Chapter 939: Angry Conan and Hattori Heiji

Chen leaned against the car, while Conan and Hattori Heiji looked at Chen angrily

"I'm talking about you two. I already told you that I didn't kill this guy. Why don't you believe it?"

"Genta, Mitsuhiko, what on earth is going on? Can you tell me something?"Conan didn't trust Chen, but asked Yuantai and Mitsuhiko.

He was sure that this person was definitely killed by Ri Xiangchen.

Damn it, just being a little slower caused a life to disappear, even if this person was The murderer, even if this person is not a good person, Conan will not allow him to be killed. This is Conan's own inner justice.

"It was this man who shot Brother Chen with a gun, and then somehow killed himself. Mitsuhiko said.

Mitsuhiko saw clearly. Anyway, he only saw this man shooting and then he died. Chen didn't do anything to this man.

"Is that so?" Hattori Heiji frowned.

Hattori Heiji looked at Conan and saw Conan staring at Chen indifferently.

Chen was not happy being stared at as a prisoner.

"Conan-kun, I don’t like being stared at like this. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Also, even if I really killed him, it was just self-defense."

"So you admit it?"Conan clenched his fists angrily.

"Admit what? What evidence do you have to prove that he was killed by me? Everything must be based on evidence, right? Detective Conan."

Conan gritted his teeth. There is indeed no evidence. Even Yuantai and the others who have been watching here don't think that Chen killed someone. Where can they find evidence. There are no cameras here, and according to Yuantai and the others, Ri Xiangchen Didn't meet the deceased at all

"Damn it, don't be too proud."Conan gritted his teeth angrily, while Hattori Heiji also looked at Chen with a cold look.

Chen couldn't help but laugh, proudly. He couldn't say he was very proud now, he just thought these two guys were funny.

Chen liked to see them so angry. This was probably Chen's bad taste. After a while

, the police car came here. Of course, the person who came was not Officer Megu, and this place was not under the control of Officer Memu.

"It's great that you guys are okay."

Dr. A Li came with him. Seeing that Genta and the other three were fine, Dr. A Li breathed a sigh of relief.

If something really happened to one of them, then their parents shouldn't directly tell Dr. A Li It was torn apart alive.

After all, the child was brought out by Dr. Ali. If there was an accident and died, he would definitely vent his anger on Dr. Ali.

Fortunately, what he worried about did not happen, and nothing happened to them.

"How is this going? How did he die?"

After seeing the body, the police officer's expression stood up.

The eyes of Hattori Heiji and Conan immediately looked at Chen. Looking at their eyes, the police officer also looked at Chen.

"Does it have something to do with you?"The police officer said, holding the pistol in his right hand.

The same is true for other police officers. If this person was really killed by Chen, it means that he is a dangerous person.

The deceased was shot to death, so this person is likely to Have a gun

"Don't accuse a good man unjustly. This man's death has nothing to do with me. He was killed by his own gun."Chentan spread his hands and said

"Killed by his own gun? Could it be suicide?"The police officer was relieved after hearing this.

"Since it was suicide, let's take the body back first."The police officer said to the other policemen.

Conan and Hattori Heiji were stunned. Just believe what he says. Do you want to pull the deceased back so hastily?

Do you decide that the deceased committed suicide so hastily? Is this a joke? Is there anyone who handles cases like this?

Hattori Heiji asked angrily:"Who is your commander? Find your commander"

"I am sir, what do you want?"The police officer frowned and looked at Hattori Heiji.

"Are you just handling the case so arbitrarily? Did he really commit suicide? Look at the gun in his hand. This is not a pistol, but a shotgun. Can it hit himself in the forehead? Hattori

Heiji said angrily and almost couldn't help but call them pigs.

"Who are you? What does our handling of the case have to do with you?"The police officer glanced at Hattori Heiji and was very unhappy.

"What is your attitude?" Hattori Heiji impulsively clenched his fist, as if he was about to hit someone.

Seeing Hattori Heiji's appearance, Conan immediately reached out and grabbed Hattori Heiji's hand, telling him not to be so impulsive.

If he really did it, it would be Hattori Heiji himself should know the consequences of assaulting a police officer.

Even if Hattori Heiji has a strong background, if he really attacks a police officer, the impact will be very bad, especially the impact on his father Hattori Heizo.

The higher his status, the more closely he is stared at. There are many people who are staring at Hattori Heizou's position. As long as he makes the slightest mistake, there will be political opponents to attack him.

Even if Hattori Heizou makes a mistake, he will become a political enemy. The basis for attacking Hattori Heizo

".~ Considering that you are still young, I don’t know you the same way. The police are handling the case, and other people should not speak."

"let's go."

The policemen took the deceased's body away and didn't even ask how the deceased died.

"Bastard, why is this happening? Hattori Heiji yelled angrily.

Hattori Heiji was angry, and Conan was also very angry, and almost exploded with anger.

"It's your fault."Conan raised his head and looked at Chen and asked.

No matter how bad the police were, they probably wouldn't do this, so Conan suspected that it was Ri Xiangchen who did it. Conan wondered if Ri Xiangchen had any ability to hypnotize, they just He was hypnotized.

Of course, this is just Conan's suspicion. He has no evidence, norNo evidence was produced.

But the intuition in his heart told him that this was what Ri Xiangchen did.

"If I say it has nothing to do with me, you won’t believe it. If I say it has nothing to do with me, (Denuo Zhao) you can’t do anything to me."

Chen took Xiao Ai's hand and walked inside.

The guy before was probably a member of a criminal gang. There were many cars parked in this warehouse, all of which were brand new luxury cars. Even the license plates were still there. no

"A criminal group that illegally smuggles vehicles?"Chen looked at these luxury cars.

"Xiao Ai, whichever car you like, we can choose it at will."Chen said to Xiao Ai.

"I'm not interested in cars, and I can't drive them anyway."Xiao Ai rolled her eyes and said.

With her small arms and legs, she might not be able to show her head when sitting in the driving position, and her short legs can't even reach the clutch and brake.

"These things are not at your disposal." Hattori Heiji walked in, took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

In fact, Conan and Hattori Heiji were about to explode. For a detective, seeing the murderer on the loose would probably make him so angry that he can't even eat. _

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