"Look, I won!"

Both Ainista and Camilla laughed, especially the former winked at Wuchen, full of provocation, and joked: "How about it, what it's like to beat your students with your own simulacrum."

"What's the point, where can success come without failure? The more failures one has, the closer a person is to success."

Wuchen replied softly, he didn't care much about the so-called victory or defeat, and looked at Kato Teng Kirin and Sasha Gong Saya. Although the two lost, they didn't have too many regrets. They had done their best.

"Go back and adjust your simulacrum. In the next game, I will crush him with my own hands."


In the lounge at the moment, Sasha Palace Saya and Kato Tou Kirin bowed their heads and remained silent.


The door was gently opened, and Wuchen walked in with a smile on his face, looked at the two and praised: "The game is very exciting."

Hearing this, Kato Teng Qilin's eyes reddened, and then she said in a loss: "But we still lost, that simulacrum called Ardi is too strong, like the teacher, it can breathe fire!"

Wuchen's forehead turned black, and he slandered in his heart: "Breaking fire? Could it be that I imitated the [Huo Huo Que] that I used that day? Mother, this kind of thing can be done, no wonder those two women are proud of it. Come and show off in front of me."

"Actually, it's normal for you to lose, because that Aldi is completely a replica of me. Alecan College collected a lot of information from me, and after detailed calculation and analysis of all kinds of data, it created the simulacrum."

Although Wuchen didn't want to admit it, it was undeniable that Ainesta was really a genius.

"No wonder..."

Shasha Gong Shaye suddenly realized, and then said: "I still wonder why a robot is always looking at women's breasts. It turns out that it is based on you, and it has become a robot that can't change the problem of lust."

"You're just farting." Wuchen blushed and became angry, spitting all the stars on this little girl's body, "When did I stare at women's breasts? And do you have breasts?"

Wuchen glanced at Shasha Palace Shaye's career line, it was a flat airport after all.

"But seeing them like this won't leave a shadow in my heart."

Yu Guang glanced at Shasha Palace Shaye, this little girl was in high spirits, but Kato Teng Qirin lowered her head in disappointment.

"Is it because of your father?"

Wuchen rubbed the girl's head, then sighed faintly, "It's really helpless to have students like you, why don't you do this, I don't have any wishes to fulfill anyway, when Julis and I get the [Phoenix Star] The champion of Wuji], just make a wish that they will let your father go."

It is not that he has nothing to do, that he will give his wish to others, but that no one can realize his wish.

"Really, really?!"

Kato Teng Qilin was instantly revived with blood, and the color of surprise bloomed in her beautiful eyes. She wept with joy, and she couldn't help but threw herself into Wuchen's arms and hugged his neck tightly.

"A simple girl like Qilin is too easy to be deceived."

Seeing this, Shasha Palace Shaye became worried, and Wuchen couldn't help giving her a big white eye. Are you qualified to speak to others? !



Chapter 50 Brain damage is contagious [fourth more]

Shasha Gong Shaye doesn't care much about winning or losing, because the purpose of her participation in this Xingwu Festival is to promote her father's weapons, and the purpose has been achieved.

As for Kato Toto Kirin just to rescue her father, this Wuchen can help her make a wish.

"Speaking of which, does that Aldi have any other abilities of the teacher?" Kato Fujiki asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

"Ghost knows."

Wuchen shrugged indifferently, and said calmly: "No matter what, it's a fake after all. It's okay to clean up other people. If you meet me...the person who beats him doesn't know his own mother."

"So much the better."

Hearing Wuchen's confident voice, the two women breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you all together? It's time for everyone to go out and get together. A friend of mine just arrived."

The voice of Julis came from outside the door, and the footsteps were a little messy, obviously not alone.

The three of them looked over, and in addition to Julis and Claudia, there was a child in a maid uniform.

"Hello everyone, my name is Flora!"

The little girl hid nervously behind Julis, and summoned the courage to greet the three of them with a small voice.

"Sorry, this is a trainee maid from our kingdom, I'm a little afraid of life." Julis smiled and rubbed the girl's head, her eyes full of doting.

It is not difficult to see that Julis loves this little girl very much.


Wuchen scrutinized the girl carefully. In the original book, she was also kidnapped by the men of the "Spicy King" and used to threaten Julis and others.

But now it's not what it used to be, that kid has been wiped out by Wuchen, so there's nothing to worry about.

"Okay, it just so happens that I'm also a little bored, let's go out for a walk."

Wuchen's chin lightly tapped, and it was considered an agreement. In the past few days of competition, everyone was tired enough, and it was time to find an opportunity to relax.


About an hour later, in a quiet cafe on Happy Street, Wuchen and others sat in a luxurious box, and the entire cafe was contracted. This was also what Claudia asked. After all, Wuchen is now He is also a famous person, and there was a lot of trouble at the "Phoenix Star Martial Festival". If he is exposed casually, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

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