"Boom boom boom..."

The suffocating oppression lingered on everyone's heads for a long time, and the monstrous momentum shook the whole house.


The cracks on the ground spread open, and the domineering arrogance emanating from Wuchen smashed everything, and this old house that had lasted for hundreds of years seemed to collapse.

It wasn't until the monsters couldn't bear it one by one that Wuchen regained his momentum.

"Did you come to the Nuliang Group to declare war?!" Jiu looked at Wuchen with cold eyes, and those eyes were full of murderous intent.


Wuchen just raised his head and glanced at the dove, and then simply closed his eyes, there was no need to talk nonsense to a bird.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

Seeing that Wuchen had ignored him, Jiu couldn't help but turn into anger. A lot of feathers floated out of his body, all of which fell around Wuchen.

"Run, Mr. Dou's feathers are highly poisonous, and if you touch them, you will die!" The monsters of the Nuliang group were startled and fled in panic.

"It's really dangerous."

Wuchen opened his eyes and looked at the purple palm, he was actually poisoned, and there were a lot of feathers beside him.

"It's not suitable for a person like you who is killed casually to be a general." Dou's face flashed a disdainful smile, looking at Wuchen, whose cheeks were purple, and sneered: "My poison can be..."

"What could it be?"

Without waiting for Dou to finish speaking, Wuchen interrupted it directly and asked contemptuously, "It's just sick birds, do you think you can poison me with your level? Young man, it's still broad daylight now, It's not time to sleep and dream at night!"

The voice fell, and an extremely strange scene happened.


Wuchen, who was sitting there, was covered with a white mist, and after the mist disappeared, a person who was so handsome turned into a piece of purple wood.

"what's going on?!"

No matter the bull ghost or the general, including the three of them, they all looked at the piece of wood in disbelief. Could it be that Wuchen is a tree demon?

"Yo... dove right? You're too slow to react."

A cold voice sounded from behind the dove, full of sneer.

"I think, if you are so fragile, you can take the position of team leader. I'm afraid the entire Nuliang team is full of smog, right?"

Hearing the cold voice, Jiu quickly turned his head and saw that a lightsaber was pointed at his cheek, and the scorching temperature made his cheeks burn.

And the person who holds the sword is clean.


Dove's face instantly turned green, and the dust-free that came into view was intact, and there was no sign of poisoning.

"That's just the most basic wooden avatar. You really thought you poisoned me."

Wuchen dismissed it and said softly, "You can give up the general if you want me. You can find a monster stronger than me to defeat me, and then you will naturally be willing to admit defeat."

"You new guy, stop me, this is the Nuliang group."

A crisp rebuke came from behind, and Wuchen turned his head to look over, and it was a child with eyes.

The young man had a sunny face and looked gentle, but when the monsters saw him, they shouted respectfully, "Master!"

This child is also the grandson of the boss of the Nuliang Group - Nuliang Luxiong.

"As a member of the Nuliang Group, do you understand the consequences of attacking your own people? If it is light, it will be punished severely, and it will be expelled from the Nuliang group. If it is more serious, it should be eliminated."

Nura Luxiong's eyes were cold, and he said to Wuchen in a warning tone.

"Oops...the rules are really strict, but if you say so, this kid will be finished."

The dust-free Tiancong Yunjian fell on top of Dove's head and sneered: "After all, this kid attacked me first, and used that feather to kill my clone. Shouldn't this kind of person be cut into pieces?"


Hearing this, Nuliang Lu Xiong was speechless for a while, but he was speechless, because Wuchen was right, and it was Dou who wanted to kill. He just released the tyrannical arrogance, but there was not a single wounded person.

"That's it."

The general who had been silent for a while suddenly spoke up. His eyes were like a knife light, and he looked at Wuchen for a moment, and then he showed a faint smile.

"Listen to Niu Gui, you are called Wuchen, right? You belong to a monster called Ten Tails. Everyone has witnessed your strength. From now on, you are the general...candidate!"

"I object!"

"I object!"

"I'm against it too!"


Almost all the monsters objected in unison, except for the bull ghost, the other monsters were unhappy.

"Enough, it's more than enough to be a general with Wuchen's strength, and this is just a candidate for the general general, others can still run for it." The general said meaningfully.

He always felt that having a competitor like Wuchen might be a good thing, at least it would put a lot of pressure on Lu Xiong, because once Wuchen came to power, Lu Xiong's companions might be bullied, so that he could work hard to move forward.

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