Time flies, until the next morning, Wuchen has been lying down and sleeping, as for going to class?What a joke, he doesn't have that kind of leisure.


The tightly closed door was suddenly opened, and Wuchen opened his eyes. Only two people had the keys to this dormitory.

After the door was opened, only a small gap was exposed, and a thief-like head got in, and his bright eyes swept around, as if he was looking for something.

"I'm so sorry, Stella, I'm not interested in class." Wuchen's cold voice suddenly remembered, "Come in."


After hesitating for a moment, the girl came in from outside, her head drooping all the time, like a little girl who did something wrong, clutching the corner of her clothes tightly.

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help but smile, and jokingly said: "Oh, oh... A certain princess was still splendid yesterday, why is it sluggish today? What about your princess posture? I remember yesterday that I said let me I wash smelly socks, right?"

Hearing this, Stella's cheeks twitched a few times, and then she looked up at Wuchen and complained unhappily, "Have you ever heard the saying that a scholar can be killed and not insulted?!"


Wuchen replied simply, "I only remember that some people said yesterday that the loser will be a servant for the rest of his life, right? Did you forget?"

Stella's expression froze when she heard the words, and then she showed a smile that was uglier than crying, "You may not know that in our country, that is a very fashionable social rhetoric!"

"Then your country is really weird."

Wuchen pouted, still laying lazily on the bed, knocking Erlang's legs in every possible way, "The royal family of your country is really a joke.

"You bastard, I promise you that it will be your servant in the future, right?!"

Hearing Wuchen's sarcastic tone, Stella became angry, gritted her teeth, and agreed gracefully.

Hearing this, Wuchen's cheeks showed a smile that was half a smile but not a smile. Looking at Stella, whose face was flushed, when she was thinking about how to make fun of this little girl, Wuchen was stunned by the girl's sudden action.

Stella took off the coat on her upper body, revealing her snow-white skin, and the woman's bra immediately came into view, because the majestic peaks were so huge that almost half of them were exposed.

Wuchen couldn't help but stay for a while, then opened his mouth without thinking and asked, "Your head was kicked by a donkey? It's not time to sleep yet."

"Hmph, to put it bluntly, you just want to occupy my body, right?! Just take it. As the princess of the Famlion Empire, I'll keep my word!"

Stella put her hands on her hips, full of momentum, and took off herself in a short time, leaving only one bra and one fat.

The girl looked at Wuchen proudly, her expression calm.

"Get dressed and go to class."

Wuchen waved his hand and suddenly closed his eyes, which made Stella stunned and couldn't help looking at him, what does this guy mean?

Finding Stella standing still, Wuchen opened her eyes again and ordered, "You are my servant, right? I am asking you to go to class as a master."

Although Stella was very calm, Wuchen could still see the skin twitching all over her body, which was fearing herself.

Wuchen is not lustful yet to the point of desire and dissatisfaction, she just wants to tease this little girl, but she didn't expect her to be wrong.

Chapter 9 A powerful protagonist halo [fourth more]

"You are so kind?!" Stella looked at Wuchen suspiciously, always feeling that the man in front of her was very unreliable.

"Are you going or not?"

There was a hint of impatience in Wuchen's tone. From the beginning to the end, it was actually Stella who misunderstood herself.

"Wait and see!"

Stella glared at Wuchen viciously, and then she left in a daze. She was not as casual as Wuchen, who skipped classes at will.

"It's finally quiet."

She lay down cleanly and beautifully, and went back to sleep.

As for class?It's just nonsense, who can teach themselves? !In this world, no matter who they are, no one is qualified, so it is no use to go.

When it was more than ten o'clock, the door of the dormitory opened again, and Wuchen looked over suspiciously, thinking that it was Stella who came back, who would have thought that it was the chairman.

"Did you make a mistake? You skip class on the first day of class, don't you want to graduate?!"

The chairman looked at Wuchen speechlessly, really wanting to pry open this guy's head to see what was inside.

"That's right, I'm going to repeat my grades for ten thousand years." Wuchen replied casually, and then impatiently issued an expulsion order, saying: "You should go back too, and wait until the [Seven Star Sword Dance Festival] selection representative battle begins. , just let me know."

"Horrible guy."

The chairman stomped his feet, and then had an idea. He wanted to threaten to drop out of school if he didn't go to class. Most people would compromise.

However, without waiting for the chairman to speak, Wuchen said, "If you want to drop out of school if you don't want to go to class, please feel free, remember to close the door before leaving, and don't disturb my sleep..."

"You bastard!!!"

The corner of the chairman's mouth twitched, and he almost couldn't help beating Wuchenbao. Is there such an arrogant student as you?Also, please note that in front of you is the chairman.

"Forget it, it's up to you. Those teachers really can't teach you anyway." As if accepting his fate, the chairman turned his head and left.

Think about the strength of dust-free, do you need to take classes?There's no need for it at all, because no one can teach him.

"But there is something I need to remind you of."

Just as he was about to leave, the chairman said, "Your servant is assigned to the same class as your enemy. Of course, you are also in that class."

After speaking, the chairman left, and the sound of high heels was getting farther and farther.

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