Chapter 940 Do you treat me as a guinea pig?

"what to do? Are you watching this guy get away with it? Hattori Heiji angrily muttered to Conan.

"how could I know."Conan rolled his eyes. He had no choice and didn't know what to do. There was no evidence. That person's death was just a guess by Hattori Heiji and Conan that it was related to Ri Xiangchen. Who would believe their guesses.

Moreover, those policemen didn't even pay attention to them, so they must have been caused by Ri Xiangchen.

"No, we can't let Ri Xiangchen continue to act so wantonly. We must find a way to send him to prison."Conan said through gritted teeth.

"What can you do?"Hattori Heiji heard Conan's words and asked Conan

"There is no way, I am still thinking about it now."Conan shook his head, what can be done now?

"Let me know if you need help." Hattori Heiji said to Conan.

Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji and didn't say anything. To be honest, Conan didn't want to involve Hattori Heiji.

Hinata Chen is too dangerous, and Hattori Heiji can't help him. If it happens to him, Conan felt guilty for being victimized.

Conan didn't want Hattori Heiji to get involved, but would Hattori Heiji really do that?

"Conan, what are you muttering about? It's time for us to leave." Genta shouted to Conan

"Why do these guys have such big hearts?" Hattori Heiji couldn't help but glance at Genta and the others. He almost lost his life before and even saw a dead body. Now he behaves like a normal person and recovered too quickly.

It can only be said that he is used to it. Following Conan, I encountered many things. When I saw the corpse, I was just scared at first.

After the fear passed, I regained my composure.

After leaving the mountain, Chen went home directly with Xiao Ai.

"You're back so early. How was your time?"Mingmei, who was doing housework, saw Chen and Xiaoai, walked over and asked

"I'm bored and won't go out again."Xiao Ai said.

If I had known it would be so boring, Xiao Ai would never go out. It would be better to stay at home and study medicine.

"What about Belmode?"Chen took a look and didn't find Belmode.

"She went out and was pulled out by Kudo Yukiko, and Kuroba Chikage was also pulled out."Mingmei said to Chen

"There is still Koizumi Anko left in the house."

"Well, she locked herself in the room and didn't know what she was studying. Chen, if you are interested, you can go and take a look."Mingmei said.

Chen walked towards Koizumi Hongzi's room, pushed the door, and found that the door was locked, but this did not bother Chen, so he walked directly through the door.

After entering the room, he saw The boy is dressed in a witch costume, as if he is casting a spell

"What kind of look do you have? It's quite unique."Looked Koizumi Hongzi up and down.

"I'm refining the medicine now, please don't fight me." Koizumi Hongzi said to Chen, and then concentrated on refining the medicine.

Chen did not disturb Koizumi Hongzi. He was also very curious now. He didn't know what Koizumi Hongzi would refine. what comes

"I didn't expect Koizumi Hongzi to be able to refine medicine. Is it the inheritance?"Chen looked at the potion in front of Koizumi Hongzi with great interest.

After about half an hour, Koizumi Hongzi finally finished it. Looking at the potion in front of her that was like water, a smile appeared on her face.

"Hey, what kind of medicine are you making? Like water, what effect does it have?"

Chen asked curiously towards Koizumi Hongzi.

"This is a secret, I can't tell you."Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Chen, and then said to Chen

"It's still a secret. To be honest, I'm really not interested in knowing."

"Lie, I can tell from the look on your face that you are very interested, why don't you come and taste my medicine."Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen with shining eyes.

"What are you doing, do you want to treat me as a guinea pig? Could this be some kind of poison? Do you want to poison me to death?"

Chen's face showed a sad look.

(becg)"Hongzi, I thought I was deeply in love with you, but I didn't expect you to refine poison to kill me. You are so poisonous-hearted."

Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen speechlessly.

"Even if I really want to poison you, I have to be able to do it. This is a kidney tonic. Do you want to give it a try?"Koizumi Hongzi asked Chen

"What? Kidney-tonifying? Then forget it, I don’t want this thing yet."Chen's face changed. Is Koizumi Hongzi looking down on herself?

It seems that she will let Koizumi Hongzi know how powerful she is someday.

"Just kidding, this is actually just a magic potion, a potion that can enhance a person's physique. I have thought about refining it before, but I just couldn't do it."

"Now I am learning ninjutsu with you. After I have the energy of chakra, I feel that I have the ability to refine it. I didn't expect that I actually succeeded in trying it."

Koizumi Hongzi said truthfully

"Such a potion, by the way, is this enhancement permanent?" Chen asked Koizumi Hongzi.

If it is a permanent enhancement, it would be good.

"No, it is time-limited. I don’t know exactly how long it will take."Koizumi Hongzi spread her hands and said

"Isn’t it clear that you refined it?"Chen looked at Koizumi Hongzi speechlessly.

"Even though I refined it, I only refined it based on the records, and the records did not specifically mention the effects."

Koizumi Hongzi said helplessly. There are not many records in the magic book handed down from the family.

"In other words, this is something with unknown effects, and I don’t even know if it has any side effects?"

"Yes, there may be some side effects. It seems that I need to find someone to test it. What do you think?"Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen

"Hey, Koizumi Hongzi, do you really treat me as a guinea pig? Aren't you afraid that something went wrong while refining the medicine and it turned into poison and poisoned me to death?"

"Didn't you say that you are immortal? You will definitely be fine."

"Yes, I will indeed be fine, but this thing has no effect on me." Chen said

"It seems that the only choice is to change people. I don’t know who is better to experiment with."Koizumi Hongzi was a little distressed.

"I do have a candidate."Chen suddenly thought of Conan.

That guy has the aura of the protagonist. Feeding him something to eat should be fine.

"Who?"Koizumi Hongzi asked curiously

"Just give me the medicine."Chen brought Koizumi Hongzi's medicine.

"Hey, don't kill anyone. If you die by taking the medicine I refined, I will be embarrassed."Koizumi Hongzi reminded Chen

"The guy I used as a test subject should not die. That guy's life is very tough, even if I give him poison, he will be fine." Chen said to Koizumi Hongzi, after all, Conan is the protagonist and should not die._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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