Chapter 958: Kuroba Chikage drugged Yukiko

"When we came to the top of the mountain, it just felt like that. There was nothing interesting to see. Yukiko said

"It’s also good to blow in the wind. Don’t you feel particularly cool?"Chen said while sitting on a clean stone.

"It feels quite cool."

Kuroba Qianying said with a smile, the weather is getting hot now, it would be nice to take a breath of wind on the top of the mountain.

"Why don't we just sleep here all night?"Black Feather Qianying suggested

"Sleeping here all night? You don't have a brain problem, do you? We haven't taken anything right now, so why should we spend the whole night here drinking in the wind?"

Yukiko put her hand on Kuroba Chikage's forehead, and looked at Kuroba Chikage as if you were sick.

Kuroba Chikage patted Yukiko's hand angrily, and then said:"I'm just saying that."

"Oh, I thought you were sick."Yukiko said with a smile.

Kuroba Chikage couldn't help but want to hit someone. Yukiko wanted to say that she burned out her brain! Yukiko seemed to have this intention. After staying on the top of the mountain for a while, Chen stood up Said:"Let's go down"

"It took a lot of effort to come up, why don’t you go down now? Yukiko couldn't help but said

"Then look at the time. If you don't go down, it will get dark. If you don't mind spending the night on the top of the mountain, you can stay here."

"By the way, I heard that there seem to be ghosts and monsters on the mountain, such as some legendary monsters. I wonder if you are afraid of them?"

"Hey, hey, don't scare me. Yukiko said fearfully. She is really not very courageous and can be easily frightened.

"I'm not trying to scare you, but it's really possible."Chen shrugged and said with a smile.

After Chen said this, Yukiko immediately shouted to go down the mountain. She didn't dare to stay here anymore.

Although Yukiko also understood that Chen was scaring her, just like an adult scaring a child, but Yukiko was really scared.

Because in such a barren mountain, there were only three of them left at night. Even if there were no ghosts, there might be wild beasts, which was very dangerous. It was easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down, especially on such a steep mountain. On the mountain peak.

It’s not that going down the mountain takes a lot of energy, but it’s dangerous.

"It won't fall, right?"Yukiko looked down, feeling a little afraid of heights and her legs were weak.

Chen patted Yukiko's shoulder. Just when Yukiko thought that Chen would comfort her, Chen suddenly said harshly:"Don't worry, even if you If you accidentally fall down, I will also find your body."

"What are you talking about?"Yukiko glared at Chen angrily.

"Yukiko, you are too timid, you must exercise."Kuroba Chikage said.

This height is simply easy for Kuroba Chikage! After all, Kuroba Chikage used to be a monster thief lady, and she has done all kinds of dangerous things.

"Come on, hold my hand, even if you accidentally fall, I will hold you."Chen said to the scared Yukiko.

Looking at Chen's stretched out hand, Yukiko grabbed it directly. I don't know why, but after grabbing Chen's stretched out hand, Yukiko felt much more at ease and no longer afraid.

Chen took Yukiko, On this steep mountain, it was almost like walking on flat ground, and the speed was so fast that Yukiko was shocked.

However, after finding out that there was no danger, Yukiko still enjoyed this feeling.

The descent of the mountain was fast, and Chen and the others quickly After returning to the hotel at the foot of the mountain, Yukiko lay down

"Huh~! It still feels comfortable to lie down! I was really tired before. Yukiko exhaled and said

"If I had known earlier, I might as well not have come out to play, it would have been too painful."Yukiko began to complain.

Although I enjoyed a lot of scenery while climbing the mountain, I was too tired. Yukiko felt that it would be better to stay at home and be comfortable.

"Wouldn't it be nice to come out and exercise? Aren't you afraid of gaining weight if you stay at home all the time?" Chen couldn't help but said to Yukiko.

"Don't be afraid, because I won't gain weight. Yukiko said confidently

"Eat something and rest."Black Feather Qianying said

"Um."Yukiko nodded. She was indeed tired. Although Chen was carrying her half of the time, Yukiko's physical strength was weak.

"I went back to my room."After eating, Chen stood up and returned to his room, while Yukiko and Kuroba Chikage slept in the same room.

"Yukiko, drink a glass of water."

After Chen left, Kuroba Chikage poured a glass of water and handed it to Yukiko, who couldn't help but smile.

"Qianying, I didn’t expect you to be so considerate and even give me some water."

"Yes, but as long as you don't blame me in the future."Kuroba Qianying smiled meaningfully.

"Blame you? What's your fault?"Yukiko took a sip of water, and then asked Kuroba Chikage strangely.

"It's nothing, let's rest."Kuroba Chikage shook her head and said.

Yukiko didn't think much and lay down on the tatami, but Yukiko felt that her body was getting hot when she lay down.

What's going on? Is it because of the wind? Is it because of the wind?

"Qianying, I feel a little uncomfortable. It’s so hot. Could it be that you turned on the heater?"

"No, let's do this. I'll call Chen over and take a look."Chikage Kuroba said and left the room to find Chen.

Soon Chen followed Chikage Kuroba to their room. After seeing Yukiko's current appearance, not only was she a little weird,

"Why doesn't she look like she's sick? Instead, she seems to have taken an aphrodisiac."

"yes."Black Feather Qianying nodded calmly, and then said:"I was the one who gave it to you."

"Did you give it to me?"Chen's voice was not only louder because of surprise,

"Yes, please help me solve it now, otherwise she may have some sequelae."Black Feather Qianying said to Chen.

When Chen was about to say something, Yukiko was already in a daze and rushed towards Chen. At this time, Chen had no time to say anything. Looking at Yukiko in front of him, Chen actually had other ways. Help Yukiko recover.

But if he uses other methods, he will become a fool. If you spit out the meat that is brought to your mouth at this time, you will not be a fool.

Kuroba Chikage blushed, and withdrew with some guilt. As for why she drugged Yukiko, there were also some selfish thoughts on her part.

I don’t know if Yukiko would forgive her, but Kuroba Chikage could also see that Yukiko was interested in Chen, so she did this..

Otherwise, Kuroba Chikage would not behave like this. After all, she and Yukiko are considered good sisters.

Well, I don’t know if Yukiko will treat her as a good sister in the future.

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