Chapter 976: Chen in Xiao Ai’s Eyes

Chen and Miwako walked out of the tropical paradise together. After seeing Chen coming out, Xiaolan and Sonoko were relieved.

If Xiao Ai hadn't stopped them, maybe they would have gone in to find Chen.

"Chen, are you not injured? I thought I heard a gunshot just now. Are you okay?"Xiao Lan checked Chen's body and made sure that Chen was not injured, then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I wasn’t injured, how could I be injured."Chen stretched out his hand to pinch Xiaolan's cheek and said with a slight smile.

"snort."Miwako Sato couldn't help but snorted coldly, with strong dissatisfaction in her voice.

Everyone would be angry if their man flirted with other women, and she felt a little sour in her heart.

Xiaolan's cheeks turned crimson She was very shy, her cheeks were extremely red, and she didn't dare to look directly at Chen.

Xiao Ai secretly stepped on Chen, her little face was covered with frost, and it was very scary.~

"Chen, have you found that brat Conan?"Yuanzi saw that the atmosphere was getting more and more ambiguous, so she couldn't help but change the topic and interrupted.

When Xiaolan heard Yuanzi's question, she also looked at Chen with questioning eyes. Just now, she was only caring about Chen, and she actually gave Conan to forget

"Also, is Hattori Heiji in it?"Although Toyama Kazuha is very unhappy with Hattori Heiji, they are childhood sweethearts after all, and she also needs to care about him."

"Conan was fine, but Heiji Hattori was shot in the arm."Chen said to them

"Was that black charcoal shot?"Sonoko couldn't help but say, feeling a little relieved. She couldn't stand Hattori Heiji.

"Hattori Heiji was shot?"Yuanshan and Ye are a little concerned. No matter what conflicts are happening between them now, they were childhood sweethearts after all!

"Well, he has been taken to the hospital now, and nothing serious will happen."Chen nodded and said.

Hattori Heiji was only hit in the arm, and it was impossible to endanger his life. However, he still had to bear the pain.

This is also the price. If he doesn't get over it, he won't be injured. Now it's him who pays the price. ask for it

"Heye, do you want to go to the hospital?"Chen asked Kazuye.

Kazuye nodded. Hattori Heiji was injured. Yu Qingyuli also wanted to take a look, at least to make sure that Hattori Heiji was really fine.

"By the way, we need to inform Aunt Jinghua."Kazuha picked up the phone and said.

Then Kazuye took out the phone, dialed the number, and told Hattori Shizuka everything. At this time, Hattori Shizuka also knew that Hattori Heiji was injured. After hanging up the phone, Hattori Shizuka He got up immediately and called Hattori Heizo.

From Hattori Heizang, Hattori Shizuka learned that Hattori Heizang already knew about it and had already gone to see Hattori Heiji. Hattori Shizuka couldn't help but feel a little angry.

So Why didn't you tell her about such a big thing? Do you really have to wait until Heiji's accident to tell her?

The angry Hattori Shizuka scolded Hattori Heizo on the phone, and Hattori Heizo didn't dare to speak.

In addition , On the other hand, Chen brought Xiaolan, Heye and the others to the hospital.

"I'm sorry, I asked you to accompany me to the hospital. I'm really sorry."He Ye said embarrassedly

"Heye, what are you talking about? What is there to be sorry for? We are good friends, unless you don't consider us good friends anymore."Chen said.

He Ye looked at Chen with some emotion when he heard the words.

Xiao Ai curled his lips and kicked Chen, his slightly unkind eyes swept over He Ye's body.

Could it be that this guy Chen was trying to hit this Is it a girl's idea? Yuan Shan and Ye are also pretty, so maybe they are true. After all, in Xiao Ai's eyes, Chen is a big pervert, a super big pervert, a being that Xiao Ai despises very much..

Chen didn’t know that in Xiao Ai’s eyes, he was actually a big pervert. If he knew, he would probably feel sad.

"I wonder where Hattori Heiji is?"

"It's easy to find out, just ask."Miwako asked and learned the ward where Hattori Heiji was.

After arriving at Hattori Heiji's ward, Hattori Heiji was not here. After asking the nurse, she learned that Hattori Heiji was sent to the operating room. The bullet did not penetrate It passed through his arm and got stuck in the bone. This is also unlucky. In fact, if the bullet really penetrated, it might be a good thing.

In this case, surgery is needed to remove the bullet inside.

"Conan, how is Hattori Heiji?"After Xiaolan saw Conan, she asked Conan

····Asking for flowers·······

Conan was very happy when he saw Xiaolan, but after seeing Chen next to Xiaolan, Conan was not so happy.

"Brother Heiji is fine. The doctor said that as long as the bullet is taken out, everything will be fine."Conan glanced at Miwako deliberately, and then said.

It was this woman who fired four shots in less than three seconds at an extremely long distance, and all four shots hit. Such shooting skills shocked Conan.

When Conan looked at Miwako, the sensitive Miwako also looked at Conan. The look that seemed to see him through made Conan sweat. At this time, Conan suddenly thought of a question. Ri Xiangchen had an 80% chance of knowing. his true identity.................

If so, will Hinata Chen tell Miwako Sato his true identity?

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but lower his head. More and more people knew his true identity.

Conan doesn't want too many people to know his identity, but it's not something he can control.

After a while, the door of the operating room opened and the doctor walked out. After the doctor came out, Miwako looked away from Conan.

At this time, Conan breathed a sigh of relief and became wary of Sato Miwako.

It seems that in the future, we should pay more attention to Miwako Sato. After all, she is the one who is with that guy Ri Xiangchen, so we must be careful.

"The bullet has been taken out, but the injured person has damaged his bones. Although he will not be disabled, he must take a good rest."

"Also, be careful not to use too much force on his injured hand, otherwise it will cause serious consequences. By the way, who are the family members of the injured person?"

After the doctor talked a lot, he found that he still didn't know who the family members of the injured were.

"Family members do not……"

"I am a family member of the injured. Hattori Heizo said to the doctor.

At this time, Hattori Heizo had just arrived, with sweat still on his forehead. He quickly asked the doctor:"How is my son?""

Hattori Heizo still doesn't know how injured Hattori Heiji is.

"The injury is not serious, it just hurts the arm and needs some time to recover."

Hattori Heizo breathed a sigh of relief. As long as nothing happens, it will be a good loss._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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