Chapter 992 is dead

"Yukiko, I didn’t expect you to pry into so many things. Why are you becoming more and more nosy now?"

"Oh, by the way, you seem to be such a gossip all the time. Fei Yingli suddenly nodded and said

"Slander me, when have I ever gossiped?"Yukiko looked at Fei Yingli with dissatisfaction.

"In that case, why are you asking these boring questions? If Chen and I really have a relationship, it is that of friends. Yukiko pouted, and then said:"That guy seems to be pursuing Xiaolan. You are actually friends with him. Isn't this relationship going to be messy?""

"To each his own, any questions?"

Fei Yingli was very indifferent and didn't really care about it.

"By the way, actually, Kiko, I also have a question for you."

Fei Yingli's eyes sharpened and she looked at Yukiko.

"If you have any questions, just ask."Yukiko doesn't care, Feiying can just ask whatever she wants14

"Yukiko, it’s not like you don’t have a home, why do you want to live in Chen’s house?"Fei Yingli's words contained a trace of sourness that even she couldn't detect.

Yukiko owns a mansion, so there is no need to live in Chen's place, so Fei Yingli also doubts whether Yukiko and Chen have a good relationship. Generally.

Especially when I see Yukiko and Chen communicating, this feeling becomes more and more profound. You must know that women's intuition is very accurate.

"Ah, this."

Yukiko didn't expect that Fei Yingri would ask this, so she didn't know how to answer for a while, with a hesitant look on her face.

Should she tell Fei Yingri the truth, or should she panic? Yukiko was confused. What if? Fei Yingli knows that she has become Chen's woman now, how will Fei Yingli view herself?

Moreover, Fei Yingli was very optimistic about Chen and Xiaolan before. If she knew, she would not break up with her.

When Yukiko was confused, Fei Yingli's eyes became sharper.

In fact, Fei Yingli was just a little suspicious, but now Yukiko didn't answer, which made Fei Yingli even more suspicious.

Fei Yingli's expression became serious and asked:"Yukiko , do you really have anything to do with Chen?"

"Well, Chen and I are also friends, so it’s okay to stay at a friend’s house for a while! I'm bored at home alone."

Yukiko blinked. Although she was lying, Feiyingli couldn't tell that Yukiko was lying at all. Women are all good actors.

Especially Yukiko, who was originally a world-famous star, so her acting skills are naturally It has reached its peak.

So Fei Yingli looks at Yukiko, no matter how sharp her eyes are, what will happen?

"Yeah? If you are really bored, you can come to my place."Although Feiyingli didn't see any trace of Yukiko lying, Feiyingli didn't quite believe Yukiko's words.

"Ah, this."Yuki Ziri couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Well, I'm used to living in Chen's house, so I can't."

Now Yukiko will definitely not come to Feiyingli's place. If it were before, Yukiko might still consider it.

However, at this time Feiyingli looked at Yukiko deeply, as if she had seen through Yukiko. Being stared at by Feiyingli, Yukiko Some did not dare to look at Fei Yingli, and Yukiko also knew that with Fei Yingli's intelligence, she might have guessed something.

Dong dong dong~!

A knock on the door interrupted Fei Yingli's intention to continue asking.

She was the only one at home. , Yukiko and Chen, it must be Chen who knocked on the door now, so Fei Yingli walked over and opened the door.

"Eri, do you know a person named Kuroda Hiko?" Chen asked Fei Yingli.

"Kuroda Hiko?"Fei Yingli frowned, and then fell into memories. The name sounded familiar, but Fei Yingli couldn't remember it for a while.

"It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember it, this guy sent that threatening letter." Chen said to Fei Yingli

"Well, I remembered, he was once the president of a company, right?"

Fei Yingli suddenly remembered that a lawsuit she had a year ago seemed to involve this guy.

At that time, he was suspected of tax evasion and was sent to prison by Fei Yingli, but it seemed that he was sentenced to three years. Did he Out?

"Yes, he is one of your enemies. He was originally sentenced to three years in prison, but he was released early through bribery. Chen nodded and said

"Now that you know, let's call the police and arrest him. He is suspected of threatening and intimidating. I can let him stay in there for a while."

Fei Yingli's eyes were filled with sharp light.

"This is no longer needed."Chen shook his head towards Fei Yingli.

"Well, why? Fei Yingli asked Chen in confusion.

"Because he is dead."Chentan spread his hands and said

"What? He is dead."Fei Yingli looked at Chen with a bit of panic in her eyes.

"Yingli, are you doubting that he was killed by me?"Chen looked at Fei Yingli's eyes and couldn't help but said.

Fei Yingli shook her head. Chen was always here with her, and of course she didn't have time to kill people. Fei Yingli just guessed that maybe Kuroda Hiko's death had something to do with Chen.

But Fei Yingli said this I guessed wrong. Although Chen did want to kill that guy, unfortunately, the guy was already dead before he could do it.

"If you are already dead, doesn't that mean that you are no longer in danger, Yingli?"You197 Kiko breathed a sigh of relief.

Fei Yingli didn't say anything, but looked at Chen worriedly. She was afraid that Kuroda Yan's death would involve Chen.

"Yingli, this guy's death really has nothing to do with me. Am I such a cruel person?"Chen spread his hands towards Fei Yingli.

Chen also knew that Fei Yingli thought it was too much of a coincidence, so she felt that Kuroda Hiko's death was related to him.

"He's actually dead, so it looks like I'll be in some trouble too. Fei Yingli sighed.

"By the way, Chen, how did he die? Suicide or homicide, or an accident?"Fei Yingxiu asked Chen what she thought of.

"It was a homicide, probably an enemy he had offended before."If Chen wants to find out who killed him, it's actually very simple, but Chen has no interest in knowing at all.

"If he kills him, it will really be a little troublesome."Fei Yingli frowned slightly, but she didn't feel too worried. Anyway, she didn't kill the person, and she didn't have the time to commit the crime, because she had been with Chen and Yukiko at this time, but there were witnesses, so there was no evidence of it. It won't be troublesome

"Haha, there won't be any trouble at all." Chen said to Fei Yingli.

Chen let Miwako handle it. This matter will not have anything to do with Fei Yingli at all. It has nothing to do with it anyway. _

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