Naruto: Nine Suns and Thunder God

Chapter 377 - Reject Ye, make sure the brain is not sick

Chapter 377 – Reject Ye, make sure the brain is not sick!

“Someone, come out for me, don’t hide your head and show your tail!” The general shouted sharply, without being affected by the voice just now.

“Hehe, I’ve been there all the time, if I say something, it will be a little bit different!” The voice sounded again.

Then, there was a sudden sound of astonishment from the crowd, and there was a handsome young man standing on the roof just above the execution officer. His black robe was fluttering in the wind, and his figure seemed to stand up to the sky, making people only Can look up and be frightened.

“Archer, get ready!”

After discovering the night, the general swung a long sword and issued an attack order. He saw that more than twenty hard-armored warriors formed a team of human walls, and more than twenty sturdy bed crossbows were pushed out, all aimed at the night.”Hehe, you know it’s useless to me, so why waste it?” But being so targeted, Ye couldn’t see the slightest panic on Ye’s face, and he still looked calm and calm.

“You suddenly broke into the grounds of the execution ground. Tell me honestly what you want to do. Otherwise, don’t blame my subordinates for being merciless and beating you into a sieve!” The general squinted his eyes and didn’t believe that Ye could hide without injury. Through these crossbow attacks.

He is confident that even the shadow of a village can hardly fight this crossbow.

“Isn’t my purpose obvious? Save people!”

“Although they are just forbearance, they are also an indispensable part of my Wuyin Village. I hope you can give me face and let me take them all back to Wuyin. This is good for you and me, really!” Ye sat cross-legged and looked down at the general with a smile.(Read more @”Huh, bullshit, they are all executed prisoners. How could they be taken away as if they were taken away? Although you are in the Wuyin Village of the Five Ninja Villages, this is a family affair in the Kingdom of Mirror, and it is not your turn to take care! “The general snorted coldly and refused Ye’s request.

“So, that is to say, there is no more talk!” After listening, the smile on Ye’s face slowly receded, and his eyes calmly said.

“Exactly!” Upon seeing this, the general suddenly made an attack gesture to his hand, and then retreated abruptly and sank into the army.


In an instant, the crossbow arrows with thick arms flew towards the night at great speed, tearing the air and making a violent noise. The speed was so fast that normal people could not react.”Well, since you are going to use force, then I can only offend it!” Looking at the crossbow arrow that has rushed in front of him, Ye slowly opened his hand.

“call out!”

In just an instant, Ye disappeared in place, turned into a ray of light and appeared behind the general, Yeyue was sheathed.


A blood stain suddenly appeared on the general’s neck, and then blood spattered, splashing the blood on the faces of the soldiers behind him.”Why bother, wouldn’t it be okay to give me a face?” Without even looking at the general, Ye walked directly in front of the six people, smashed the chains on their bodies, and unlocked the seals on them.

“I think I shouldn’t be late, let’s go, let’s go home!” Ye, like a parent, smiled at these people who were at least ten years older than him. The smile was so warm.

“Stop, don’t even think about leaving!”

However, at this moment, the execution officer stood in front of Ye and shouted violently.


However, only a sharp light greeted him.

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