"Enemy? That kid is not worthy of being my enemy." Thinking of Ikki Kuro Iron, Wuchen smiled contemptuously and closed his eyes again.

At noon, Wuchen got up and took a shower at will. I thought Stella would come back to cook and eat. After all, she didn't prepare lunch when she left.

Wuchen doesn't have the skills to cook, so he can only leave the dormitory and go to the cafeteria to buy food. Anyway, he has "the treasure of the king" and never lacks money.

But when he got to the cafeteria, Wuchen was stunned on the spot.

"I'm sorry, I said why don't I go back to cook, it turned out to be an appointment."

As soon as Wuchen was in the dining hall, he found two figures, one was naturally Her Royal Highness Princess Stella, and the other was...

"Did you make a mistake? You've only known each other for a day, no, at most, you've only known each other for half a day? Why did you eat together? This kid's protagonist's aura is too strong."

Wuchen, who was observing from the other side, was dumbfounded, and sitting next to Stella was the kid Ikki Kurotetsu.

Wuchen was really stunned, his mind was like a bucket of paste, and when he looked closely, the two were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was unusually harmonious.

The reason why these two people chatted so hotly and looked like they met each other late was because they were both bullied by Wuchen. The two of them could feel the same way.

"I want to see what tricks you two can play..." Wuchen sneered, then walked over with the lunch box.

"Do you mind taking a seat?!"

Wuchen walked in front of the two like a broom star, and the two who were chatting were stunned for a while, looked up at Wuchen, and their faces were a little unnatural.

"Why don't you cook by yourself?" Stella asked with a frown, then glanced at the vacant seats around her, "Also, with so many seats, you won't find a place where no one is there?!"

"How dare you say it."

Wuchen looked at Stella unhappy, "I'm your master, right? It's your duty to cook for me, but you left your master in the dormitory and ignored it, and ran out alone to eat and drink spicy food. Yes, and with..."

Wuchen glanced at Kuro Tie Ikki, and his expression became even weirder. Although this kid is a little handsome, Stella can't be so crazy, right?After all, she is also a princess, what about your integrity?

"Servant? You are the princess, how could you be his servant." Ikki Kurote looked at Stella suspiciously.


Hearing this, Stella was extremely embarrassed, her chest heaved with anger, and she immediately told the story of the previous game completely.

"It's not what I suggested. I'm going to use rock-paper-scissors to compete. She doesn't agree who can blame."

"It's the two of you..."

Wuchen's eyes narrowed suddenly, his clear eyes scrutinized back and forth on the two of them, and finally asked leisurely: "Could it be to discuss to deal with me together?"

It's not impossible, because Stella and Kurotsu Ikki were both taught a lesson by Wuchen.

"Who is so boring! Ikki, let's change places."

Stella left with the lunch box in her hand, and Ikki Kurotsu also left, leaving only the dust-free person in the original seat.

Wuchen didn't show any displeasure, but instead had a smile that was not a smile on his face. It was certain that the two had a conspiracy against them.

"That's interesting, and the campus life in the future won't be dull and boring."

Chapter 10 Black Iron Bead Shizuku [fifth more]

"Is that guy too sharp!"

Stella and Ikki Kurotsu, who were in another place, immediately dripped with cold sweat, secretly aiming at Wuchen from the corner of their eyes, and a storm surged up in their hearts.

Because in the next open competition, every classmate is an enemy, and Wuchen is no exception. Both of them know Wuchen's power, so they want to deal with him by coincidence, but this guy...

This foresight is really embarrassing!

"Maybe it's just a guess."

Stella and Ikki Kurote met each other, and they all thought that the blind cat met the dead mouse.

During the meal, Wuchen didn't pay attention to the two of them. He left early after eating. When he passed by Stella and Kurotsu Ikki, he also gave you a look at you working hard.


After lunch, Wuchen did not rush back to the dormitory. After sleeping for a long time, he would have a headache. He walked alone in Pojun Academy, admiring the surrounding scenery.

Pojun Academy is worthy of being one of the major knight academies in Japan. It has everything, and the greening is quite good. There are also various entertainment venues on the campus, but Wuchen is not very interested in these, and strolls alone.

"Is that the guy? I will never forgive you!"

Looking at the figure passing by in front, a cold light flashed across the face of the white-haired loli girl, and then she followed silently.

After about a few minutes, Wuchen walked to a dark and shady place, in a narrow corner, with no one around and no camera to observe himself.

"Following me for so long, is it to avenge your brother Kuro Tie Ikki?" Wuchen stopped abruptly, the figure also stopped, and quickly hid

"It's useless to hide, Miss Kurotsuzhu Shizuku."

After calling out the girl's name, the white-haired little loli came out of the dark, her beautiful eyes looking at Wuchen badly.

"Oops... the eyes are really scary."

Being stared at by the young girl, Wuchen was unmoved, and at a glance, he could see that this was the brother-in-law - Black Iron Pearl Shizuku.

"You embarrassed my brother and were laughed at by so many people, I can't forgive you!" Hei Tiezhu Shizuku was covered in cold air, and her eyebrows were covered with a layer of cold mist.

"Of course I know you won't let me go, that's why I chose such an inaccessible place, otherwise it will be troublesome to be photographed by those cameras, and you will be expelled from school according to the school rules." Wuchen said lightly, these words made Hei Tiezhu Shizuku's eyes shrink.

"Could it be that this guy found me long ago and brought me here on purpose?"

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