"Cough, cough... I'm really sorry, Niu Gui, I'm old and I'm not in good health, so I wasted some time."

An old voice came from the door, Wu Chen and Niu Gui looked at them at the same time, and a short old man suddenly came into view.

The old man was wearing an ordinary Japanese kimono, and the shape of his head was rather strange, and he looked extremely old.

At first glance, this old man is no different, but if you look closely, you can find that although this old man is quite old, his eyes are still shining and full of energy, giving people a feeling of not getting old.

"General General."

Niu Gui bowed respectfully to the general.

"Is this the Nuliang Slipper?" A flash of sharpness flashed in Wuchen's eyes. No wonder this old guy can be a general. His strength is really good, and the hidden demonic energy is almost impossible to catch. He is indeed a master.

"Who is this……"

The general's eyes turned to Wuchen, with a little surprise in his eyes, and he also couldn't feel Wuchen's demonic energy.

"This is Wuchen, the new leader of the Niugui group." Niugui told the truth, and the words surprised the general.

"Niu Gui, are you serious?"

The general's eyes became awe-inspiring, and the look that was a friendly greeting before suddenly became serious.

This is not a trivial matter, even if the bull ghost wants to abdicate, the key is to hand it over to such a young man of unknown origin, which will be difficult for the general to accept.

Because he doesn't know anything about Wuchen.

"General, in terms of Wuchen's strength, he is more suitable for the position of team leader than me, and I am also old, and some things are already beyond my ability."

Niu Gui said frankly: "Also, regarding the position of the three-generation general, I also recommend Wuchen!"

"You... do you understand what you said? I'm not dead yet!"

The general's face flashed a gloomy look. If Wuchen became the leader of the Niu Ghost Group, he could barely endure it, but letting Wuchen become the general would really be difficult for him. After all, the general had always hoped His grandson Nuliang Luxiong succeeded the Nuliang group.

"Niu Gui, do you understand what you are talking about? Young Master Lu Xiong has inherited a quarter of the blood of the general, and he is the future general."

The sound of thick flames came from outside the door, and Wuchen turned his head to see that it was a talking crow!

This black crow is the Raven Tengu, one of the cadres of the Nuliang Group.

Not only the Crow Tengu, but also all kinds of other strange-shaped monsters are staring at the bull ghost with incomparable anger at this moment, and even Wuchen has been implicated, and there are a few icy eyes looking back and forth on him.

"Capturing these monsters and turning them into a zoo will definitely make a fortune." Wuchen's eyes also looked around the group of monsters.

"Where did the little monster come from, and he actually wanted to grab the position of the young master. My Snow Girl was the first to refuse!"

A rather pleasant female voice came, and Wuchen followed the source of the sound, and it was a beautiful girl with fair skin.

She has dark blue straight hair, a cute and delicate face, a face like a porcelain doll, and her big eyes are very smart.

At this moment, she stared at Wuchen angrily, wishing she could give him a kick.

"I don't agree either!"

"That's right, the general is only suitable for the young master!"

"Master Lu Xiong is the one who inherited the blood of the general!"

"This guy may be a spy sent by another monster organization!"


As soon as the snow girl's words fell, it could be said that there were a hundred responses. The boy Nura Luxiong was very popular, and almost everyone opposed Wuchen becoming the general.

"A bunch of ignorant people."

Niu Gui just replied lightly, "Although Young Master Lu Xiong inherits the bloodline of the general, don't forget, this belongs to the bloodline of monsters, even he himself denied it, he prefers to admit that he is a human being. This kind of person is suitable for the general general of the Nuliang group?"

"Master Lu Xiong's thoughts will definitely change!"

At this time, a young man with a high status walked out of the monster group, and Wuchen looked over immediately and recognized the identity of this person on the spot.

It seems to be called Dove, the brother of Nura Luxiong, and the two have an excellent relationship.


Niu Gui sneered and said contemptuously: "Maybe the young master will really change, but who knows how long this time will be, maybe ten years, maybe one hundred years!"

"But what qualifications does this guy have for the position of the general?"

Pairs of eyes all stabbed at Wuchen, and every monster has thorns in their eyes.

"Why? This question is meaningless!"

Wuchen stood up from the tatami, he ignored the gazes of many monsters, and his cheeks had a reckless arc.

"Just rely on this!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The violent aura burst out and swept out like a hurricane. When the supreme aura spread over the body of this group of monsters, the suffocating pressure made everyone's legs tremble, and they couldn't help but want to kneel down. .

"This guy is so strong!"

All the monsters looked at Wuchen in horror, and no one thought that this elegant young man who looked weak and could not help but be like a literati was so strong, just relying on his own momentum to make them unable to lift their heads.

Chapter 5 Candidates for Generals [Third Update]

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