Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 261 Exposure (1/2)

Chapter 261 Exposure (12)

Yuanshi, who is now eighty-three years old, is already the oldest among the elderly in this ninja world.

Surviving from the Warring States period to the present, in a long life, even a pig has become refined at this moment.

The so-called old but not dead is a thief, and when his attitude was humbled again and again, Yun had already sensed something was wrong.

This time, using the emergency as an excuse, the purpose of Lu Jiu letting himself walk through the Four Great Ninja Villages within a few hours is actually very clear.

Show strength, show speed, remind all parties, and uproot the dread that has been almost forgotten.

And the cloud apparently does the same.

Yunyin Village used the urgency of the situation as an excuse, and Wuyin Village added the eyes of the Hyuga clan...

But now... the obsequiousness of the old man in front of him made Yun slightly frown.

Highlight Konoha's tyranny, show weakness to the enemy?

Under the background of this situation, the four major ninja villages other than Konoha can really only unite, whether it is against the Shangxiao organization or against Konoha.

Showing weakness to the enemy will not be targeted in a short time, but showing strength to the enemy will attract joint fear and targeting from all parties.

So... at such an age but still performing Mizukage's duties on behalf of him, there must be his wisdom.

"Let's go, hurry up."

Yun stood up as he spoke, and smiled at the old man in front of him, "I understand the righteousness, and it is a blessing for this village to have you in Wuyin."

As soon as the words fell, several people disappeared in place under the Flying Thunder God's technique in an instant.

And from the beginning to the end, Qing didn't say a word.

Because he knew very well that Master Yuan's words were correct.


"Are we...are we really going to return the white eyes to Konoha?"

Terumi Mei frowned tightly, and then looked at the respected old man in front of him: "After passing through the blood mist, and then losing the white eyes, Kirigakure's power has dropped again and again."

Quan Bingwei, who was standing behind Yuanshi, also nodded: "The Xiao organization's lair was discovered, under the pressure of the whirlpool, even if we don't return it, Konoha should not dare to do it."


The cane taps the ground.

Yuanshi's stooped figure slowly raised his head: "Not paying back? So is it to give Konoha the first excuse to attack Kirigakure?"

Quanhei said doubtfully: "Uchiha Yun's power is indeed powerful, but it's not like there is no one who can counter him. The Uzumaki Sora of the Akatsuki organization is also standing on the opposite side of Konoha."

At this moment, Bi, another guard behind Yuanshi, said: "The purpose of Akatsuki's organization... If the last information is correct, then Akatsuki, who is against the entire ninja world, will definitely fail."

Terumi Mei nodded at the moment: "When the Akatsuki organization fails completely, no one in the entire ninja world can compete with Uchiha Yun..."

While talking, Terumi Mei looked at Genshi and bowed slightly: "It seems that I am still too young to think carefully. In this case, Kirigakure should really show weakness to the enemy."

Master Yuan didn't reply, he got up and looked at the office of Shuiying.

The scene when he and the first generation of Mizukage established this hidden fog village are still vivid in his mind.

But in a blink of an eye, only myself was left in that generation...

"From today onwards, you are the Fifth Mizukage."

After the voice fell, Terumi Mei was stunned.

After a while, he replied: "Master Yuan, the village still needs you. Like this time..."

Master Yuan shook his head slightly: "Since the establishment of Wuyin Village, this old man has watched this village step by step to where it is today."

"From the first Ninja World War until the third Ninja World War, Konoha always had one enemy, and would be the final winner every time."

"I thought that Konoha would be weak for a period of time after the succession of the third Hokage. But geniuses are emerging one after another, and the Uchiha clan will now be designated as the next Hokage."

"There's not much I can do for this village. I've sold my qualifications for relying on the old and selling the old. After this time, my name is worthless."

Walking while talking, when the words fell, Yuan Shi, who was hunched over, had already walked to the door.

Under the escort of Bi and Quan Bingwei, Master Yuan left slowly.

Terumi Mei sat silently alone on the sofa where the discussion had taken place before.

Is it the lair of the Akatsuki organization?

Loquat Shizang, this guy, has ignored the information needs here for a long time.


Land of Earth, outside Yanyin Village.

"It's the same this time?"

Yumu frowned: "If you still force your way..."

Before finishing speaking, Yun waved his hand: "It's not necessary. Wuyin and Leiyin don't have water shadow yet, and the other can't decide with one word."

"Yan Yin is different. With Onogi's identity and status, he can decide everything about Yan Yin. And there are some things that he will never forget in his life."

"And he can fly, don't have to wait too long."

As soon as the words fell, Yun's three hook jade wheel instantly opened the eternal kaleidoscope.

The next moment, the blue chakra condensed into a giant, and the complete Susanoo appeared directly outside Yanyin Village.


In the dead of night in Yanyin Village, the elderly Onoki had already fallen asleep early.

However, after getting old, I lack sleep, and until now, I have just fallen asleep.

The next moment, a huge and familiar chakra appeared outside the village.

Onoki's eyes that had just been closed opened instantly, and there was no trace of sleepiness in his eyes.


who is it? !

The fear of being once dominated by Uchiha Madara is still vivid, and he will remember such a dark Chakra all his life.

The art of light and heavy rocks.

Onoki, who was floating in mid-air, didn't even have time to close his clothes, just a pajamas, and rushed out.

Outside Yanyin Village, Yun looked at the black spot in the distance and smiled: "Here we come, please explain the situation this time."

The wooden man sighed and nodded, the situation was stronger than others, and she had no ability to refuse.


An hour later, in the northern part of the Iron Country.

"Because there is no mission here, my Flying Thunder God Kunai has not been arranged to the exact location this time. We need to go through the next road by ourselves."

As Yun said, he took out the hidden Flying Thunder God Kunai, it would be useless if it was discovered here.

Onoki looked at the surrounding landscape: "This kind of place is inaccessible. Although the concealment is good, there is no sustainable soil."

Under the huge corpse, Kakashi also said: "Such a huge corpse is the ancient cemetery of the name."

Yun nodded and looked at Ma Ji who was beside him: "As the weakest existence here, remember to protect yourself for a while, after all, Hidden Sand Village still needs you to bring the information back."

This made Markey a little embarrassed, but looking at the people around him, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Although he was not killed in the joint Chunin exam, he also clearly felt that he was being gradually excluded.

For example, this joint investigation operation by the five major ninja villages is obviously an extremely dangerous task for him.

Perhaps what Kazekage-sama needs is not to bring back the information by himself, but to let himself stay here, so that he doesn't have to go back.

"Okay. It will be dawn in two hours, and then we need to investigate in groups."

Yun said and looked at a few people: "There are seven people in total, with two pairs of white eyes. Let's divide it by white eyes. I think you are here now, and you don't trust me?"

Onogi, who was floating in mid-air, shook his head slightly: "There is no such thing as trust among the five great ninja villages, and grouping them according to white eyes is just for better investigation."

Smiling, Yun said directly: "Then let it be like this. One side and one direction. If you find something, remember to call me back. If this is really Xiao's lair, you have no chance of winning."

Immediately afterwards, Yun led the search direction of the Four Great Ninja Villages to the direction of Bai Jue's existence.

On his side, he chose another direction.

Sometimes what you discover and see for yourself is even more convincing.

As for the information discovered by the opponent, the first thing that comes to mind is the authenticity of the information.

After the detachment was completed, Tokuma looked around with blank eyes along the way, walking all the way with the ability of clairvoyance but didn't find anything.

In this situation, Tokuma also began to feel a little anxious, and the scope of the white eyes was maximized, and the burden was a bit heavy for a while.

"If it doesn't work, just take a break. With your Chakra, I'm afraid you won't last long."

Hearing Yun's words, Tokuma shook his head slightly: "This information was originally given by the other party. Although the teacher's speed is already the fastest way, if the other party starts to evacuate after finishing the transaction, we need to leave the other party behind." Find out where they gather."

"Because I know very well that if you can't even find any remaining suspicious points, then the other four villages will definitely become more suspicious of Konoha."

After the voice fell, Kakashi behind him sighed.

Then he raised his forehead, and Sangouyu's Sharingan also began to look around.

Although it feels like he was being targeted, the eyes left behind by Obito, if it was him, would definitely try their best to investigate...

do you think so? Bring soil?

A figure flashed in his mind, as if he was giving him a thumbs up.

Kakashi smiled under the mask.

And Yun, who was behind the two of them, also nodded helplessly at this moment. My own team will definitely not find any clues.


the other side.

Onoki, who was floating in mid-air, looked around, saw that the team had passed for a while, and immediately landed.

"Ao from Kirigakure, right? I saw it last time during the joint Chunin exam."

Qing, who was looking around with blank eyes, looked at Onoki: "Does Master Tsuchikage have any orders?"

Ohnoki looked at the blindfold of Qingyouyan: "Over the past few decades, only Kirigakure has taken a white eye from Konoha. The eyes of the Zong family are not bound by the curse mark."

"The Hyuga clan who followed Yun before, should be his disciple during the Chunin exam, right? In this case, Kirigakure should be asked to look down?"

Qing clenched her hands tightly: "Lord Tuying, do you want to humiliate me too?"

Onogi shook his head slightly: "Don't get me wrong, in fact, appearing as a full-body Susanoo in Yanyin Village is also a kind of humiliation to Yanyin."

"Since the joint Chunin exam, the originally delicate relationship between the five major ninja villages has become more subtle after these two years."

"For the time being, it doesn't matter whether this is the lair of the Akatsuki organization or not. Konoha made Uchiha Yun raid four villages in just one night. This is a deterrent to us..."

The wooden man on the side said: "The first one started from Yunyin. It took less than half an hour, and the other party has already arrived at the Leiying Building."

As she said that, she looked at Wuyin: "The second one I went to Wuyin Village together, also less than half an hour, and Wuyin didn't have the power to stop him."

"The most terrifying thing is... because the opponent doesn't want to really start a war, basically all the ninjas they meet are knocked down by the illusion of Sharingan. Although this situation can be resolved later with different chakras, it is obvious that ordinary ninjas can't fight in a row. All enemies can't do it."

Onoki's face was a little gloomy.

Is it a warning this time?

When did Konoha himself have the power to warn the other Four Great Ninja Villages?

Uchiha cloud...

That feeling when you wake yourself up. The perfect Susano.

For myself, isn't it a kind of humiliation?

"After this time, I will ask Huangtu to visit your ninja villages. Regardless of whether the Akatsuki organization threatens us or not, we need to know that the threat of Konoha is imminent."

Onoki's voice fell, but no one answered.

Such an embarrassing scene made Onogi sigh, has it really happened?

After facing the pressure from Uchiha Yun, besides himself, he has already begun to choose Mingzhe to protect himself.

The turmoil in Yunyin's upper echelon seems to have ended recently, the fourth generation of Raikage was killed, and the body of the third generation of Raikage was killed again.

The fourth generation of Mizukage of Kirigakure has been controlled for a long time. This is the information that Kirigakure told himself during the last joint Chunin exam.

Under the blood mist, Wu Yin didn't have much strength anymore.

Finally, Onogi looked at Maki who was beside him.

Sand Hidden Village... don't mention it.

At such a time, he still thinks about killing people with a borrowed knife. How did a fool like Luo Sha become Kazekage?


After sighing, Ohnoki said: "Akatsuki exists, that is, the entire ninja world unites to deal with Akatsuki. And if the other party is still dormant, I hope that the four major ninja villages can unite to form another force that can resist."

Still no one made a sound, but it is expected that after they go back, they will pass on their proposal to the higher-ups.


Three hours later, the sky is now brightening.

However, Onogi's team still found nothing here, not to mention Akatsuki's lair, even traces of human beings, and they have never seen it.

Under the huge consumption of Chakra, Qing couldn't bear it anymore.

The white eye of the right eye has been closed by him, and he really can't bear it anymore.

And in the forest where several people walked, a white figure slowly rose from the ground.

"These guys actually found this place, and they even have white eyes as scouts."

"Before they notice the underground, we must inform the main body and Heijue immediately."

Bai Jue's body was about to sink into the ground.

However, in the next moment, several eyes locked on it.

"Oh...was it discovered?"


One more chapter is late.

I'm so sorry

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