A few people ordered a table of food, and Wuchen showed the style of a local tyrant, ordering whatever food is expensive, anyway, with the ability of "King's Treasure", what is not much is more money.

"You are really a nouveau riche."

Julis and the others were speechless, looking at the dishes that were piled up on the table in front of them, and they were all rare foods. The cost was estimated to be the daily expenses of an ordinary family for several years.

"What's the matter? I don't have much money. Is there enough to eat? Ten more!" Wuchen's cheeks showed arrogance, and then he picked up the sashimi and dipped some seasonings in his mouth. The taste was not bad. Yes, the money is not wasted.

Everyone glanced at Wuchen, and then started to sweep the food, but the girls were all chewing slowly, with an elegant and noble demeanor, which was the complete opposite of the vulgar Wuchen. In a little comparison, he was simply a bum from the countryside.

"Then, that dust-free adult."

A rather timid voice came from the left side, Wuchen turned his head and looked, Flora, the little girl, didn't know when she came over, "I have something important to ask you, can you?"

"Of course, I'm bored anyway."

Wuchen readily agreed, and then saw Flora, the little girl, take out a notepad. After reading it a few times, she asked innocently, "When are you going to marry Miss Julis?"

"Get married?"

Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help but stunned, and looked at Flora with a little surprise. She didn't expect that she would suddenly ask such a question, and then she thought about it, anyway, the two have already been married, so she replied: "As long as Julius can do whatever she wants."

"So that's how it is." Flora nodded, then wrote a line in the notebook, and then asked, "When are you going to have a child?"


Without waiting for Wuchen to answer, all the drinks Julis had spit out. She grabbed the notepad in Floran's hand and looked at the writing on it, Julis gritted her teeth, "It really is Wang Brother, he asked Flora to ask some strange questions?!"

"Your brother does have something wrong." Wuchen nodded in agreement, then his head leaned over and glanced at the ugly words on the notebook, and his head crossed countless crows.

The handwriting is crooked, and there is no kingly demeanor. It is really difficult for Floren to recognize it.

And the most speechless thing is, what kind of stupid question is this?

How long have you slept together...

Is Julis pregnant...

How many lovers does Julis' future husband have...

He also instructed Yulisto and Wuchen to do some exercises to spread branches and leaves for the royal family...

Looking at all kinds of strange problems, the army of [-] grass and mud horses rushed past in Wuchen's heart. Such a king is rare in the history of mankind. He also let himself and Julis have more descendants, thinking that he is a breeding pig. ? !

"That bastard! I'll clean him up when I get back."

Julis blushed, and in anger, she tore the notebook into pieces and reminded Flora, "Flora, remember it for me, stay away from that pervert in the future, his head is flooded!"

"That's right, this kind of disease is contagious." Wuchen also nodded, and Claudia immediately cast a complaining look, isn't this just a woman singing and a husband?She is the first person to have a relationship with Wuchen.

Chapter 51 Silvia Runeheim [Fifth More]

After Flora made such a fuss, the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing, and everyone was a little absent-minded, especially Claudia staring at Wuchen angrily. .

"It's really a sin." Wuchen was extremely depressed, just having a meal, how did it become like this in the end?

About ten minutes later, a group of people came out of the coffee. They thought they could take the opportunity to get away, but who would have thought that they would be arrested and used as a strong man again.

"It's boring to go back, why don't we go shopping?" Claudia suggested with a smile, and the girls nodded lightly.

Women are born shopaholics, and in the current game, they are no longer burdened. They should relax when it is time to relax.


Wuchen has a bitter look on his face. For girls, shopping is happy, but for boys, it often means hard work.

However, several women agreed in unison, and Wuchen couldn't refuse.

Sure enough, just as he guessed, in the next time, Wuchen is like a sidekick, his hands are full of big bags and small bags, especially the little girl Claudia, seems to be deliberately revenge Wuchen, whoever fancy I will buy a few more things, and even buy a lot for Julis and others.

"Fortunately, I can hide my clone..."

Wuchen turned his head and glanced at it. There were as many as a dozen of his shadow clones, all holding various packages.

"Divine power!"

In the blink of an eye, Wuchen used Tongjutsu to devour these packages. This ninjutsu has been used by him as a space bag for storing items.

About a few hours later, Claudia and the others came out of the mall, and there were as many things piled up in the dust-free "Shenwei" space as a hill.

"It's getting late, we should go back..."

Wuchen's voice stopped abruptly, and followed the line of sight of the few women, who stared intently at the large screen in front of them.

The beautiful girl with the peerless appearance danced like an elf, and a melodious and melodious singing came from the corner of her mouth. Every movement seemed to be given life, as if it had come to life.

Pedestrians passing by all stopped and stared at the huge billboard, most of them showing obsession.

Even Claudia and the others showed admiration.

"I'm stupid, I really can't see it, you guys are still groupies!" Wuchen scolded secretly, and he also recognized the girl dancing on the screen with a good background.

This girl is called Silvia Runeheim, and she is also the student council president of Kwai Enwei Children's Academy. She is also the current No. [-] ranking in the academy. The owner's amazing appearance and powerful aura are also the number one in the world. The "singer" is extremely popular.

But what Wuchen didn't expect was that even Julis and Claudia are her fans. Are they so popular?

"By the way, let's go to Sylvia's concert." Claudia's eyes lit up.

"I admire that singer too."

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