Don't attack him for now, I have already instructed the old mouse to attack the young master."


Wuchen did not answer, but the old god was watching the sky.


Dou suddenly vomited a mouthful of old blood, and only felt dizzy. The world in front of him was full of double images, and the snake Taifu had become five or six.

"Strange, why do you feel that your condition is getting worse and worse from the medicine you just drank?" Jiu shook his head and spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Stupid, because that's poison!"

She Taifu looked at Jiu sullenly, and sneered: "If you offended those two adults, it's no wonder you don't die!"

"You did it?" Jiu looked at She Taifu in astonishment. He always regarded the person in front of him as a cronie, but he communicated with the enemy to harm him.

"Those two adults? Is it the Wuchen and Niugui?" Sparks shot out of Jiu's eyes, wishing to melt the snake too.

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