Naruto: Nine Suns and Thunder God

Chapter 378 - Those who commit the mist will be punishable even though they are far away

Chapter 378 – Those who commit the mist will be punishable even though they are far away!

If Ye wants to leave, there is no one in the entire ninja world that can stop him, not even ninjas, let alone these ordinary people.

The execution officer lay in a pool of blood with a look of horror and unwillingness.

“Let’s go!”

Turning around and making a low voice, Yetou led the way and said.

“Oh, by the way, help me tell your current masters that this matter will not be left as it is. Anyone who framed Wuyin Village will be punished accordingly!”Ye suddenly turned around, and the frightened soldiers couldn’t help but retreat to both sides.

“This is the strong man, his words and deeds are so majestic that people can’t resist at all!” Following Ye, these people exclaimed in their hearts.

What is called the strong, this is the night!

One person can block thousands of troops!

Hidden mist village!

“Welcome you back to the village again, and you will contribute your strength to the prosperity and strength of the village in the future!” After arriving in Wuyin Village, there was a welcome ceremony. Ye and these people shook hands one by one, and then smiled. Said to them.(Read more @”Yes, Lord Ye!”

The eye sockets of several people were involuntarily moistened, and something called a sense of belonging spread rapidly in their hearts.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I won’t accompany you much, goodbye!” After speaking, Ye turned into a phantom and disappeared in front of them.

Of course, things in the country of mirrors won’t end like this. They are bullied to the head of Wuyin Village. It’s so bad that Wuyin Village can’t be bullied.

. If there is no point in the night this time, there will definitely be another one. Although no lives were killed this time, what about next time? Ye didn’t want to take the lives of the people in Wuyin Village to joke.And this kind of thing is best left to Kant under the name of the water country. It can get resources and the reputation of maintaining the unity of Wuyin. Why not do it.

Sure enough, after telling him that night, Kant Murakami agreed without hesitation.

But the name of the country of Mirror really regretted it, lost his wife and broke down. I thought that Wuyin Village would not care about the feelings of the few soldiers, but in the end, it actually inspired the big boss of the Wuyin Village, Fei Village Night, to come personally and to intervene.

He knows exactly what it means to go to Himuraya to intervene in person. Who is the night? The strongest in the ninja world! Single-handedly against forces like Iwanin Village, there is no fear, if this is told by him again to the country of water, then his name, the country of mirrors, will really be over.

He stabbed this huge basket, and the civilians will surely drive him down under pressure.

In less than a day, the messenger of the Water Kingdom really arrived at the Palace of the King of Mirrors, accompanied by two misty ninjas.When I saw the messenger of the Water Country, the name of the Mirror Country knew that everything was over.

The next day, the ouster of the former daimyo of Mirror Country spread throughout the Ninja World.

On the third day, at the same time, Wuyin Village, Fei Village, saved people at night, and Water Kingdom safeguarded Wuyin Village’s interests. Two things were also spread to the entire Ninja World.

As soon as these things came out, they immediately caused a huge response in the Ninja World.

Because Wuyin Village is really awesome, what a sense of honor this is. Being born in Wuyin Village will definitely feel particularly safe.

Suddenly, many wealthy people came to live in Wuyin Village and signed many escort treaties with Wuyin Village, which indirectly promoted the economic development of the Water Country.

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