Chapter 959 Angry Yukiko

The next morning, Yukiko shook her aching head and woke up, her eyes a little confused.

Even though I didn't drink, I felt like I was hungover.

Moreover, Yukiko felt that her body was a little sore, as if she had undergone high-intensity exercise.

After shaking her head, the memory slowly came back to her. Yukiko's expression suddenly changed, and she felt some pain when she moved her body.

Then she turned around and looked at the person next to her. After seeing Chen, Yukiko was really confused.

", we yesterday……"

Yukiko has not lost her memory of last night, but she is a little unable to react now.

"you're awake?" Chen asked Yukiko

"I want to know, what happened last night?"Yukiko asked Chen with a cold face.

Chen sighed softly, then shook his head. I can't tell you that Kuroba Chikage drugged you. If you were to find out, wouldn't you have to fight with Kuroba Chikage? Ah.

But even if Chen didn't say anything, Yukiko could still remember that yesterday she drank the water that Kuroba Chikage handed her, and then she became like this.

And not only that, there was something wrong with Kuroba Chikage's expression at that time, Yukiko was very confused. Now Yukiko understands everything.

"Is it related to Kuroba Chikage? Did you two collude? Yukiko asked more and more angrily.

However, Yukiko was a little unjust. Chen did not collude with Kuroba Chikage at all, and he did not even know anything. But

Yukiko would not believe this. Now Yukiko already thinks that it is Tatsuwa Kuroba Chikage colluded.

Yukiko wanted to get up and go to Kuroba Chikage to ask why I regarded you as a good sister, but you betrayed me.

But that would only happen if Yukiko could get up on her own. She fell down just as she stood up After I came down, my body was so exhausted that I couldn't believe it.

"You'd better lie down and rest first." Chen held Yukiko's shoulders and said to Yukiko

"Let me go."Yukiko said coldly.

However, Tatsuko did not let go of Yukiko. Instead, he held Yukiko in his arms. Yukiko struggled for a while, but could not break away from Chen's arms. In the end,

Yukiko, who couldn't get away, gave up the struggle, or He said that he didn’t want to struggle anymore.

Yukiko was not talking and was very quiet. Tatsu didn’t disturb her and just held Yukiko in his arms.

After a while, Yukiko fell asleep. Because of exhaustion, Yukiko fell asleep.

Until noon, Yukiko He woke up again and looked at Chen hugging him next to him. Yukiko felt warm in his heart, but then he became angry.

Regarding Yukiko's anger, Chen didn't feel anything was wrong. This was normal. If Yukiko wasn't angry, it wouldn't be right. It's normal.

But anger can't solve anything, and although she doesn't want to admit it, Yukiko is actually not as angry as she imagined.

Looking at Chen, Yukiko is also very complicated. Does she really like Chen? Yukiko She can’t recognize her own heart either.

But what is certain is that Yukiko definitely has a crush on Chen, otherwise she would not have stayed in Chen’s house for so long.

"What are you thinking about now?"Chen suddenly asked Yukiko

"Miss you. Yukiko subconsciously replied in an annoyed tone.

But after answering, Yukiko's face suddenly turned red.

"Oh, it turns out you were thinking of me~" Chen said in a long tone on purpose, making Yukiko's face even more rosy.

"Don't get me wrong, that's not what I meant."Yukiko hurriedly wanted to defend herself, but she really didn't mean that, and she didn't mean anything else.

Just now, Yukiko actually wanted to quarrel with Chen. Although she wasn't as angry as she thought, Yukiko still felt a little uncomfortable..

Thinking that she was fine yesterday, but lost her innocent body overnight, Yukiko's mood was particularly complicated.

Even if she really had a crush on Tatsuta, she couldn't accept it for a while.

"You can continue to lie down, I'll get up first."Chen said to Yukiko, and then got up.

After Chen stood up, Yukiko suddenly felt a little reluctant and wanted to stay in his arms for a while.

Chen walked out of the room and saw Kuroba Chikage at the door of the room. He stood with an unnatural look on his face.

After seeing Chen come out, he quickly asked Chen:"Chen, how is Yukiko doing now?"

"Qianying, if you really want to know, just go in and take a look."Chen said to Kuroba Chikage.

Kuroba Chikage shook her head. If she dared to go in, she would have gone in long ago. If she goes in now, she doesn't know what will happen to Yukiko.

To be honest, some of Kuroba Chikage are afraid to go in now. , otherwise I wouldn’t have been standing here waiting for Chen to come out.

"In fact, you might as well go in and take a look."Chen pushed Kuroba Chikage, opened the door and pushed Kuroba Chikage in. Kuroba Chikage, who was pushed in by Chen, was very confused. Looking at Yukiko in front of him, Kuroba Chikage had a complicated expression and didn't know what to do. What to say.

Yukiko looked over when Kuroba Chikage came in, but just for a moment, Yukiko's eyes suddenly became cold. It must be said that Yukiko still has a lot of resentment towards Kuroba Chikage.

Yukiko Now it is certain that there is definitely something wrong with the water Kuroba Chikage gave her last night, and the problem is not small.

"Yukiko."Kuroba Chikage called out to Yukiko in embarrassment.

"Don't call me, I don't want to see you now, get out of here." Yukiko said angrily.

Although Yukiko usually has a good temper, it doesn't mean that Yukiko won't be angry. If something like this happened suddenly and she was betrayed by her good sister, Yukiko would certainly not be in a good mood. Even very angry.

The most important thing is betrayal. No one likes to be betrayed. Yukiko trusted Kuroba Chikage very much, but Kuroba Chikage cheated her.

If Yukiko said that she didn’t have any grudge in her heart, I’m afraid everyone would won't believe it

"Feel sorry."Kuroba Chikage apologized apologetically.

"Then tell me, are you and Ri Xiangchen colluding? Yukiko asked angrily

"Well?"Black Feather Qianying was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said:"Not really."

When Kuroba Chikage said no, Yukiko suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe Yukiko herself didn't want Chen and Kuroba Chikage to collude.

Even though she still had some doubts in her heart, Yukiko still forced herself to believe this. In a word, I believe Kuroba Chikage

"I'm sorry Yukiko, everything is my own selfishness, can you forgive me?"Kuroba Chikage asked apologetically.

But Yukiko was silent.

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