Chapter 897: Gin and Vodka arrested

"Hey, fat guy, what are you thinking about?"

Chen looked at Vodka who was distracted and didn't know what he was thinking, and asked Vodka.

At this time, Vodka suddenly came back to his senses. Looking at Chen and Xiaoai in front of him, cold sweat suddenly flowed down.

"Brother, what should we do now?"Vodka didn't know what to do, so he looked at Gin.

What should I do? If Gin knew what to do, would there be any need to lie on the ground?

"What do you want?"Ginjiu stood up holding the object next to him and looked at Chen and asked.

Ginjiu knew very well that now is not the time for them to do what they want to do, but what the other party wants to do.

If the other party wants to kill them, they can escape Fall? Absolutely no ability to escape

"What do you want? I think the police will be here soon. How about taking you two to the police station? Chen asked with a smile.

Gin and Vodka felt cold. If they were sent to the police station, could they still escape?

Entering the police station is no joke. With their status, they must be under the strictest supervision. There was no way to escape at that time.

Even if Gin was very confident in his skills, he was not sure that he would be able to escape from the police station. He was not a professional prison escapee, and he never thought that he would be caught.


Gin suppressed the pain in his abdomen, turned around and ran towards the back. Vodka was stunned for a moment, and then quickly followed Gin.

Xiao Ai raised his head and glanced at Chen, asking him if he still wanted to chase.

"We don't have to worry about it. Gin can't run away anyway. We must send him to prison this time and let him eat some free meals."

Chen took out his cell phone and dialed Miwako's number.

"Miwako, there are two international criminals running towards the Hireland. I believe you can see it. Catch them both."Tatsu said to Miwako.

I believe that after such a big thing happened, Miwako will definitely come. Those policemen can't catch Gin and Vodka, but Miwako is different. Miwako also learned with Chen, how to deal with Gin and Vodka Vodka, that's a piece of cake.

"OK Miwako, who had just arrived here, nodded, and then looked around, looking for the two international criminals Chen was talking about.

In order to find them quickly, Miwako went directly to a high place, looked down, and soon found the two international criminals who were fleeing in embarrassment. of gin and vodka

"It should be these two people."Miwako showed a sneer on her lips, and then walked towards the place where Gin and Vodka escaped.

At this time, Chen also received a call from Xiaolan

"Chen, where are you now? Why didn't I see you? Are you okay?"Xiaolan asked anxiously

"Don't worry, don't worry, what can happen to me?"

"Where are you right now then?"Xiaolan asked

"Xiaolan, where are you? I'll go find you right now"

"The coffee shop I am in at Rima Paradise is the same coffee shop you and Xiao Ai went to before."Xiaolan said

"Okay, then Xiao Ai and I will go there right away."Chen took Xiao Ai's hand and walked towards the coffee shop. He arrived at the coffee shop in a few minutes, and then saw Xiaolan and Yukiko who looked anxious. They were really afraid that something would happen to Chen.

"It's really good to be okay."Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Really, I heard that there was a large-scale gun battle here. Where were you and Xiao Ai? We are worried to death. Yukiko said angrily.

"Will I encounter any danger?"Chen shrugged.

"Why can't I get through Conan's phone?"Xiao Lan started to dial Conan's number.

But at this time, Conan had already turned off his mobile phone. He was following Gin and Vodka who suddenly turned back.

Although he didn't know why Gin and Vodka turned back, he knew it. It's a good opportunity to seize both of them.

"Vodka, did he follow."Gin asked Vodka.

Vodka, who was out of breath after running, glanced behind him, and then said:"Brother, he doesn't seem to be catching up."

"Then let's get out of here quickly, the police are probably already here."Gin glanced at Vodka and said.

We must find a way to escape. If necessary, we can directly abandon Vodka and escape from here alone.

Although Vodka is a good little brother, of course he is more important than himself.

His own Of course, life is more important than Vodka's life, so although Vodka is obedient, he is just a pawn that Ginjiu wants to abandon at will.

As long as he can escape from here, sacrificing a Vodka is nothing.

Vodka doesn't know Gin's thoughts yet, If you knew it, no matter how loyal you are to Gin, you would probably be angry!

After all, I am loyal to you as your little brother, and you actually want to sell me, which is absolutely unbearable!

But the two of them really can't escape. , because Miwako had already stopped them.

When they saw the policewoman in front of them, Gin and Vodka actually didn't care, until they were kicked back by one of them, they knew they were powerful.

"You two still want to run."Miwako took out a pistol and pointed it at the two of them.

"damn it."Vodka got up and reached out to help Vodka, but as soon as he moved, a gunshot rang out, and a trace of blood appeared on Vodka's face.

"You'd better not move, otherwise my bullets won't have eyes."Miwako said coldly.

Gin and Vodka didn't dare to move. If they could kick them back, they were definitely not ordinary people. They still had a gun in their hand.

Gin's gun had been lost. He had been punched by Xiao Ai before. When he was flying, the gun came out of his hand, and he didn't have time to pick it up when he was running.

Vodka also has a gun, but Vodka really didn't dare to move it!

"Officer Megure, I caught two suspicious guys and suspect that they are the criminals of this shooting."Miwako took out the walkie-talkie and informed Officer Megure.

Gin's heart dropped. It seemed that he was really going to be arrested this time and was sent to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Soon Officer Megure came over with his people and looked at these two black men. The well-dressed guy felt a sense of danger.

Seeing a blood mark on Vodka's face and blood on his shoulder, Officer Megure looked at Miwako doubtfully.

"The injury on his shoulder was not caused by me, the injury on his face was my warning to him."Miwako said

"Who are you two?"Officer Megure asked the two people.

Gin raised his head, glanced at Officer Megure with murderous intent, and actually spoke to him in such a questioning tone.

Officer Megure was shocked, Gin's The look in his eyes was indeed terrifying, making him shiver all over and almost sitting on the ground in fright.

Fortunately, Officer Megure was also someone who had seen big scenes, so he was not so frightened that he made a fool of himself. However, at this time, Officer Megure also confirmed that this guy was definitely Unusually, this murderous aura was so strong that it was like killing hundreds of people.

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