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Chapter 26 Abduction of the chairman [third more]

In this battle, in addition to being famous for Wuchen, Ayatsuji Ayase on the other field has also attracted much attention.

"how is this possible!?"

At this moment, the audience on the battlefield on Ayatsuji Ayase's side was stunned. This normally very low-key girl showed her extremely powerful fighting power.

"How is it possible? Why is it impossible." Ayatsuji Ayase said indifferently, only to see that she lightly grasped the opponent's inherent spiritual outfit with a jade hand, just relying on pure strength.

"This guy……"

The chairman is also extremely cautious. Although it is possible to do it when he becomes stronger, how old is Ayatsuji Ayase?And this little girl's previous performance was not outstanding.

"You did it?"

The chairman looked at Wuchen around him.

"Why do you suspect that I did it?" Wuchen asked indifferently.

"Because someone saw you sneaking into Ayatsuji Ayase's place at night and reported it to me." The chairman said truthfully.

"Is that little girl Stella secretly stalking me?"

Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said with great certainty, "She must have said that I was peeping at the beauties."

"You know her well." The chairman nodded lightly, which was the default meaning of cleanliness.

Stella did report it like this, but the chairman didn't care. No one else, Ayatsuji Ayase, complained about Wuchen. What qualifications do she have to say?Maybe it's mutual love.

"Yes, it is indeed my masterpiece, how about it? It's very strong." Wuchen's tone carried a hint of pride.

"How on earth did you do it?" The chairman looked at Wuchen in astonishment, and his beautiful eyes were full of horror.

Since ancient times, no matter what you do, you have to do it step by step, and the same is true for knife cutters. If you want to become stronger, you can only strengthen your own strength through continuous training.

But the appearance of Ayatsuji Ayase broke everyone's cognition

"This chick's combat power can now easily defeat the number one Dongtang Daohua." Wuchen said calmly, as if narrating a bland and trivial matter.

"Isn't it? The improvement is so big!?" Chairman Xiaoyi opened his mouth and his beautiful eyes glowed with dazzling light.

What kind of changes did Aya Tsuji Aase have undergone to evolve to such a shocking level?

"Don't get too carried away!"

In the middle of the arena, Ayatsuji Aase's opponent seemed to be provoked, and his inherent spiritual armor swept towards the former with a very tricky arc.


Ayatsuji Aase's snow-white wrist has a deep scar, and you can see the whitened bones.

"It doesn't seem to have much effect."

Upon seeing this, the throbbing in the chairman's heart soon subsided. Even if he gained powerful strength, his skills and experience did not increase.

"Just take a good look at it, don't underestimate people with my blood!" Wuchen folded his arms in front of him, calmly, confident in Ayatsuji Ayase.

"Your bloodline?"

The chairman glanced at Wuchen suspiciously, not knowing what it meant, Wuchen is not a relative of Aya Tsuji Aase, how can it be related to bloodline?

"Look, the wound is healed!"

A loud exclamation resounded, and the chairman also subconsciously looked at Ayatsuji Ayase, and her beautiful eyes shrank tightly.

Hao's wrist, which had been cut before, had recovered, and not even a single scar was left.

"That's what you gave her too?"

The chairman immediately looked back at Wuchen, his eyes have changed, greed and fiery coexist.

"You seem very tempted."

Looking at the fascinated chairman, Wuchen said flatly: "Of course that kind of wound can be repaired. Vampires have almost unlimited lives, and that kind of skin trauma can be automatically recovered at will."


The chairman was startled and exclaimed, "You turned Ayatsuji Aase into a monster like a vampire?"

"Monster? I really don't know where your prejudice came from. It is certain that you want to gain strong power and go through some necessary changes. Although you are completely separated from human beings, it is not without benefits. First of all, you will gain unlimited vitality." Wuchen is not obscure, and said bluntly: "Ordinary wounds will also recover automatically, unless it is the kind of extremely fatal wounds that require blood-sucking recovery."

"From human to vampire... I feel like this is like a scene in a movie." The chairman's eyes were suspicious, but he was also heartbroken.

"Jie Jie..."

Wuchen suddenly laughed, revealing two terrifying fangs, and licked the head of the chairman's neck with his tongue, "Would you like me to try it for you?"


Hearing this, the chairman immediately shuddered, and then quickly opened a distance from Wuchen.

"Drink my blood, or let me bite you, and you can become a vampire." Wuchen said casually.

"No wonder you are so strong, it turns out that you are not a pure human being."

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