Chapter 955 There is big news

"Don't you want to ask me a question? Why don't you speak again?"Chen looked at Kudo Yukiko strangely and asked.

"Forget it, I'm not going to ask. I think even if I ask, you may not be able to tell me, so it's better not to ask. Kudo Yukiko shook her head and said

"Oh, in that case, I'll go back to the room."Chen stood up directly and walked towards the room.

"Hey, hey, even though I said I won’t ask anymore, are you just leaving like this? Yukiko couldn't help but said

"Otherwise, what do you want? Besides, there are only two of us in this living room now. It’s not good for a man and a woman alone."

"Haha, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, but you still feel bad."Yukiko smiled mockingly.

However, her laughter made Chen feel dissatisfied. Why did she seem to be laughing at herself? Chen sat back directly.

"Okay, just say what you want to say. I don’t have time to chat with you here. If I have time, I might as well do something meaningful."

"meaningful thing? What is your meaningful thing? Yukiko asked Chen curiously.

Chen looked at Yukiko deeply, and then said:"Yukiko, you must not be stupid, you can guess it.""

Yukiko's face 197 was slightly rosy. She was not an idiot, so of course she could guess it. But

Yukiko was also embarrassed, and secretly cursed Chen as a gangster.

After a long time, Yukiko regained her expression and became more serious. It seemed that she wanted to talk about business. Got it

"Do you hate me being here? Yukiko asked Chen

"Um? Why ask this question?"Chen looked at Yukiko in confusion, wondering why she would ask such a question.

"It feels like you don't like me, you even hate me."The expression on Yukiko's face was a little bad.

"This really doesn’t happen, no one hates you."Chen shook his head.

Although Yukiko lived and ate here for free, Chen didn't hate Yukiko.

The same was true for others, such as Bellmod. Although Yukiko couldn't recognize her, Bellmod We were good friends with her once, so how could she hate Yukiko?

It should be that Yukiko herself is too sensitive, but in fact no one hates Yukiko

"Really? Why do you hide so many things from me?"Yukiko asked Chen.

When Chen heard this, he immediately looked at Yukiko like a fool, making Yukiko very uncomfortable. What kind of look is this?

"Hey, what's that look like? Do you think I'm stupid? Yukiko asked angrily.

However, Chen really nodded. Yes, Chen really thought Yukiko was a fool.

"Please, even a family will have secrets, let alone you as an outsider, isn't it normal for some things to be hidden from you?"Chen shrugged, not feeling anything.

"So you are rejecting me?"Yukiko felt uncomfortable. She felt as if Chen and the others were rejecting her.

Also, they had always treated her as an outsider.

"Have you always regarded me as an outsider? Yukiko pouted and said angrily.

"I said, is there something wrong with you? You are an outsider." Chen glanced at Yukiko angrily, then stood up.

"What are you going to do? Yukiko asked Chen

"Of course I went back to bed, and you didn’t even look at it. It’s already past ten o’clock, and I don’t have time to continue chatting with you."

"You see, you just dislike me now and don't even want to talk to me. Yukiko pointed at Chen and said

"As expected, only women and villains are difficult to raise. Forget it, I won’t talk to you anymore."

"Wait a minute, you sit down and talk to me, I'm bored now."Yukiko took Chen's hand and sat down.

"I still have things to do. What on earth do you want to talk to me about?"Chen sat down again angrily, and then poured himself a glass of water.

"Hey, I regard you as my best friend now. This is how you treat your friends."

"best friend? What about Fei Yingli? Not your best friend anymore"

"Best male friend? That's okay. Yukiko said with a smile.

"In fact, I'm quite lonely here. That guy Shinichi doesn't have any information, Yingli is busy with work, and you accompany those women every day. Yukiko said and couldn't help but look at Chen with resentment, which made Chen feel a little unhappy. What nonsense! What am I doing if I don't accompany my woman?

"If you feel lonely, you can leave Neon and go back to Country M!"Chen said to Yukiko.

However, after Chen finished speaking, Yukiko's expression suddenly changed. Chen didn't know what was wrong. Did he say something wrong? Or was it because of the deep conflict between her and Kudo Yusaku?

"I don't want to go back, and besides, it's not my home. Yukiko was silent for a while and shook her head.

"It seems that the conflict between you and Kudo Yusaku is quite big."

"Don't mention that disgusting guy to me. In fact, Kudo Yusaku and I have nothing to do with each other. At most, we are using each other."

Yukiko picked up Chen's cup and took a sip of water.

There was a hint of interest in Chen's eyes, as if there was big news!

"how? You look very interested? Yukiko glanced at Chen and asked.

"No, I'm not that nosy."

Although Chen said he is not a gossip person, he still can't resist the gossip in his heart!

"It doesn’t hurt to tell you about it. Anyway, this matter has been pressing in my heart for more than ten years. Yukiko took a deep breath and said

"In fact, I have nothing to do with Kudo Yusaku. You also know that I was a star back then, and the entertainment industry was in deep water. At that time, there was a very powerful guy who wanted to unofficially rule me."

Chen listened carefully to Yukiko's words.

"I don’t want to accept any damn hidden rules, but that person is very powerful. At this time, Kudo Yusaku found me"

"Kudo Yusaku said he would help me solve that matter, and the condition was that I would have a fake marriage with him."

"fake marriage? Are you two having a fake marriage? Why? Chen asked in surprise.

"Because he doesn't like women, he married me just to hide it, so the two of us just use each other and have nothing to do with each other."

"Damn it, is it so exciting? It turns out you are still an old maid."Chen couldn't help but blurted out.

But as soon as Chen finished speaking, he noticed Yukiko's murderous eyes. The sharp eyes seemed to kill Chen.

"By the way, if that's the case, where did Kudo Shinichi come from?"

"I don’t know either, but it was Kudo Yusaku who brought it back."Yukiko shook her head. She didn't know where Kudo Yusaku brought Kudo Shinichi back.

But although Kudo Shinichi is not her biological child, she has raised him for so many years and regarded him as her biological child._See the ununderlined version For novels, please download Feilu Novels

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