Chapter 913: Scumbag Hinata Chen

Chen and Kuroyu Qianying looked at each other. Kuroyu Qianying looked at him angrily, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Kuroba Qianying wanted to kill Chen, and even the opportunity was right in front of her, but at this time she did choose to give up

"Why don't you take action?"There was a faint smile on Chen's face. I have to say that this time with Kuroba Qiankage is really worth remembering.

Kuroba Qiankage didn't say a word. She couldn't describe what she felt in her heart at this time. Her eyes were a little Confused.

Chen stood up, put on his clothes, and then took out a bank card

"The password for this bank card is six ones. I don’t remember the exact amount, so I’ll just treat it as compensation for you."

Chen put the bank card on the table and said.

Kuroba Qianying, who had confused eyes, slowly came back to her senses, and immediately became angry, with anger rising from the top of her head.

Did she think of someone else? Do you treat her as a street girl on the roadside? Just give her some dirty money?

At this moment, Kuroba Qiankage regretted extremely. Why didn't she just kill this hateful bastard when she was just 14?

"By the way, if Miss Qianying feels lonely in the future, you can contact me. I will be happy to help you, but I will be the one collecting the money at that time."There was a hateful smile on Chen's face.

Kuroyu Qiankage turned red and white, and wanted to eat Chen angrily.

Chen ignored the angry eyes of Kuroyu Qiankage, and then left here coolly, leaving only Kuroba Qiankage, who was lying on Simmons, was angry.

This damn bastard didn't even leave any contact information. How could he contact you? Bah bah~! No contact, Kuroba Qiankage is going to kill this bastard.

And Ri Xiangchen left After going out, he touched his nose and said softly:"I seem to have become a ruthless scumbag."

It is estimated that Kuroba Qianying wants to kill him so much now.

Indeed, Kuroba Qianying's hatred for Ri Xiangchen has reached its peak now. She never thought that she would hate someone so much.

If Chen was still with her now In front of him, even if he bites him, Kuroba Qiankage will bite him to death

"Bastard, I won't let it go, I'm going to make you pay the price."

A woman with hatred in her heart is very scary, and the current Kuroba Chikage is very scary.

Taking away my virginity is as easy as getting away, but it is not that easy. Letting him die is an advantage for him, Kuroba Chikage I want to make him suffer for the rest of his life.

Kuroba Qianying began to think about how to take revenge on this hateful scumbag.

Chen didn't know that Kuroyu Qianying was planning to take revenge on him. He has now returned home.

Seeing that Xiao Ai is also at home, Chen He was stunned for a moment, and then asked strangely:"Xiao Ai, why didn't you go to school?"

"Today is the weekend, where were you yesterday? He looked at Chen and asked.

Suddenly, Xiao Ai's sensitive nose smelled a scent, which was feminine.

"Did you go out with a woman yesterday night?"Xiao Ai looked at Chen with cold eyes, as if a wife had caught her cheating husband.

"What kind of fooling around? It sounds so ugly." Chen waved his hand and said

"When you say that, does that mean you admit it?"Xiao Ai was so angry that she had the urge to chop Chen with a kitchen knife.

Chen didn't know that Xiao Ai was so violent in her heart.

"It does have a different scent."Belmod came closer to Chen. She also smelled the fragrance, and she felt dissatisfied in her heart.

"Tsk tsk~!"Kudo Yukiko clicked her tongue twice, and then looked at Chen with a scum-like look.

At the same time, she felt a little unhappy when she thought of Chen going out to fool around. No, what does this guy Ri Xiangchen have to do with her when he went out to fool around?

None of the girls seemed to give Ri Xiangchen a good look. Even Mingmei, who had always been gentle, was sullen.

"Who is that woman you're fooling around with?"Belmod asked Chen unhappily.

"Kuroba Qiankage, do you recognize him?" Chen suddenly looked at Belmod and Kudo Yukiko strangely.

Belmod and Kudo Yukiko learned the disguise technique from Kuroba Toichi, so Kuroba Toichi should be considered their teacher, and Kuroba Chikage? Is this their master's wife?

After hearing who Chen was talking about, Bellmode and Kudo Yukiko's pupils widened.

"Wha...what? You mean Kuroba Chikage?"Kudo Yukiko stood up immediately and looked at Chen in surprise.

Although Belmod was surprised, he didn't show it.

"Who is Kuroba Chikage?"Xiao Ai's eyes flashed with cold light.

Yukiko sat down. Although she hoped that it was just the same name, her intuition told her that the Kuroba Chikage Chen was talking about was the Kuroba Chikage she knew. It's just that although Kuroba Chikage is different in age from her Not big, but she can be regarded as her master's wife. Is Ri Xiangchen getting together with her master's wife?

Yukiko feels a little awkward in her heart, what is this situation?

According to her understanding, Kuroba Chikage is not the kind of person who would cheat. Ah, even if Kuroba Toichi has been dead for eight years, he would not do this.

And he is still hanging out with Ri Xiangchen, he really knows how to eat young grass! Yukiko thought in her heart unhappily

"How did you know each other?"Belmode asked Chen

"Of course we met in the bar."

"Met at the bar?"Yukiko immediately thought of having a drunken affair. Could it be that they got together because they were drunk?

On the other side, Kuroba Chikage has recovered, but her body is still a little sore and her face is flushed.

But now Kuroba Chikage is much more beautiful than before, and her skin has become more shiny.

At this time, Kuroba Chikage is investigating Chen's information on the Internet. As a former Kaitou lady, she is also an outstanding Hacker.

Although not much information was found, Kuroba Chikage also successfully found Chen's phone number and address.

This is why Chen did not give Kuroba Chikage his contact information before leaving, because Chen knew that Kuroba Chikage The ability can definitely be investigated

"I am studying at Didan High School and often miss classes. I suspect that I like a girl named Mao Lilan?"

Kuroba Chikage looked at these messages with a cold light in her eyes. However, after seeing Mao Lilan's photo, Kuroba Chikage couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Why is this Mao Lilan so similar to Nakamori Aoko? How similar are the two? Up to more than 90%, they are simply twins.

But these are not what Kuroba Qiankage needs to pay attention to for the time being. What she cares about is that bastard Ri Xiangchen. She has sworn that she must make Ri Xiangchen pay the price.

As for how to make him To pay the price, it is definitely not to kill him directly. Kuroba Chikage feels that killing him must be an advantage for him. Of course, the main reason is that Kuroba Chikage doesn't want to kill him at all in her heart. Maybe Kuroba Chikage doesn't feel it herself!_

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