The chairman looked at Wuchen cautiously, and then he was relieved, and asked with some anticipation: "If I get bitten by you, can I become like Ayatsuji Ayase?"

"It seems that no one is immune to powerful forces." Wuchen smiled and nodded to admit, not to mention the almost infinite life, and the physique that can be recovered at will.

"No, you will be better than her."

Wuchen paused and explained: "Aya Tsuji Ayase's own strength is too weak, you are far stronger than her, and after you become a vampire, the improvement in strength is far from what she can compare, who made your starting line higher than hers. too much."

"What about the side effects?" The chairman looked at Wuchen and asked, she is not stupid, there is no pie that falls in vain.

"Will be my servant forever, and will not be able to resist me." Wuchen couldn't help but glanced at the chairman. Although this little girl was a little tempted, she could suppress her emotions very well.

Chapter 27 I have a habit of cleanliness [fourth more]

"Be your servant?"

The chairman looked at Wuchen carefully. In ancient vampire legends, only those vampires with strong bloodline have the power to turn humans into vampires.

"I am a true ancestor." Wuchen's words made the chairman Lei choked, and she suddenly coughed violently.

Although I have not seen the true ancestor, in those legends, the vampire of the true ancestor is completely equivalent to a god-like existence, with the power to destroy the world.

After thinking about it a little, the strength that Wuchen showed before is indeed as hard to guess as the sea, and the chairman did not guess that Wuchen's origin was so terrifying.

Since then, the champion of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival has been secured.

"You don't seem to be afraid at all."

Wuchen looked at the chairman, the beautiful eyes did not have the slightest fear, but there was an alternative light flashing.

This kind of look surprised Wuchen, because it was the look of a hunter looking at his prey. The chairman actually treated himself as a prey. I really don't understand where she got the courage.

"I advise you to be smarter."

Wuchen took a deep look at the chairman and warned softly: "The people I have killed in my life can fill this planet, I hope you are not one of them."

"I'm not that stupid, let me tell you directly, I feel like my life has come back to life!"

The chairman chuckled gracefully, picked up a thin cigarette and lit it, pouting his eyes comfortably, and said, "What are the conditions for getting your power?"

"No conditions."

Wuchen stretched his waist lazily and sat down casually, "What do you need to do to make a deal with the devil? You don't need anything, you only need to give everything you have, and the conditions are superfluous, because you are mine in the first place. "

"But compared to this, I'm curious, what do you want to do with my power?" Wuchen asked.

"I used to be a professional player in the KOK League, but I quit the league because I wanted to get married, and I became the chairman of the Po Military Academy." With a faint sigh, the chairman's tone was full of unwillingness.

"Isn't this very good? A woman should be like this." Wuchen hugged her head and said casually: "Women, born to be slept by men."

His eyes were always fixed on the center of the arena. Ayatsuji Ayase used her own strength to suppress her opponent throughout the entire process.

"But I'm not willing to be so plain!"

The chairman's eyes were full of stubbornness, and he gritted his teeth: "So I want to start a new life with your power."

"So that's the case, in other words..." Wuchen stared at the chairman with a playful look, grabbing her white chin with one hand, "Do you want me to sleep?"

"You!!! Can you be more serious? I am serious!"

Hearing this, the chairman almost vomited blood, his silver teeth clenched tightly, and he glared at Wuchen, this bastard is really abominable.

"Just do what you want. Anyway, don't regret it. I didn't force you."

Wuchen pointed to the center of the arena and said, "If you don't pronounce the sentence, that guy will die."

Looking around, Aya Tsuji Aase's opponent is already like a candle in the wind, and there is no backhand.

"I'll find you at night, remember to wash up and wait for me, I'm a clean freak."

Leave a word and the dust-free disappears.

"An unpredictable guy."

Looking at Wuchen's back, the chairman's eyes blurred, and she didn't know whether her choice was right or wrong, but she was really unwilling to marry and have children like an ordinary person.

Therefore, when he heard that Wuchen blood can enhance his strength, the chairman moved with compassion.


"Master Wuchen, thank you very much this time." After the game, Ayatsuji Aase immediately rushed to Wuchen's dormitory to thank you.

"You really have legs!"

Stella looked at Wuchen and Aya Tsuji Ayase with furtive eyes, those thieves' eyes rolled with a sly look, and she winked at Wuchen with a smile: "Tell me, the last time you went out at night, it was actually Have a tryst with senior, right?"

"No, no, it's not what you imagined." Ayatsuji Ayase's pretty face flushed with a morbid flush.

Because that night, Wuchen did go to her, but it was not a tryst.

Wuchen looked at Stella lightly, looked at the time and reminded: "If I remember correctly, will you play the next game? If you go too late, you will be sentenced to defeat."

"Come back and torture you."

After glancing at Wuchen, Stella hurried away, leaving Wuchen and Ayatsuji Ayase in the huge room.

"sit down."

Wuchen pointed to the chair, and then said slowly: "You don't need to thank me, from the moment you drank my blood, it was destined to be mine."

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