Chapter 890: FBI Investigator

"Chen, I have to go home first. School will start the day after tomorrow. Will you go to school then?"Xiaolan asked Chen

"Let’s wait until then. Chen thought for a while and said, to be honest, he really had no interest in going to school. Before, it was just because of interest.

"Oh well."Xiaolan waved to Chen, and then followed Mouri Kogoro home.

"Let's go back too." Chen said to Sato Miwako

"Chen, don’t you want to investigate who is following you?"Miwako Sato said to Chen

"There is no need for investigation. In the face of absolute power, anyone who wants to target me is just a clown. Chen said with a smile.

"You are really confident, but if you are too confident, it becomes arrogance, so Chen, don’t be like this."Miwako Sato said to Chen seriously.

At the same time, Miwako Sato decided to use her identity as a police officer to continue investigating on this line.

"James, what do you want from me?"

"Yusaku, my man is dead, and I suspect it was the person you asked me to investigate."James said.

Kudo Yusaku frowned when he heard this.

"Fulan was an excellent FBI investigator, but he died silently. Now his body has been taken away by the Japanese police. I want to know, who is the person you asked me to investigate?"James Blake asked.

James Blake is a senior investigator of the FBI and Shuichi Akai's boss. I really don't know how Shuichi Akai, a neon man, joined the FBI.

The person who followed Chen before was from the FBI. Members were sent by James after Kudo Yusaku asked James to investigate Chen.

After Kudo Yusaku received a call from Conan last time, he wanted to investigate the unknown person Ri Xiangchen.

Between him and the FBI But they have a deep relationship, so they would naturally ask the FBI to investigate Chen.

"I don't know this very well. If I did, would I still need to get rid of you to investigate? Kudo Yusaku said after being silent for a while.

"What are you going to do now?"Kudo Yusaku asked James

"We at the FBI cannot die in vain."James took a deep breath and said.

Every investigator is an elite among the elite. If one of them dies this time, they have suffered a great loss.

"You have to think carefully. You still don't know the opponent's strength. If you attack rashly again, the consequences will not be good, and Neon does not welcome you to enter." Kudo Yusaku said.

No country's power will allow other countries' power to cause trouble.

"Yusaku, what do you think we should do? Did you let my men die in vain?"

"It’s better not to act rashly and investigate his information first. Kudo Yusaku said after thinking for a while.

His son Shinichi once said that the other party was not a simple person and was very dangerous. Coupled with the death of the FBI investigator this time, Kudo Yusaku became vigilant again.

"Okay, now I need to get Fulan's body back."James took a deep breath, and then said.

No matter what, the bodies of his men must be taken back, and James needs to come forward.

With James coming forward, the matter is very simple. After paying something, it's like In exchange, we got Fulan's body back.

"Officer Memu, why did you hand over the body of the deceased to the people above? The case has not yet been investigated clearly."Miwako Sato found Officer Megure and said

"Miwako, this case has nothing to do with us anymore. We don’t need to take care of it anymore. Someone from above has taken over it."Officer Megure said helplessly.

The people above took away the body. What can they say? He is just a small police department and does not even have the right to speak.

Sato Miwako was silent. She was sure that it was definitely the person behind the deceased. , took his body back.

The person behind it was the person who sent people to follow Chen, and the force behind it should not be an evil force.

Otherwise, the body would not be taken back from the police, let alone the real evil force. , would you care about the corpse of your companion?

"Officer Megure, do you know who the person who took away the body of the deceased was?"

"Miwako, please don’t ask any more questions. As a matter of confidentiality, I can’t reveal anything."Officer Megure said to Miwako.

Seeing that Officer Megure would not say anything, Miwako Sato stopped asking, but this did not mean that Miwako Sato gave up.

Miwako Sato was prepared to continue the investigation. With her Now that the police department has made up for the identity, they should be able to investigate something.

Under Miwako Sato’s investigation, they did find some clues, which seem to be related to the FBI.

"Chen, after many days of investigation, it seems that the person following you has something to do with the FBI, or is even from the FBI. Have you offended them?"Miwako Sato asked Chen

"To offend the FBI, I don’t even know anyone from them."Chen was a little surprised to hear that it was the FBI.

"Is it because of you that the FBI is targeting me?" Chen looked at Belmod next to him.

Belmod rolled his eyes,"If it was because of me, the FBI would have taken action against you by now."

"Forget it, don't worry about it so much."Chen doesn't care about the FBI at all.

"After Hongzi left, we went to school and took Xiao Ai to school by the way." Chen said to Koizumi Hongzi

"Are you going to school? This is really rare. Does the sun come out from the west today?"Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen in surprise.

"Yes, the sun is coming out from the west, Xiao Ai, let’s go."Chen stretched out his hand to pick up Xiao Ai.

"Hey, wait for me."Koizumi Hongzi immediately chased after him.

"Why do you want to go to school?"

"I was quite bored at home, so I wanted to go to school and have a look." Chen said to Koizumi Hongzi

"By the way, can you teach me ninjutsu, the same ninjutsu you taught Belmod and Akemi."Koizumi Hongzi asked Chen

"Do you want to learn ninjutsu? Don't you want to continue studying your magic?"

"My magic has no combat effectiveness at all. I want to learn something with combat effectiveness."

"Why do you want to learn how to fight?"

"I just want to learn, can you teach me or not?"

"Then I won’t teach."Chen decisively refused.

"you."Koizumi Hongzi glared at Chen angrily.

"I want to learn, can I?"Xiao Ai raised her head and looked at Chen. She wanted to have the power to protect herself, at least not to hold her sister back.

"Of course, if it's Xiao Ai, there's no problem at all."Chen smiled and agreed.

"Why can Xiao Ai do it, but I can’t, you perverted lolicon?"Koizumi Hongzi said unhappily.

"Yes, it is precisely because I am a lolicon that Xiao Ai is different in my heart!"Chen nodded matter-of-factly.

Xiao Ai's cheeks turned red when she heard this, and she lowered her head to prevent Chen from seeing her cheeks.

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