Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 262 The Power Of Heijue (2/2)

Chapter 262 The Power of Heijue (22)

To escape from the earth, to open the earth to dig.

In an instant, the ground was arched by Onogi's ninjutsu, and the erupting air flow directly threw Bai Jue out.

The next moment, the floating Onoki appeared behind Bai Jue.

Earth escape, aggravating the art of rock.


Like mud, Bai Jue was pressed to the ground.

Just as he was about to leave Tudun, the imprints of the blue hands beside him had already been completed: Water Dun, Water Dragon Ball.

Compared with Terumi Mei's water dragon bullet, it is obviously not powerful enough, but it is enough to roll up and trap Bai Ze after it falls.


The water scattered on the ground, and the wooden man pinched Bai Jue's neck with one hand and twisted it up.

"People from the Xiao organization?"

Bai Jue laughed without any fear: "That beauty, can you tell me that you can poop?"

You Muren's face darkened, but he didn't kill it directly, but asked, "Master Tuying, I'm not good at torture."

Onoki looked at Bai Jue and said, "It's very similar to the guy from last time, but he's all white. It seems that Konoha didn't lie to us."

After the words fell, both of them looked at Qing beside him for a moment.

Ma Ji, who had been making soy sauce all the time, also discovered something wrong with Qing at this moment.

Trembling all over, one eye full of fear.

"I think... we don't need to torture... torture this guy anymore."

Bai Jue, who was pinched by the wooden figure, looked at the four of them: "Have you been discovered? If you find out at this time, I'm afraid I will be beaten to poop? But I don't seem to have one. It's really distressing... ..."


After twisting Bai Jue's neck and being thrown down by the wooden man, a beam of blue flames directly burned him to ashes.

Then the wooden man looked at Qing: "What did you find with your white eyes?"

This question is what Onoki and Markey both want to ask.

What did you find?

Kirigakure's Ao is a ninja who has experienced the ninja world war. What kind of situation can make him so frightened.

"Innumerable! There are countless monsters like that just now in this underground place!"

Qing swallowed her saliva while talking, and turned to look at the three of Onogi: "Uchiha Yun's information is true, we have been ignoring the underground. The appearance of that guy just now reminded me of another place we haven't detected... ..."

"Then... I used my white eyes to look at the ground where the monster appeared just now. There are countless... at least tens of thousands of things like that just now."

After the words fell, Onoki frowned tightly.

Tens of thousands?

With such a number, it is no wonder that Qing, who has experienced war, feels fear.

Although such a guy can be easily destroyed by himself, his strength has reached the level of ordinary Chunin.

When the power does not exceed the limit of human beings, sometimes when the number reaches a certain level, they will be as powerful as a shadow, and they will also be piled up to death.

Back then, the third generation of Raikage, who was called the strongest spear, stopped Yanyin's pursuit with his own strength, and died of exhaustion after three days and three nights.

It has its own plan in it.

"Master Tukage, what should we do?"

Qing's words were filled with anxiety: "They haven't made any movement yet, but I can feel that they will wake up at any moment. As long as we make a move, these nearly 100,000 monsters will rush out!"

The wooden figurine on the side said: "Although Master Tsuchikage is there, the number of enemies in this situation is too large. We...will die of exhaustion!"

Ma Ji, who was paddling the water, also objected: "Since we have found out the opponent's lair, the guy who found us just now was also killed, so let's guard it alone, and let the rest go back and let the big troops come!"

Onoki squinted slightly and looked at the three new generations of Ninja Village. Even Ao and Maki, who had experienced the war, didn't they have the courage to go all out?


After sighing, Onogi said: "Send the signal, let the people from Konoha rush over, we need to listen to their opinions on how to make a decision."

This made the three of them nod their heads in unanimous agreement.

As the most powerful Konoha, against Akatsuki in the entire ninja world, Konoha must be needed to take the lead.


At the same time, in the dark cave.

At this moment, Obito is suppressing his irritability, and that special trading space has never appeared.

The spell seal on his chest. There is also no other way to remove it.

Whenever I want to erase it with my own hands, the controlling force in it is blocking me. As Uzumaki once said, there is no way to even commit suicide.

It's been more than half a year, why hasn't it appeared yet?

Has the power of his own eye already been useless to him?

That guy is growing up so fast.

With the help of the so-called trading space, how much ability does the other party have now?

Thinking about it, Obito pressed a hand on his heart, and remembered what Uzumaki Sora said during that transaction.

"Now, I'm afraid you can't even control your own life and death?"

"Is there anyone else you can trust now?"

Life and death are involuntary, and there is no one to trust.

A familiar voice sounded in my mind.

Trust someone?

Obito looked at his own hands, the right hand after transplanting the intercolumnar cells.

From that time on, this world has been abandoned by him, and at the same time he was abandoned.

"I'll always be watching you!"

Lin's voice appeared in his mind.

"A guy like you, I didn't expect a gift from you."

Kakashi's figure flashed past.


The wooden table top was slapped.

"Bastard Kakashi!"

After cursing angrily, Obito looked behind him: "What's the matter?"

At this moment, Black and White Jue slowly rises from the ground.

Hei Jue said in a low voice: "The underground where Bai Jue's avatar is stored in the northern part of the Iron Country...was discovered."

? ? ?

Standing up abruptly and turning around, looking straight at Black and White: "Who discovered it? The task of collecting tailed beasts hasn't started yet, no matter who they are, they must kill him."

Bai Jue scratched his head with a playful smile, and replied embarrassedly: "It's Tukage Ohnoki, and Yunyin's Yumuren and Wuyin's Qing, and the other one is quite weak, Shayin's Maji?"

"Maybe it's because I don't want to tell me how it feels to poop... I just wanted to ask them, and the avatar was killed directly. The guys in the Four Great Ninja Village are really unfriendly... I just want to know if the beauty needs to poop. ..."

The speechless words made Obito stunned for a moment, but then he reacted.

Angrily said: "Bastard!! Did you come out of the ground, you idiot? Don't you know that those guys have all experienced wars?"

"Kirikakure's Qing captured a Konoha's white eyes during the three ninja world wars. With the see-through ability of the white eyes, it is absolutely impossible for the hundred thousand white eyes hidden in the ground to escape the detection of the white eyes!"

Spreading his hands innocently, Bai Jue replied weakly: "That's not me, that's my avatar, it has nothing to do with me..."

These words caused Obito to glare at him: "You think I'm an idiot?! Bastard!"

At this time, Hei Jue said in a low voice: "It's not just the people from the Four Great Ninja Villages, but from another direction, Bai Jue's avatar also found Uchiha Yun and his disciple Hyuga Tokuma."

"In addition... there is Konoha's copy ninja Kakashi. The five ninja villages gathered two white-eyed ninjas, and it is obvious that the other party came prepared."

"They may not have thought of investigating the underground at the beginning, but even if there are no accidents, they will definitely think about it in the end."

After the words fell, Obito let out a breath.

He knew very well what Hei Jue said was the truth.

Ignoring the small character of Sand Hidden, the high-end combat power of the five major ninja villages is combined, plus two supercilious ninjas are equipped...

Information has been leaked!

The next moment, Obito's eyes looked at Heiheijue.

Only the two guys in front of him could know where Shiwan Baijue was hiding.

Kurogetsu is the incarnation of Uchiha Madara's will, and it is impossible for Madara to do such a thing for Infinite Tsukiyomi's purpose.

And Bai Jue...

It was an accidental product obtained through the combination of golems from the outside world and inter-pillar cells. This kind of existence doesn't even understand its own meaning.


A figure flashed across Obito's mind in an instant.

Is the vortex empty?

The bastard!

Nine years ago, his identity was sold to the Fourth Hokage by him.

This time I came to the door by myself, but the trade partner did not choose me, but still Konoha!

What's even more hateful is that this time he even traded out the hiding place of Baijue Baijue...

What on earth is he trying to do? !

"Obito, one hundred thousand Baijue clones are related to the final decisive battle, we need to deal with it."

Heijue's voice sounded: "After the Tailed Beast Capture Plan is implemented, the Five Great Ninja Villages will inevitably start to take precautions. At that time, it is the time for the one hundred thousand Baijue clones to appear."


Obito chuckled lightly: "Do you think the Tailed Beast Capture Project can start smoothly? Is the Akatsuki organization listening to us now, or Uzumaki Sora? Don't you have any idea?"

"Also! Konoha's Fourth Hokage knew my identity nine years ago, why did they bring Kakashi with them this time?"

"What ability does that idiot have to be taken? He is nothing but my eye!"

For a while, the dark cave fell silent.

Heijue knew very well what Obito said was the truth.

With Kakashi and that Uchiha cloud, with such power, he and Obito have no chance of winning.

The Akatsuki organization was taken over by Uzumaki Sora. After the incident, the Five Ninja Villages will inevitably be led by Konoha before Akatsuki is wiped out.

This situation is getting farther and farther away from my goal...

"Has the transfer already started?"

Obito's question stunned Bai Jue, then scratched his head and asked, "Transfer what?"

With such an answer, even Hei Jue became even more gloomy.

"Scatter and transfer one hundred thousand Baijue from the ground, didn't you do this when you were discovered?"

A black voice sounded.

Bai Jue said unhappily: "Is it necessary? If they dare to do something, I can kill them all!!"

After the words fell, Hei Jue faded silently, like a puddle of liquid flowing on the ground.

And Obito jumped up and still punched Bai Jue in the face: "Are you an idiot? Who do you think that is? The third Raikage idiot? That's Uchiha Yun!"

"In the battle of the Sea of ​​Ending, the death door that casts the Eight Gate Dunjia can be instantly restored, how many shots of Tailed Beast Jade can your Hundred Thousand White Absolute block?!"

"Piles can be piled to death? Your avatar is a pile of dead bodies facing Uchiha Yun!"

In desperation, Obitu scolded Bai Jue in front of him angrily.

But being knocked to the ground by a punch, Bai Jue was not angry: "Okay, the transfer has already begun."

At this time, Hei Jue climbed onto Bai Jue's body again: "In any case, we still need to go."

Obito was silent for a while, looked directly at Heijue and said, "What's the use of going? Just relying on our strength, it doesn't have any effect."

"Or, can you persuade Nagato to resurrect your body with the natural technique of reincarnation? In that case, there may be some chances of winning."

He refuted Obito who was blocking the enemy, but in fact he was also hesitant at this moment.

It's not like there's no chance...

Since Yu Konoha was captured by gouging eyes more than nine years ago, the arrogance from the time-space pupil technique has been restrained.

Obito at this moment not only has the ability to blur, but also has the kaleidoscope ability obtained from Uchiha Fugaku.

in addition……

Sangouyu's Sharingan has become a regular item over the years. Even with Kakashi's presence, the task of blocking the enemy is not impossible.

But Obito didn't want to show these powers in front of Hei Ze.

As a manifestation of Uchiha Madara's will, this guy must also be his enemy in the future.

After a while, Hei Jue sighed.

For thousands of years, the feeling that everything is in your hands is now disappearing little by little.

There has never been an era that was as close to success as it is today, but so out of control.

One Uchiha Yun, the other Uzumaki Sora, these two people outside the plan have made themselves more and more passive.

So... Uchiha Madara is a good fool...

"The function of Shiwanbaijue can only be manifested after being dispersed. When gathered together, it will only be beaten into residue."

Hei Jue looked directly at Obito while talking: "At the same time, we will all need Bai Jue's intelligence capabilities for a series of plans in the future. Based on this, we must delay them!"

"I just got another power not long ago, and I haven't had time to tell you. Although it's not as good as the main body, it's enough just to block the enemy."

After the words fell, Obito frowned slightly.

Another force?

It seems that it's not just me hiding...

As Uchiha Madara who was killed from the Warring States period, he joined forces with Senju Bashirama to end the existence of the Warring States period, even if it is a will, it has its own backhand.

As for not having time to tell yourself?


I'm afraid when you tell yourself, it's already time for your own death, right?

If it weren't for this sudden incident, the other party would definitely not throw out this power.

In addition... Such rhetoric is also a temptation to myself. If I don't go, I will conceal some information about his backhand.

So... are you going?

Obito was silent for a while, and then said: "Let's go, I hope there is still time."

As the voice fell, vortex ripples emerged in the void, and Obito disappeared within it.

And Black and White, also slowly sinking into the ground at this moment.


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