Chapter 904 Horror Paradise

"Yuanzi, why did you invite us to play in this place?"Xiaolan complained to Yuanzi

"What's wrong with playing in this place? I feel it's very exciting. This is a newly opened paradise. Yuanzi said with a smile.

"Yuanzi, don’t you know that Xiaolan is very afraid of ghosts? He actually brought her to the horror paradise. Was it because he wanted to keep Xiaolan awake?"

Chen said.

Although Xiaolan's strength is off the charts, she is not very courageous, especially against things like ghosts and monsters. She has no ability to resist at all.

"Come on, let’s go in and play." Sonoko pushed Xiaolan in.

In addition to Chen, Xiaolan and Sonoko, Mouri Kogoro and Conan also followed behind. Moori Kogoro couldn't help but feel frightened when he saw this horror paradise.

"I heard that people were scared to death here, is that true?"Chen asked Yuanzi

"It's just a rumor, it actually didn't scare anyone to death, otherwise this place would have been closed down long ago. Yuanzi shook his head and said.

Scaring people to death is just a gimmick, used to attract people. Many people have heard of scaring people to death and came here out of curiosity.

In fact, if it really scares people to death, then this place may be closed.

"But it’s true that this place is scary. I came here after seeing the posts online."Yuanzi said.

After entering this horror paradise, Chen and the others felt an eerie atmosphere.

"Let's go and don't go in."Xiaolan immediately backed down and didn't dare to go in.

"What is there to be afraid of? In fact, it is not scary at all. Everything in it is fake. In fact, we are scaring ourselves. We are all here, so we can’t just go back."

After what Sonoko said and with Sonoko pulling her, Xiaolan had no choice but to follow him in.

Mouri Kogoro stopped at the door.

"Ah, I think I'd better take a look at the door. There's absolutely nothing interesting in it."Mouri Kogoro squatted at the door and said.

When he reached the door, Mouri Kogoro suddenly became timid and did not dare to go in. Conan couldn't help but look at Mouri Kogoro with contempt.

"Brat, what's your look like?"Moori Kogoro also noticed the contempt in Conan's eyes, and his eyes suddenly became a little scary.

"It’s not interesting, so I went in first."Conan smiled awkwardly, and then immediately ran inside.

Kogoro Mori would really do something to him, and Conan didn't want to be beaten, so he ran away quickly. Conan ran very fast, and saw Conan running into the park. , Mouri Kogoro didn't chase him, and waited for him to come out before going to deal with him.

Conan didn't know it yet, but Mouri Kogoro had already made up his mind and decided to deal with him.

If he knew, he would definitely feel very miserable inside.

"Conan, where's Dad?"Xiaolan saw only Conan running in, so she asked Conan

"Oh, uncle, he squatted at the door and didn't dare to come in because he was afraid."

Xiaolan was speechless. She originally thought that she was timid, but she didn't expect that her father's timidity was not that big, even smaller than hers, and he didn't dare to come in. It seems that part of her timidity is hereditary.

"Where should we go to play first? How about going to the haunted house first? Yuanzi asked, pushing Xiaolan.

The most famous thing here is of course the haunted house and the horror cinema.

"for this I……"

Xiaolan looked at the door of the haunted house and suddenly retreated.

"Don't worry, everything inside is actually fake, real people pretending to be real people, or props and dummies used directly, they are not scary at all."Chen said to Xiaolan.

Having said that, wouldn't Xiaolan no longer be afraid? No, Xiaolan will still be afraid in her heart, and her fear has not diminished at all.

"When you come here, you can't do nothing."

Chen held Xiaolan's hand and pulled Xiaolan towards the haunted house.

Conan, who was following behind, saw Chen holding Xiaolan's hand with envy and jealousy on his face, and he wanted to fuck Chen off. Eight yuan.

Sonoko stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen's other hand. The three of them walked into the haunted house. Only Conan was left messy in the wind. Why did he seem to be forgotten?

"Xiaolan, if you encounter ghosts or something here, don't do anything."

After entering, Yuanzi said to Xiaolan, who was trembling.

Xiaolan is a karate champion. If Xiaolan is allowed to do it, he will definitely beat people to death.

"I, I get it."Xiaolan's voice was trembling, and her body kept getting closer to Chen's.

Chen felt better. The two women kept leaning on him. Could he feel unhappy?

Conan followed in, and his body was full of radiance. With resentment, Conan seemed to be overwhelmed by resentment at this time, and his heart was full of resentment.

People who don't know may think that Conan is the actor of a resentful ghost.

"There are quite a lot of people coming here." Chen said looking at the many people.

"Some people feel less afraid."Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief.

If there were more people, the fear in her heart would disappear a lot.

Just entering the haunted house, she didn't feel the terror yet, which seemed to give people a buffer.

As she continued to move forward, the surroundings suddenly changed. style, the surrounding walls turned into a bloody and terrifying blood red.

"Yuan, Yuanzi, do you smell the smell of blood?"Xiaolan touched Yuanzi and asked Yuanzi

"I also smelled it, but it was just caused by the props, so don’t be afraid."

Although Yuanzi is not very courageous, she keeps telling herself that everything here is fake, so she is not so scared.

There is no change on Chen's face. To be honest, this little haunted house is really trivial. Don't worry. It is said that everything here is fake, even if it is true, it cannot make Chen blink his eyes.

Along the way, Chen and the others encountered a lot of terrifying monsters, most of them were fake people, and some of them were pretenders.

Xiaolan still couldn't hold it back and was so frightened that she used karate. Fortunately, the ones she hit were all props, and the unlucky guy was not hit by Xiaolan.

Finally walking out of this haunted house, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, as if she was seeing the light of day again. same

"It's really scary in there"

"Xiaolan, don’t you often see those crime scenes? I thought your courage would be greatly tempered."Yuanzi said with a smile.

"The crime scene was different from this one."Xiaolan said.

At least at the crime scene, you would never think of ghosts or anything like that, but it's different here.

"Chen, don't you feel a little scared? I think it's scary"

"It doesn't feel like anything, it's a very ordinary place."Chen said with a shrug.

Then Yuanzi looked at Conan who was following behind him. There was actually no fear on this kid's face. Are all children today so courageous?

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