Chapter 977: The Strong Hattori Shizuka

Soon, Hattori Heiji walked out of the operating room. He only injured his arm, so there was no problem in being able to walk out.

Mainly because Hattori Heiji felt that it would be too embarrassing to come out lying down, so he walked out.

After seeing Hattori Heizou's calm and intimidating face, Hattori Heizou suddenly shrank his neck.

Does his father want to teach him a lesson? If he was taught a lesson here, it would be a big loss for him.

Then Hattori Heiji looked at Chen and the others, and his expression became a little bad. Especially when he saw that Kazuha was still with Chen, Hattori Heiji felt angry in his heart.

"How did you come?" Hattori Heiji looked at Toyama and Ye with a somewhat bad expression, and his tone was very serious.

Because he felt unhappy and angry, he couldn't help but direct his anger on Toyama and Ye's head.

At this time, Toyama and Ye Ye Ye is also angry. He came here to see you because he cares about you. You have such an expression. You really shouldn't be here.

"Heiji." Hattori Heizo glared at Hattori Heiji.

At this time, Hattori Heiji also knew that he was in a bad mood and said something harsh.

Although he knew he was wrong, it didn't mean that Hattori Heiji would admit his mistake!

In the eyes of Hattori Heiji , Face is very important. If he apologized to Toyama and Ye, wouldn't it make him lose face?

Especially when there was Hinata Chen in front of him, Hattori Heiji didn't want to lose face even more, so Hattori Heiji just turned his head and didn't do anything. He didn't even look at Toyama Kazuha.

He had never apologized to Toyama Kazuha, how could he be embarrassed?

It's just that Toyama Kazuha was indeed more annoyed. She had planned to wait for Hattori Heiji to apologize before she exposed him. I just didn’t expect that Hattori Heiji not only didn’t apologize, but also worsened his situation, making Toyama and Ye even more angry.

"I said, what the hell is going on with you?"

Miss Sonoko expressed that she was very unhappy. She was already unhappy with Hattori Heiji, but now she feels even more unhappy. She wants to beat Hattori Heiji to feel comfortable.

Miss Sonoko is unhappy with Hattori Heiji, and similarly, Hattori Heiji is also very unhappy with Sonoko.

Glancing at Sonoko, Hattori Heiji snorted coldly. He really didn't know what was wrong with her here.

"Hey, what does that look mean? Sonoko asked angrily.

Although Hattori Heizo is standing here, Sonoko is not afraid of Hattori Heizo. Even if it is Hattori Heizo, so what, she is the second lady of the Suzuki Foundation.

Sonoko’s identity is doomed to her. There is no need to be afraid of Hattori Heizo, Hattori Heizo can't do anything to her. The power of the Suzuki Foundation is stronger than imagined.

After all, the Suzuki Foundation is also a company that ranks well in the world. Hattori Heizo is also There is really nothing that can be done to the Suzuki Foundation.

Besides, this is a conflict between juniors. If Hattori Heizo intervenes, it will rise to another level.

"Heiji." Hattori Heizang spoke up and reminded Hattori Heiji that he didn't want him to have a conflict with the second lady of the Suzuki Consortium. This would not be good for him.

Although I have heard that the second lady of the Suzuki Consortium is not a willful person. However, if Suzuki Sonoko really wants to punish Hattori Heiji, Hattori Heiji will really only suffer the consequences. Hattori

Heizo's warning tone made Hattori Heiji unable to help but feel a little aggrieved. He had never suffered such a big blow. Angry

"Hattori Headquarters, we meet again."Chen said to Hattori Heizang with a smile.

Hattori Heizang looked at Chen and narrowed his eyes slightly. Regarding Ri Xiangchen, Hattori Heizang couldn't see through it.

But last time Ri Xiangchen didn't give him face, even if Hattori Heizang didn't give him face, Zang's city couldn't help but be a little angry. Now facing Ri Xiangchen, it was naturally impossible to show a smile.

What's more, Hattori Heizang was born serious. Even Hattori Heiji had not seen Hattori Heizang's smile many times, let alone What's more, it's Hinata Chen.

Hattori Heizo just nodded thinking about Hinata Chen. Recently, he investigated Rixiangchen carefully, but unfortunately nothing was found, which made Hattori Heizo very disappointed.

"Doctor, can I be discharged from the hospital?"The unhappy Hattori Heiji asked the doctor.


Before the doctor spoke, a female voice came, and Hattori Heiji's body suddenly shook.

Looking up, he saw the graceful Hattori Shizuka walking over, with a sharp look in his eyes, just like a blade. The sharp eyes were piercing. Hattori Heiji felt chills in his heart. Hattori Heiji couldn't help but glance at Hattori Heizou.

Why is his mother here? This is not good. Looking at the look in Hattori Shizuka's eyes, he knew that he would not easily get around it. Pass him.

Yes, Hattori Shizuka was very angry at this time. He didn't expect Hattori Heiji to behave like this.

"What is going on? Tell me truthfully?" Hattori Shizuka's aura is in full swing. She was originally a Yamato Nadeshiko, but now she shows her sharpness.

"This is the first time I have seen such an aunt."Yuanshan Kazuye said

"Such a powerful aura, I actually want it to be this powerful too."Sonoko said.

I feel that Shizuka Hattori's aura is no less impressive than her mother's full aura!

"Yeah, yeah, it's really awesome."Xiaolan also looked at Hattori Shizuka with admiration.

"Xiaolan, you will never become a strong woman."Chen put his hand on Xiaolan's head and whispered to Xiaolan

"Why?"Xiaolan looked at Chen in confusion. Why did she think she wouldn't become a strong woman?

"Of course it's because of your personality. In terms of your personality, you will never be a strong woman, but you are the best if you are gentle."Chen said with a smile.

Xiaolan's face turned red, but Xiao Ai, who was standing next to him, had a frosty look on his face. If you were not careful, you were about to chat with Xiaolan.

Conan gritted his teeth and looked at him jealously. Zhuchen and Xiaolan communicated in a low voice. Because the voice was low, Conan couldn't hear what was said.

But Conan was jealous. Why did Xiaolan insist on getting close to this guy? Isn't this guy just a little more handsome? Well, what's so good about it?

But if you're handsome, that's enough. Although handsome can't be used as food, it can attract girls to like it.

And being handsome can really be used as food, such as eating soft rice..

Well, he Hinata Chen doesn’t need to eat soft food or anything.

Now Chen is watching a good show, watching Hattori Heiji being taught a lesson by his mother. You must know that Hattori Shizuka has practiced kendo and is actually very powerful in terms of strength. , ordinary people are not opponents.

Hattori Heiji has also practiced kendo, but with his two swords, can they be compared with Hattori Shizuka?

Even if they are really comparable, does he dare to do it?

I guess Hattori Heiji didn't wait for him to do it. Zangdu could beat him to death.

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