Chapter 956: Incomprehensible Style

"Judging from the expression on your face, it seems like you don’t believe what I said?"Yukiko said looking at the surprised expression on Chen's face.

"No, there is nothing to disbelieve, and there is no need for you to deceive me."

It's not that Chen doesn't believe Yukiko, but he's just a little surprised to hear this breaking news.

"Not many people know about it, right?"

"I just told you. Yukiko said to Chen


"Your reaction seems to be very dull?"

Yukiko frowned and looked at Chen. Although she was very surprised at the beginning, after being surprised, her behavior became dull, and it was too dull.~

"No, I have already been surprised. Before telling the truth, I was really surprised and had a feeling of disbelief." Chen said to Yukiko perfunctorily.

Yukiko curled her lips, and she could see Chen's perfunctory expression, but Yukiko did not expose Chen's perfunctory expression.

"But Yukiko, why are you telling me this? Chen asked, looking at Yukiko.

"It's nothing, I just want to find someone to talk to."Yukiko shook her head gently.

"Then you've finished talking, so I won't disturb you anymore."After saying that, Chen stood up and left directly.

"Hey, are you just leaving me alone in the living room like this?"Yukiko felt depressed as she watched Chen leave. With this guy's character, how could there be a woman, a man who doesn't understand the charm?

However, with Chen's face, how could there be no woman? Chen has no time to talk nonsense with Yukiko now. Meanwhile, Belmode and Sato Miwako were still waiting for him in the room.

Seeing that Chen had really returned to the room, Yukiko stood up in depression and went back to her room.

Early the next morning, Chen felt comfortable come out of the room

"Why is there no one?"Chen looked at the empty living room and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Then he went to the kitchen and found that Mingmei was not in the kitchen. Could it be that she hadn't gotten up yet?

After Chen sat in the living room for a while, Mingmei came out, but He came out of Xiaoai's room

"Did Mingmei wake up so late today? Chen asked Mingmei

"Well, yesterday evening, I was chatting with Xiao Ai, but I didn’t pay attention to the time and fell asleep very late."Mingmei said with some embarrassment.

After a while, Xiao Ai also walked out and yawned listlessly. She studied medicine all day during the day, and chatted with Mingmei until late at night, so Xiao Ai at this time Seems very lackluster

"You look listless, as if you haven't woken up. Do you still want to go to school today?"Chen asked Xiao Ai.

It was already late at this time. If Xiao Ai still goes to school, I'm afraid she will be late.

"I won’t go, my sister has already invited me."Xiao Ai said while leaning on the sofa.

Seeing Xiao Ai's appearance, Mingmei felt very sorry for Xiao Ai. Doesn't Ai, a Ph.D., not know enough about elementary school knowledge?

So she asked for leave for Xiao Ai and let Xiao Ai rest at home. One day.

After a while, Koizumi Hongzi came out, as listless as Xiao Ai.

Because she did magic research yesterday, she rested very late and was still a little confused.

"Are you studying magic again? I advise you to go to bed early." Chen said to Koizumi Hongzi

"oh? Chen, are you concerned about me?"Koizumi Hongzi's expression seems to be very happy, but in fact she is really happy.

"Yes, of course I care about you."Chen nodded.

"Then thank you for your concern."

Koizumi Hongzi sat next to Chen, and then lay on Chen's body, and Chen naturally hugged Koizumi Hongzi in his arms.

"snort~!"Xiao Ai couldn't help but snorted coldly, staring at Chen with a cold face, looking angry.

"Xiao Ai, are you jealous?"Koizumi Hongzi asked with a teasing smile at Xiao Ai.

"Jealous? Why am I jealous?"Xiao Ai turned her head away arrogantly. She is really an arrogant queen.

"By the way, isn't Miwako up yet? Isn't she going to work today?"Koizumi Hongzi asked Chen. This time, Koizumi Hongzi's face was filled with jealousy.

"Yes, Miwako is on vacation today, so I’m going to take you out to play, how about it? Are you interested?"

Chen asked them.

"Not interested in."Koizumi Hongzi heard that she was not interested in going out to play. Koizumi Hongzi is similar to Xiao Ai and likes to be a stay-at-home girl.

After a while, after Belmode and Yukiko got up, Chen also asked them if they wanted to go out and have some fun

····Asking for flowers·······

However, neither Bermod nor Miwako Sato was interested.

"After finally taking a vacation, I am going to take a rest at home and don’t want to go out to play."Miwako stretched and said tiredly.

Being a police officer is also very hard. You basically have to run around and go to many places, so Miwako is not interested in going out to play.

"Okay, then I can only ask Xiaolan to go out. Chen said with a shrug.

"I'll go out with you."Black Feather Qianying said to Chen. After finishing speaking, Black Feather Qianying couldn't help but blush.

"Then I'll go too."

Seeing Kuroba Chikage saying that she wanted to go out with Chen, Yukiko also ran over to join in the fun and grabbed Kuroba Chikage with one hand..................

"Yukiko, do you want to go out too?"Kuroba Chikage was stunned for a moment and looked at Yukiko.

"Yes, aren't you welcome? Or are you afraid that I will disturb you? Yukiko asked Kuroba Chikage

"Okay, let's go after breakfast."

After Chen and the others finished breakfast, they left the house, taking Yukiko and Kuroba Chikage with them.

"Where to go? Yukiko asked Chen

"I don’t have any goals. You can go wherever you want. Anyway, I don’t have any objections." Chen said.

Although he was the one who suggested going out to play, there was no place to go, leaving Yukiko and the others to make a decision.

"In this case, let's go to the countryside." Kuroba Qiankage said.

Compared with the city, the scenery in the countryside will be more beautiful. After all, there is really nothing to do in the city except amusement parks and scenic spots.

As for amusement parks and scenic spots, I'm sorry for this kind of place I have been to many scenic spots, especially those scenic spots, but Chen doesn't want to go there at all.

It's not because the scenery is not beautiful, but because it is too crowded and there are too many tourists. Although there are many people, it is lively, but in the It would be boring to visit a scenic area to enjoy the scenery.

"Then just follow what Qianying said."Chen turned around and headed to the countryside.

Chen sat in the driver's seat and drove. Kuroba Chikage and Kudo Yukiko sat in the back. The two of them got together and whispered.

Although Chen could hear them if he listened carefully. What to say, but Chen is not interested._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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