Chapter 889 No clues

"By the way, Yukiko...Why is my sister here?"Xiaolan looked at Yukiko in confusion and asked.

"Oh, I felt bored at home alone, so I came here for a while. Yukiko said.

Xiaolan felt very strange. Are Yukiko and Chen so familiar?

"Since there was a shooting incident, I wanted to go and have a look."Sato Miwako said.

Originally she was on vacation, so she was at home

"Let's go take a look too."Chen stood up and walked out. Xiaolan followed, but the others were not interested.

Soon they arrived at the crime scene and saw Miwako Sato coming. The eyes of the police officers lit up, but after seeing Ri Xiangchen next to them, their faces changed. He immediately pulled it down.

This man standing next to his goddess was really an eyesore. Some police officers all stared at Chen with unkind expressions.

Chen also knew why they were staring at him, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. winner's smile

"Xiaolan came here to find him, right?"Conan saw that Xiaolan had brought Chen here not long after he left, and he was very jealous.

"Miwako, aren't you on vacation? Why are you here?"Officer Megure asked.

"I heard there was a case here, so I came over to take a look. How is it? Have you found the murderer?"Miwako Sato glanced at Chen deliberately.

In fact, Miwako knew that it was Chen who killed this man. Chen did not hide it from them and told them directly after returning.

Miwako didn't express anything about this. After all, she is no longer the same person as before. The righteous Miwako Sato who hates evil as much as she hates him.

Besides, this guy was killed by Chen because he was following Chen. He deserves to die.

"The murderer has not been found. This case is very difficult. I suspect it was the work of a professional killer."Officer Megure sighed.

This kind of case involving a killer is generally not easy to solve, especially the kind of powerful professional killer, who is like gin, and is not something that Officer Megure and the others can deal with.

Conan looked at Chen, He suspected that this incident was definitely related to Ri Xiangchen, but he had no evidence in his heart. Everything was just his guess.

"Is there any information about the deceased?"Miwako Sato asked curiously.

In fact, she wanted to know who was following Chen and what their purpose was.

"No, no information at all, completely blank."Takagi Sheta replied

"In other words, you don’t even know which country the deceased was from?"Miwako Sato frowned and looked at Chen questioningly.

Who did Chen provoke? Is there any danger?

Chen gave Miwako Sato a reassuring look, although Chen didn't know who sent this guy to follow. It's my own, but Chen doesn't care either.

"I have asked people here, but no one here knows this person, and they don’t know why the deceased came here or why he was killed."Officer Memu patted his head.

"By the way, Brother Maori, do you have any clues?"Officer Megure asked Moori Kogoro

"ah? I have a clue"

"Um?"Officer Megure's eyes lit up.

Sato Miwako heard this and looked at Chen. Now that Mouri Kogoro is famous and has great strength, he must not have discovered anything.

Chen shook his head gently, He didn't leave anything behind. How could Mouri Kogoro find anything?

"Brother Maori, if you have any clues, tell me immediately."

"Well, I suspect that the deceased and the murderer must have known each other, otherwise why would the murderer be in the deceased's car?"

"Brother Maori, we have already guessed this."Officer Memu said speechlessly.

"Since the murderer stayed in the car, he must have left something behind. Officer Megure, if you check the car carefully, you may find something."Moori Kogoro said to Officer Megure.

"Mr. Maoli, before you came over, we had already checked the car and found nothing. The murderer did not leave any evidence."Takagi Wataru said to Mouri Kogoro

"That's it."Moori Kogoro scratched his head gently. Conan frowned, leaving no clue. Conan's eyes looked towards Chen

"Conan, why are you looking at me? Are you suspecting that I am the murderer?"Chen spread his hands and said.

Conan looked back. He really suspected that Chen was the murderer, but there was no evidence, but a strong feeling in his heart told him that Ri Xiangchen was the murderer this time. This is the detective's intuition.

However, the real solution to the case is , in fact, it’s about evidence. If there is no evidence, nothing can happen.

"Hello, police officer, I am a reporter from Japan TV Station. Can you tell us the truth about this shooting?"

A reporter came over and asked Officer Megure.

Officer Megure got annoyed when he saw the reporters. These guys randomly smeared them, causing many people not to trust the police too much.

But Officer Megure couldn't get angry, otherwise the next There will definitely be a lot of negative news in the next two days, which is a smear campaign against the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Sorry, we have no comment on the questions you asked."Officer Megure said

"Could it be that you didn't find the murderer? I just saw Mr. Kogoro Mori. Are you asking Detective Mori to help solve the case?"

"This is confidential, no comment."

Officer Mu Mu used the words"no comment" to send the reporter away, as well as other reporters.

"Alas, there’s no telling how these reporters would report on us."Officer Megure sighed, and then continued to investigate the case.

Mouri Kogoro sat on the roadside and pondered. However, there were no clues in this case at all. It was a perfect crime, which could not be investigated at all.

Don't talk about Moori Kogoro, just Even Conan could only sit there and frown.

"It seems that Brother Maori, you can't solve this case, so it can only be treated as a killer."Officer Mumu sighed.

It is estimated that only a professional killer can leave no trace of evidence, and he is not an ordinary killer.

Officer Mumu asked someone to come and tow the car away, and the deceased was also taken back. It's not a big deal if you leave it here.

"I'm sorry to trouble you this time, Brother Maori."Officer Megure looked at Mouri Kogoro apologetically, letting him run away in vain.

"I wasn't much help either."Mouri Kogoro looked depressed and couldn't help. Naturally, there would be no bonus or anything like this. It was indeed a wasted trip.

Conan was still frowning. There are many mysteries this time!

What is the identity of the deceased? ? In any case, the deceased was not simple. After all, the police could not find out the information.

If it was really Ri Xiangchen who killed the deceased, then why did Ri Xiangchen kill him? Conan's head was about to explode.

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