Wuchen walked to Shasha Palace's seat next to Shaye, and slammed the table, the little girl woke up in a daze.

"Did you steal chickens or pet dogs last night?" Wuchen asked angrily, looking around, Shasha Gongshaye couldn't open his eyes.

"Where has Julis gone?" Wuchen went straight to the topic.

"do not know."

Shasha Gong Shaye shook his head with great cooperation, and then when he was about to lie down to sleep, he suddenly thought of something, "When she came, there was a letter on the woman's seat, she looked at it and left."

"Is it?"

Wuchen nodded thoughtfully, and then said loudly: "You are studying for yourself in this class, I need to leave for something."

"How can this be!"

When Wuchen's words fell, all the students complained, even Shasha Gong Shaye looked at Wuchen with dissatisfaction, and loudly accused: "As a teacher, in order to chase girls, you are Skip classes, who gave you the power to do this?!"

"Where did you get the courage to talk to me like this?" Wuchen looked at this little loli dejectedly. Don't look at this little guy who looks weak on the surface. In fact, under this petite body, there is a hot and fiery figure hidden. character.

"I want to sue you." Shasha Gong Shaye pointed at Wuchen and threatened: "If you are interested, quickly teach me a lesson, and I want to hear your knowledge about firearms."

Although Wuchen has never used gun series weapons, he has lived for thousands of years and has witnessed countless powerhouses. There are also many characters who use guns. He has accumulated too much experience, so Wuchen often brings powerhouses from other worlds. In comparison, these students listened with relish, so much so that he was very popular.

Wuchen is too lazy to pay attention to Shasha Palace Shaye. If you guessed correctly, Julis has been tricked out. It is estimated that one person will go to the man behind the scene who ambushed her.

The other party was fully prepared, taking advantage of the right time and place, and Julis rushed over, fearing that it would be a near-death life, and it was no different from throwing himself into the net.

Chapter 12 Kato Teng Qirin [Third]

Just as Wuchen walked out of the teacher, a petite figure bumped into him.


The girl's soft body collided with Wuchen, but he had nothing to do, but the girl was quite unlucky, sitting on the ground with her hands on her head, it probably hurt a lot.

"Hug, sorry!"

The immature girl quickly stood up and bowed to Wuchen again and again to apologize, her voice soft, small and weak.

"Qi Rin, you are so rude!"

The majestic and old-fashioned reprimand suddenly came, and Wuchen looked up subconsciously, and a middle-aged uncle in a suit with a rather stern expression came into view.

"It seems to have an impression."

Wuchen looked at this man, searching for his memory in his mind, and then suddenly thought of this serious man calling Qilin, could it be...

Wuchen looked at the girl who fell down again. At this moment, she shrank her head and looked at herself, her eyes still spinning in her beautiful eyes.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry..." Seeing that Wuchen's eyes fell on her again, the girl began to bow again and apologize.

"This little girl is really cowardly."

Wuchen smiled in his heart, the curvature of the corner of his mouth flashed away, and said, "You are also the first person in the Star Guidance Center, so show some confidence."

That's right, this girl is Kato Kirin, and the serious middle-aged man is her uncle Kato Koichiro.

"Come in, Qi Rin, you must listen carefully in the future, don't let me down, understand?" Pointing to the classroom entrance next to Wuchen, Koichiro Todo said solemnly.

"Wait a minute, you don't seem to be a student here, do you?" Wuchen interjected, it was the first time he saw Katoto Kirin.

"You are a tutor, and you are responsible for teaching students. What more are you asking?" Koichiro Katoto reprimanded Wuchen.

"Oh... the tone is not small." Wuchen narrowed his eyes, and after understanding the identity of the old guy, he was extremely disgusted with him.

It is normal for a person to have ambitions, lofty ideals and aspirations, and he can do whatever he can to achieve his dreams, because Wuchen is that kind of person... However, there must be a bottom line in everything, such as scumbags like Koichiro Kato, Even his own niece can use it, there is no bottom line.

"Get out now."

He glanced indifferently at Koichiro Kato, then turned his head in annoyance, and looked at Kirin Kato with a little curiosity.

He knew that the girl in front of him worked harder than anyone else and was very enterprising, and at a young age was the first among the "Top Twelve People".

"What did you say?!"

Koichiro Koudou burst out on the spot, he looked at Wuchen angrily, how dare this bastard let himself go?Does he know who he is talking to?

"Didn't you hear me? Mr. Kato Fuji."

The quirky Claudia appeared like a ghost again, and her words were obviously more useful than Wuchen.

After glaring at Wuchen viciously, Koichiro Katoto fled in embarrassment, obviously very concerned about Claudia's identity.

"I, can I go in?" Kato Teng Qirin squeezed her pink fist and looked at Wuchen nervously.

"Go in." Wuchen nodded with a smile, having a good impression of this little girl.

Kato Fuji Kirin hurriedly walked into the classroom, found a place that was not very conspicuous and sat down, lying quietly on the table, looking very restrained.

"Should you explain, Claudia." Wuchen glanced at Claudia, this little girl must know something.

"It's just a grade jumper, isn't it very common?" Claudia was bland.

"It's common to skip grades, but why are you jumping to me? It's worrying about this group of problem students, and now there's another one." Wuchen opened his mouth and complained.

"There's no way, you are very famous now, that Koichiro Kato Fuji felt that your teaching theory was easier to be accepted, so he used some means to transfer Kato Kirin in, should I help you drive it away? You said, in fact, even I want to listen to your lectures." After speaking, Claudia looked at Wuchen with anticipation and suggested, "Why don't you come and be my private tutor."

"I'm not interested." Wuchen refused very coldly. As for the content of his lectures, of course, it was different from other tutors. After all, he had lived for thousands of years, and he had accumulated too much experience, far from being comparable to those tutors.

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