Wuchen's light and fluttering voice resounded in his ears, and it was obvious that he was the one who did it.

"Thank you."

Julis is not that kind of ignorant person. She is grateful to Wuchen, and she is quite helpless in her heart. This seems to be the second time Wuchen has helped herself.

"Needless to say thank you, at least you are still my student now. Protecting a student's safety is the basic responsibility of a tutor."

"This guy……"

Julis stared blankly at Wuchen's back, her heartstrings were suddenly touched, and she whispered to herself, "This guy actually has a cute side."

"Don't worry, wait for me."

Not long after Wuchen left, Claudia chased after him with a smile on her face, "I tell you, if you confessed to Julis just now, the child might agree to you, maybe you can get it that night. Coax her to bed."

Hearing this, Wuchen stopped and stared at the blonde beauty with idiotic eyes, "Are you really the student council president? With all due respect, I feel more like a pimp!"

"By the way, why did you kill those people just now? Wouldn't it be better to catch them alive?" Claudia finally became serious and said regretfully: "Maybe the mastermind behind the scenes can be found out, it's not just Julis, our star The others at the Guidance Academy were also attacked, and the methods were the same."

"Destroy them because you can't find anything at all." Wuchen responded lightly and moved on.

"How do you know?" Claudia looked at Wuchen suspiciously.

"Because the group of people in black who attacked Julis are all puppets." Wuchen said truthfully, when he saw the domineering dispersal, he noticed that there was no sound from the group of people, not even the heartbeat. , other than that kind of mechanical doll, what else could it be?

"How did you know it was a doll?" Claudia was even more surprised.

"This is my private secret, no comment."

Chapter 11 The Wonderful Shasha Palace Shaye [Second More]

"But I can guide you in the direction of the investigation." Wuchen looked at Claudia with a smile, and then teased: "However, the information can't be given to you in vain. What's the benefit of telling you?"

"With our relationship, do you still want to benefit?" Claudia looked resentful, as if she was looking at someone with a bad heart.

"Stop, stop...don't look at me with that weird look." Wuchen got goosebumps, and those who didn't know thought they had done something to this little girl.


Claudia's white jade-like index finger rested on her chin, revealing a contemplative color, and she could not help but sneak a glance at Wuchen from the corner of her eyes, and the teasing in her eyes flashed away.

"I thought of a baby that you are very interested in, and I'll tell you with my ears." Claudia smiled mysteriously.

"Baby I'm interested in?"

Wuchen looked at Claudia suspiciously, in this world, is there anything else that can make you tempted?

Out of curiosity, his ears stretched out.

But who would have expected that as soon as he got close to Claudia, Wuchen felt that his cheeks were a little wet, surrounded by soft lips, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Tsk tsk, it tastes good..." Claudia licked Xiaoxiang's tongue, looking like she was still not satisfied.


Wuchen looked at Claudia in a daze, not knowing what the woman was playing suddenly.

He could clearly feel that this woman couldn't wait to get closer to him after showing the medical ninjutsu, but this abrupt move was too exaggerated, right?

"Can you tell me now?" Claudia looked at Wuchen expectantly.

"If I don't tell you, maybe you will call me rape..." Wuchen couldn't help sighing, and he was helpless about this quirky Claudia.

"Alcant Institute." Wuchen said calmly, but Claudia's beautiful eyes flashed.

"I wish you success." After leaving a sentence, Wuchen left.

Looking at the dust-free, Claudia didn't ask much, she believed that the dust-free would not lie to herself, there was no reason, and there was no need.


At the same time, the name Wuchen also became famous and spread extremely fast, and even students from other colleges knew about this name.

The most surprising thing is not his powerful combat power, but his unique medical ninjutsu, which can heal teammates and restore the opponent's physical strength and even star power, which has attracted the attention of many people.

In the Xingwu Festival competition, if there are more people like Wuchen who can fight and restore the combat effectiveness of his teammates, the advantages are self-evident.

Even after Wuchen went back that night, many people invited him to form a team to participate in the Xingwu Festival, but they were all rejected. That kind of thankless thing, Wuchen would never participate.


After a night of silence, it was the next morning in the blink of an eye. Wuchen came to class early, and the whole class arrived, but only two people were missing.

Julis and Ayato Amagiri.

Tianwu Lingdou was seriously injured and was still recovering in the hospital, but where did the little girl Julis go?

It doesn't seem like her style to skip class. Although this woman has a savage temperament, she takes certain things very seriously.

Especially when Wuchen is in class, Julis will never skip class, because there is what she wants to hear most, and Julis is more obsessed with becoming stronger than anyone else.

"Shasha Palace Shaye..."

Wuchen looked at the sleeping blue-haired loli, this little girl was daring, she didn't take him seriously at all, she was snoring slightly, and there was even saliva overflowing from the corner of her mouth!

Let me ask, are there such arrogant students? !


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