Chapter 898: Prisoner

"Capture these two people first."Officer Megure looked at the two people and said.

Gin did not choose to resist. Resisting at this time is just asking for trouble. There is no need to do this.

After the injury recovers, find a way to escape.

Conan saw Gin and Vodka were caught, and he felt relieved. If he caught them both, he would be able to find out the mysterious organization.

As long as he can find the medicine, he can change back. Thinking of this, Conan looked excited..

But how can we force Gin to reveal the organization behind him?

Gin and Vodka were captured. Officer Megure saw Gin’s fierce eyes and asked Gin to take more care of him. He directly dispatched several police cars with real guns. Bring Gin and Liquor back to the Metropolitan Police Department with live ammunition.

The dead people in Rima Paradise also need to be dealt with. This time there are more than a dozen corpses, and the consequences are very bad.

Fortunately, at this time, there are not many people in Rima Paradise. The police After arriving, they dispersed all the people.

But there were still many people watching the fun, standing outside the Nichimai Paradise. Even reporters came, and they were reporters from Nichimai TV.

"Poor Gin was caught in it, but he didn't know if he would die in it. Chen said with a chuckle.

"Do you know the man who was arrested?"Yukiko looked at Chen in confusion, and Xiaolan also looked at Chen.

Conan, who had just returned, also heard Chen's words and raised his head to look at Chen, with light shining in his lenses.

"I don't know him, I just heard the name and knew that this guy is not a good person. No matter if he is caught now, he has eliminated some harm. Chen said with a chuckle.

Conan curled his lips. He originally wanted to get more information about Gin from Hinata Chen, but now it seems he doesn’t want to think about it anymore.

"Let's go back. I didn't expect that on this trip, not only murders occurred, but also gun battles occurred. It's really exciting."

"It's too dangerous. By the way, dad hasn't come back yet."Xiaolan worriedly called Mouri Kogoro.

Then she learned that Mouri Kogoro had followed Officer Megure to the Metropolitan Police Department, which made the worried Xiaolan relieved.

"Really, they didn’t say anything to me even when they went to the Metropolitan Police Department, which made me very worried."Xiao Lan complained.

"By the way, Conan, where did you go?"Xiaolan stared at Conan unkindly.

It was so dangerous just now, but Conan ran away. Xiaolan was very anxious. Conan was fostered in her home. If something really happened, how would Xiaolan explain it?

"for this I……"Conan scratched his head, cold sweat appeared on his forehead. How on earth can he get through this? racking his brains, Conan was thinking of a reason, but he couldn't think of it at all! Seeing Xiaolan's eyes becoming more and more angry, Conan's heart trembled.

"Forget it this time, but next time something so dangerous happens, Conan, you must not run around again, do you understand?"Xiaolan said to Conan.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that nothing happened. Fortunately, Xiaolan was angry and dissipated quickly.

"Yeah, sister Xiaolan, I promise that I will never run around again in the future."Conan made a guarantee with Xiaolan seriously.

But even a child wouldn't believe Conan's words! If there is any case, he will definitely get involved at all costs, and will not care about whether it is dangerous or not.

"This is the last time, you know. If there is another time, I will definitely send you back to your parents."Xiaolan said to Conan.

Conan smiled awkwardly. Now that he is Conan, he has no parents, so he doesn't take Xiaolan's threat to heart.

"Let's go back, Xiaolan, I'll take you back first."Chen said to Xiaolan.

The paradise has been sealed, and there is no point in staying here. After Chen sent Xiaolan and Conan back, he drove home. After returning, Belmode called Chen, and then The two of them walked into the room

"Gin and vodka were caught by the police, right?"Belmode asked Chen

"Well, how do you know?"

"News came from the organization, asking for a way to rescue Gin."Belmod sat down with his legs crossed, exuding an unspeakable temptation.

"They only said to rescue gin, but not to rescue vodka?"Chen brought Belmode over and asked.

"Vodka is just a small figure in the organization. He can be rescued if he can be rescued. It doesn't matter if he dies."Belmod leaned over Chen and said

"But this time Gin was caught by the police, I think all his majesty must have disappeared."Belmod's lips raised a smile.

Gin is actually very dignified within the black organization. Many people are afraid of Gin, but after this time, Gin's reputation will definitely plummet.

He was caught by the police. This is such a shameful thing, no matter how many reasons Ginjiu has, it's all in vain.

I'm afraid there are not a few people in the black organization who are secretly laughing now! As long as they think of Ginjiu being caught, they can't help but laugh.

After all, Gin's character is destined to offend many people. He doesn't take anyone seriously in the organization.

If it hadn't been for the order from above, no one would have wanted to save him.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to save Gin. The police also have information about that organization! Gin and the others should also know how it was possible for Gin to be rescued so easily. Chen said with great interest.

"Anyway, whether Gin lives or dies is none of my business."Belmod's little hand kept drawing circles on Chen's heart, and he looked at Chen with blurred eyes.

Chen looked at the charming fairy Belmod, picked up Belmod, and then walked towards Simmons next to him.

Everything happened after that. Not much to describe.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Megure came to interrogate Gin himself.

"Tell me, what is your relationship with those people who died, and why did you kill them?"Officer Megure asked Gin.

Gin remained silent and said nothing in the face of Officer Megure's question.

In fact, Gin felt very humiliated now that he had become a prisoner. He would never be able to I thought that this day would come.

On the other side, Vodka was also interrogated, and Vodka also did not reveal a word.

"I heard that there is a huge organization behind you?"Officer Megure asked.

Gin raised his head and glanced at Officer Megure. The cold look in his eyes made Officer Megure palpitate, and he felt like he was about to die.

Takagi Wataru, who was interrogating with Officer Megure, was even more unbearable. He sat down all of a sudden He fell to the ground, frightened by Gin's terrifying look.

"What are you afraid of? This is the Metropolitan Police Department."Officer Megure wiped a handful of cold sweat, and then shouted to Takagi Wataru

"Yes, Officer Megure."

Gao Mushe stood up with a very aggrieved expression. Weren't you also scared to the point of breaking into a cold sweat?

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