Chapter 903: This is too fast

"Chen, are you back? Teacher Judy didn't make things difficult for you, right?"Xiaolan asked Chen

"No matter how hard it is for him, they are very enthusiastic."Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen sarcastically.

Seeing Koizumi Hongzi like this, Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at each other, a little confused.

"By the way, I know a new coffee shop has opened nearby. I heard it tastes very good. Let’s go there and taste the coffee."Yuanzi said

"I have no interest in coffee."Chen shook his head. He doesn't like drinking coffee.

"Go, it's a coffee shop, but there are other places too."Yuanzi hugged Chen's arm and said.

Indeed, it is impossible for a coffee shop to make money solely on coffee. Other drinks, desserts, etc. are all available in coffee shops.

After school, under the force of Yuanzi, Chen They went to this new coffee shop

"Teacher Judy, what are you doing with us?"Koizumi Hongzi turned around and looked at Judy walking behind and asked.

"Oh, I went there to drink coffee. My friend opened a coffee shop, and I went there to support him."Judy said with a smile, and glanced at Chen, with shyness and anger in her eyes.

Chen shrugged, and then completely ignored Judy's eyes.

But this coffee shop is opened by Judy's friend, which is really Interesting!

Doesn’t Chen know Judy’s identity? It seems that her friend should be from the FBI!

"It turns out that it is opened by your friend, Teacher Judy. Then you must visit more often in the future. Yuanzi jumped up and said.

Soon he came to this coffee shop. The layout of the entire coffee shop is very good, and a lot of effort was wasted on the decoration. This is the case with coffee shops now. If we don’t put in a lot of effort in decoration, no one will come. , the first impression is very important.

However, their purpose is not to run a coffee shop, but to act as a stronghold.

After all, this is not their country, so be careful when doing things here, otherwise, if your identity is discovered, Will definitely be sent back

"Chen, what would you like to drink?"Yuanzi sat down and asked Chen

"Bring me a cup of milk tea"

"good."Sonoko ordered a cup of red bean milk tea, and then she, Xiaolan and Koizumi Anko ordered coffee.

"Dear students, do you mind if the teacher sits with you?"Judy came over and asked

"Of course I don’t mind. It’s an honor for me, a beautiful lady like Teacher Judy, to sit with us." Chen said with a smile.

Koizumi Hongzi, who was sitting opposite Chen, lightly kicked Chen, and then said:"I want a strawberry cake."

"Bring me some pudding."Xiaolan shouted.

The desserts here taste pretty good, but the milk tea is just so-so. I don't know how the coffee Xiaolan and the others are drinking. Anyway, Chen is not interested in coffee.

"Speaking of Teacher Judy, didn’t you say that this store was opened by your friend? How about your friend?"Chen turned to look at Judy who was eating cake and asked.

"Oh, he's not here."Judy raised her head and said with a smile.

Ding, ding, ding!

Hearing the sound of the phone, Chen took out the phone and answered the call.

"It's already very late. Where did you go? Are you coming back for dinner?"Xiao Ai asked coldly.

A black line appeared on Chen's forehead. What did he say?

"I'm accompanying a beautiful woman right now, so I won't go. You can eat first."After Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Xiao Ai, who was at home, had an unhappy expression on her face. When she heard that Chen was accompanying the beautiful woman, Xiao Ai felt uncomfortable.

"Xiao Ai, isn’t Chen coming back?"Mingmei asked Xiao Ai

"He's not coming back, he's dead."Xiao Ai threw the phone aside and said lying on the sofa.

Later, Chen and Koizumi Hongzi returned home. After they came back, everyone stared at the two of them with strange eyes.

"Are you guys going on a date?"Miwako asked Chen and Koizumi Hongzi

"A certain person cannot walk when he sees his beautiful teacher."Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Chen and said.

Chen was speechless. He couldn't walk anywhere. This was really an exaggeration and it didn't happen at all.

But after hearing this, Xiao Ai looked at Chen with contempt. He said coldly:"Scumbag"

"Xiao Ai, what did you say? Please speak louder, I didn't hear you clearly."With a dangerous smile on Chen's face, he slowly approached Xiao Ai and asked

"Xiao Ai is saying that you are a scumbag."Yukiko poked Chen with her hand, and then said

"Come with me, both of you, and I will teach you two a lesson this time. Chen grabbed Xiao Ai and Yukiko with one hand and then walked into the room. The door was closed with a bang.

"I don’t know how Chen will teach them a lesson."Belmod had a chuckle on his face.

More than ten minutes later, Yukiko and Xiao Ai came out with a look of embarrassment on their faces, while Belmode had a look of gloating. It seemed that Chen was very concerned about their misfortune. The lesson was not easy.

Especially after seeing Xiao Ai's expression, Belmod felt that his mood had improved a lot.

"Damn bastard."Yukiko covered her back. The two of them were caught and spanked just now, and now they don't dare to sit down.

When they go to bed at night, they will probably sleep on their stomachs.

This is not the most important thing, the main thing is that it is embarrassing. Xiao Ai is gritting her teeth now. If possible, Xiao Ai really wants to bite Chen down.

"Xiao Ai's eyes are so fierce. Are you not convinced?"Chen walked to Xiao Ai, squatted down and put a hand on Xiao Ai's head.

Xiao Ai looked at Chen stubbornly. It was impossible to make her give in. I just wasn't convinced.

"It seems that some education is still needed."Chen stood up with gestures

"etc."Xiao Ai shouted quickly, she didn't want to be spanked again, because it still hurts.

Looking at Xiao Ai's aggrieved look, Chen smiled, then lowered his head and kissed Xiao Ai on the face.

Xiao Ai's cheeks suddenly became rosy. She looked around and saw that they were all looking at her. Xiao Ai couldn't help but cover her cheeks shyly.


Leaving these two words, the shy Xiao Ai ran towards her room.

Chen smiled softly, it was really not easy to see this arrogant queen being shy.

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