Chapter 912 Black Feather Qianying

"Miss Qianying, I would like to ask you, how old are you?"Chen asked Kuroyu Qianying

"Don't you know that a woman's age is a taboo?"Black Feather Qianying said with a chuckle.

"It’s not because I’m too old, so I’m embarrassed to say it."There was a smile on Chen's face, a teasing smile.

Kuroba Qiankage's face darkened. Did anyone speak like this? Kuroba Qiankage suppressed the thought of hitting Chen's face with a wine bottle.

"I am twenty-six this year"

"Twenty-six?"Chen looked at Kuroba Chikage with disdain. Although just looking at her appearance, Kuroba Chikage said that even twenty-two people would believe her, but Chen knew her true identity.

This is probably at least ten years off.

"how? Don't you believe it?"

""One hundred and ninety-seven""I really don't believe it. Judging from your appearance, you must be thirty-six, right?""Chen looked at Kuroba Qiankage up and down, and then said.

Kuroba Qiankage was a little angry, but it was true, she was indeed thirty-six years old, but how did he know? Could it really be seen?

Kuroba Qiankage I couldn't help but touch my face. Did I look old?

Yes, thirty-six is ​​already considered old in the eyes of Kuroba Chikage.

Kuroba Chikage was depressed and didn't want to talk. She picked up a glass of wine and said to herself Drink it without thinking about it

"Come, drink with me."Kuroba Qiankage took the wine bottle and poured another glass.

Kuroba Qiankage thought that he had a good capacity for drinking, so he wanted to get Chen drunk and try to get something out of Chen.

"I don't know how Kaito knew that this man knew the truth about Toichi's death."Kuroba Chikage secretly said to himself.

In fact, Kuroba Chikage also asked Kuroba Kaito, but Kuroba Kaito didn't say

"I drank it all, what about you? You can't stand a woman like me, right?"Kuroba Qiankage said provocatively towards Chen.

Because it was the first time to drink such a high-alcohol wine, Kuroba Qiankage was a little uncomfortable, and her face was a little red, but she was not drunk, at least not at this time, nor I didn’t think I would get drunk that easily

"If you drink like this, it will hurt your stomach." Chen seemed to remind him very kindly.

"Bang~! If it's not to hurt your stomach, why drink?"Black Feather Qianying leaned back and said.

"What you said makes sense."Chen picked up the wine glass and stayed with Kuroba Qiankage until the end.

Chen also knew some of Kuroba Qiankage's inner thoughts, but even if she drank into the hospital, she couldn't make Chen drunk.

One glass of white wine was consumed, and the other was the bottle. One, Kuroba Qiankage's whole body was leaning against Chen.

She didn't do it on purpose this time, she really couldn't hold on anymore

"Forget it, it’s better not to drink it"

"No...I must drink you."Kuroba Chikage can't speak clearly.

She drank too much and it's really uncomfortable. The feeling of not being able to spit it out is almost like dying. But even so, Kuroba Chikage is still persisting. , Chen didn’t know what Kuroyu was thinking.

But since she was interested, Chen naturally accompanied her, and half an hour passed quickly.

"Still want to drink?"Chen asked Kuroyu Qiankage. Although it was a question, Chen also knew that Kuroba Qiankage must not be able to drink.

"Drink, keep going, I haven’t drunk you down yet"

"Bill, please."

Chen called the waiter over, swiped his card to pay, and then left here with Kuroba Qiankage, who didn't know what was going on. If he drank again, this woman would really be admitted to the hospital.

Chen brought Kuroba Qiankage to the hotel, otherwise Where else can we go? We can't take Kuroba Chikage home. If we take her back, she will definitely be misunderstood.

As for leaving Kuroba Chikage behind, this Chen doesn't know how to do it. She is a beauty after all, how can she throw her away? She was left behind

"Gee, I really don’t know if you are stupid or stupid for being drunk with strangers."Chen said after putting down Kuroba Chikage.

Suddenly Kuroba Chikage sat up.

Chen, who was about to leave, saw that Kuroba Chikage did not leave, and was speechless all night.

In the next morning, Kuroba Chikage woke up from a headache. Come here, it's not just a headache. Kuroba Chikage has no strength at all now.

The strength of her body seems to have disappeared.

After Kuroba Chikage opened her eyes, her eyes were a little dull, and all the scenes from yesterday flashed in her mind......

In fact, Kuroba Chikage had already woken up when he went to bed yesterday. Thinking of what happened yesterday, Kuroba Chikage's expression was a little painful.

Originally it was just to get some information, but now that the information has not been obtained, she has paid for it. This should be a real loss of the wife and the army. Now she wants to scold herself for being stupid, why is she so stupid.

Turning his head, Kuroyu Qianying looked at Ri Xiangchen, his eyes were very complicated, containing hatred, resentment, and a special emotion.

But she doesn't seem to have the right to hate. Yesterday, after she woke up, she didn't resist. If she wanted to hate, she would probably have to hate herself too.

"Yo, are you awake?"Chen opened his eyes and looked at Kuroyu Qianying with a smile.

After Chen opened his eyes, Kuroyu Qianying's eyes were sharp, his palm turned into a knife, and then he hit Chen with the knife, and the attack was on Chen's neck. But here is The fragile parts of the human body, with her strength, it is definitely not impossible to kill someone.

Facing Kuroba Chikage's attack, Chen did not resist, and just watched Kuroba Chikage's attack quietly, but Kuroba Chikage swung the knife in his hand. When he was in front of Chen's neck, he suddenly stopped.

He used all his strength to strike with all his strength. He was originally going to kill Chen in shame and anger, but at the last moment, he couldn't do it.

Kuroba Qianying didn't know that he Why couldn't she strike in 2.6? But at the moment when she was about to hit Chen, she really stopped, and then found that she couldn't strike at all, as if she didn't want to kill this person.

This discovery made Kuroba Chikage Her heart became more complicated, her expression was very confused, and she had a lot of thoughts, but in the end she didn't know what to do, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

Kuroba Chikage was a very strong woman, but she shed tears at this time.

Chenkan He didn't know how to comfort the crying Kuroba Qiankage. In fact, he could have just left yesterday, and nothing would have happened at any time, but Chen was not a good person, and he was not a gentleman.

Besides, Kuroba Qiankage deliberately came to him, Chen knew it, and he also wanted Kuroba Qiankage to pay some price._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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