Chapter 993: How Courageous

Queen Concubine Yingli was also called by the police for questioning. After all, the police have now found out that it was the threatening letter sent by the deceased to Fei Yingli.

Although I didn’t doubt Fei Yingli, asking was part of the process. Fei Yingli came back soon.

"Now I feel at ease. Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now that the matter has been resolved, let's leave first." Chen said to Fei Yingli

"Okay, Yukiko, why don’t you stay with me?"Fei Yingli looked at Yukiko and asked Yukiko

"Well, let’s wait until next time. Yukiko shook her head towards Fei Yingri, causing Fei Yingri to look at Yukiko with a rather resentful look.

Sure enough, even the best sisters, after ten years of not seeing each other, their relationship is not as good as before.

Chen drove the car and took him with him. Yukiko returned home. After returning, Yukiko took Chen back to the room.

Belmode glanced at Yukiko strangely, and Xiao Ai snorted softly, feeling that the two of them entered the room to do something bad. It

's not yet dark yet, so he can't wait, he is really a big pervert.

At this time, Xiao Ai has already labeled Chen as a big pervert, no, it's not the big pervert label that he has now, but I have been labeled this before.

Anyway, Chen’s image in Xiao Ai’s impression is not very good.

At this time, Chen also joked to Yukiko

"Yukiko, why did you drag me to the room? Do you want it……"

Chen didn't say the next words, but looking at the smirk on his face, Yukiko could guess what Chen wanted to say.

Yukiko's face turned red, and then she handed Chen a beautiful big white eye, and glared at Chen fiercely, thinking about these bad things.

"I didn't ask you to come here just to……"Yukiko was embarrassed to continue talking about what happened next.

"Oh, not for what?"Chen had a smile on his face, which made Yukiko feel disgusting no matter how he looked at it. She wanted to raise her little pink fist and punch Chen.

"I want to ask you, are you hiding something from me?"Yukiko asked Chen seriously.

"Hiding it from you? What else do I need to hide from you?"Chen shrugged and said to Yukiko.

Yukiko suddenly became angry. She was really angry. She felt that Chen didn't pay attention to her at all. He obviously had secrets that he didn't want her to know.

The key is that other women seemed to understand, which made Yukiko I couldn't help but feel jealous, and bitter tears fell from the corners of my eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't cry."Chen didn't expect Yukiko to cry, so he quickly wiped her tears.

"Well, just ask whatever you want to know and I'll tell you everything." Chen said helplessly to Yukiko.

Yukiko wiped away tears and smiled secretly. Then Chen asked:"Is what you said true?"

Yukiko smiled secretly, thinking that Chen didn't notice it, but in fact Chen did. Chen was speechless, as if she was tricked by Yukiko. Sure enough, she was underestimated. After all, she was once a big star who was popular all over the world, and her acting skills were definitely very good..

But Yukiko wants to ask some secrets. Anyway, there is no need to hide it from Yukiko now. If she wants to know, just tell her.

"If you have any questions, ask them immediately. If this time passes, I might not ask you anything."Chen said to Yukiko.

Yukiko looked like she was thinking. It was true that Chen had too many secrets. Yukiko didn't know what to ask.

"By the way, I heard Hongzi ask you to teach her ninjutsu before. What kind of ninjutsu?"Yukiko's eyes lit up, and then she asked Chen

"That's what ninjutsu is."

Chen took out a Rasengan in his hand. Looking at the Rasengan in Chen's hand, Yukiko's mouth opened wide.

"this is?"Yukiko feels that her worldview has collapsed. It can't be because special effects have been added, right?

"Does this surprise you? Chen said with a shrug.

"Is this a ninjutsu? Isn't it some special super power?"Yukiko curiously touched the Rasengan.

Before Yukiko's hand touched the Rasengan, Chen immediately reached out to stop Yukiko's movement.

"Yukiko, how brave are you to reach out and touch this?" Chen said speechlessly.

If Yukiko really touches her, there is no need to ask for her hand.

"What, is it dangerous?"Yukiko doesn't understand, but if Tatsu stops her, there will definitely be danger.

"Of course, if you don’t believe it, take a look."Chen used the Rasengan and pressed it against the wall next to him, instantly punching a big hole in the wall.

Yukiko swallowed. Fortunately, Chen stopped her just now. Otherwise, she might not be able to save her hand. Yukiko's heart Afraid for a while

"It's so dangerous, is this a ninjutsu? How could such a thing exist?"Yukiko couldn't help but asked complicatedly.

".~ It didn’t exist originally, but when I came into this world, it existed."Tatsubetsu said meaningfully.

However, Yukiko was shocked at the Rasengan at this time and did not listen to Chen's words.

A big hole was punched through the wall. Such a big movement certainly attracted the attention of the girls. Belmode and the others saw There is nothing strange about this big hole.

However, Chikage Kuroba is the same as Yukiko. After all, Chikage Kuroba didn’t understand it before. Now that I saw a hole here, I thought it was blown up by a bomb.

"It was so chaotic to make such a big noise at home."Miyano Akemi couldn't help but say.

A big hole was punched out of a good wall, how unsightly it is!

"I'll fix it."Chen stretched out his hand and wiped it, and the original big hole disappeared, just like when it was not destroyed. It was not Kuroba Chikage and Yukiko who were shocked now. Even Belmode couldn't help being shocked. This was already a method of God. (De Nuo Zhao) Right?

"I suspect it's magic, but I have no proof."

Kuroba Qianying touched the wall

"This is not a magic trick, and I don't know magic at all, and I have no interest in learning any magic."Chentan spread his hands and said calmly.

"Can you teach me?"Yukiko looked at Chen expectantly. At this time, Yukiko didn't care how Chen knew this. She just wanted to learn it herself. As soon as Yukiko finished speaking, Kuroba Chikage also raised her head and looked at Chen, obviously she also wanted to learn.

"No problem, but if you are too stupid, then I can't teach you."Chen Xianxian said it in advance.

"You are stupid, but I am smart." Yukiko said to Chen very dissatisfied. She thought she was the smartest.

Otherwise, she would not have been able to become a world-famous star!

Yukiko and Kuroba Chikage are not simple people.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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