Naruto God-level System

Chapter 853: Girl's mind

  , the Naruto God-level system


   That is to describe a girl.

   When a woman begins to embrace spring, her heart is full of purity and harmony. Especially an ignorant girl who has just entered the mortal world and is not yet full of vigilance about the current society.

   Like Li Luo Ai.

   business star.

   A small star in the middle of the big planet Niu b. Because the major spacecraft always have to supply supplies in the middle, and the distance between the big planets is farther than imagined, so this kind of small supply station that only exists on the planets was developed.

   is similar to the railway platform in the middle of major cities.

   A gift house.

   Li Luoai happily chose her own clothes inside, because Russell Longyin had promised her that she had the right to choose the 300 most fashionable girls' clothes she wanted.

   Ye Liang was by his side.

   "Sure enough! These two young people should be lovers." Ye Liang looked at Li Luo Ai's jubilant figure, shook his head with a smile.

   This kind of bickering has been seen a lot, but since the destruction of Longyin insisted on buying clothes for Liluo, it means that the other party still has a girl in his heart.

   In this situation, he naturally didn't bother to blend in. It's just that I don't have a spaceship or a suitable guide, so I can't leave. When their spacecraft arrives on the next big planet, he can buy a suitable spacecraft on that planet, and he can leave naturally.

   Li Luoai changed a lot of clothes in the fitting room. Whenever she changed into a satisfactory dress, she always glanced at Ye Liang subconsciously.

   The clerk who accompanied him was not a fool. Seeing Li Luo Ai's expression, he naturally understood. A capable female clerk with short hair leaned in and said, "Sister, do you like that handsome guy? According to me, if you really like it, go after it. It's not a thing to be here every day."

   Li Luoai blushed: "But his big brother, and he is so good, how can I be worthy of him, a country girl who has never seen the world."

   "Big Brother? Are you brothers and sisters?"

   "No, I met him while cooking a starfish. He saved my life as soon as he met."

   "Oh, it turned out to be Brother Qian." The female employee's expression became awkward. In this world, there has never been a serious woman, nothing more than a Ming Sao, a secret Sao.

  The career elites such as female employees are naturally the kind of Mingsao. Seeing Liluoai blushing, she immediately flirted with it: "Hey, if you can't, I can go to be super trustworthy. Now these years, it is not easy to find such a handsome brother. "

   Li Luoai blushed on the spot when she heard the female staff member's words: "No! I'm not allowed to take it! Ye Liang's brother is my elder brother!" She shouted angrily.

   The audience was taken aback.

  The window glass around, actually shattered completely in the voice of Liluoai, even the glass cup in front of the counter could not escape!

   "I just talk about it casually, don't be so excited." The female staff member was frightened, and she quickly stepped back and stayed away from this impulsive Liluo Ai.

   Li Luo Ai's face is red!

"Did I just say what I was saying? That's bad! If my brother knows that I like him, will he dislike me? If he refuses me, what should I do." Li Luoai was in a trance, she was totally not. Know what to do next.

   Ye Liang was holding his mobile phone in the distance.

   In this era, there is something called Chaoxin, which can chat and make mobile payments freely. The female clerk said to add Chaoxin, in fact, she wanted Ye Liang's contact information.

   Li Luo Ai is blank paper, but she is not a fool on blank paper. After learning about the usage of Chaoxin from Ruoyin Longyin, she understood.

   "What's wrong, Liluoai?" Ye Liang came over. Destroy Longyin went here to exchange gold coins. After all, 300 sets of clothes can't be bought casually.

   He took all the spirit stones with him so that he could barely store the items Li Luoai wanted.

   Ye Liang is now a steward.

   "I...I don't know! Brother Ye Liang, I was not careful." Li Luo Ai explained hurriedly. Ye Liang looked at Liluoai, then looked at the scared clerk next to him, and shook his head helplessly: "Sorry, we will give it in front of the window."

   He looked at Liloai, and simply grabbed the other's hand: "Don't be afraid, it's just a few broken windows. Although we don't have a job, we still have some money."

  Ye Liang's last spoils were 99% unused. It is naturally very easy to compensate for this simple glass product.

   Li Luoai opened her eyes hurriedly, she never thought that Ye Liang did not reject her, she had said something like that just now.

   "Could it be that Ye Liang's brother also likes me?"

   Her face is even redder!

   A big misunderstanding of women.

   Those who look at me more are people who like me! Ye Liang was so kind to Liluo, who naturally thought the other party liked him.

actually not.

   Destroy Longyin helped Ye Liang leave the boiled starfish, led the way for himself, and provided spacecraft. What are you can't treat his girlfriend badly, right?

   This is not.

   Li Luoai just had an accident, and he felt that he had a chance to repay him.

  He just came forward to help adjust.

"It's really convenient to say that this super letter is really convenient. There are small games in it. It's a pity that I was so fascinated just now that I didn't even know what happened." As soon as Ye Liang looked up, she found that the glass window was shattered by Li Luoai, and she shouted What's wrong, I don't know at all.

   Found that Ye Liang did not reject, Liluoai's little heart throbbed.

   The female employee heard that Ye Liang was willing to pay compensation, so she naturally relaxed. As for Liloai's ability to shatter glass in one fell swoop, she was not surprised.

   In this world, all creatures that can destroy the planet can exist, let alone a little girl who shattered the window. The female employee just chose to hide aside, just because Liluoai's movement was so loud, she didn't react for a while.

   "Female guest, no one cares about it. You can't muster your courage." She walked behind Liluoai and pushed her. The latter blushed immediately.

  "Ye...Big Brother Ye...I...I..." She hesitated, still did not say anything. The female staff next to her are almost out of rush! Just as she was about to speak out the confession voice on behalf of Liluoai, Russell Ryuyin's body walked in from outside.

   He took a heavy breath, obviously the journey was not easy.

"The recent bank is a hundred miles away. It took me two flying swords to fly back from the next door. The poor planet actually has a speed limit, otherwise I will just use the rules." Ruins of Destruction also rules, but compared to everyone else. Yes, a little faint.

   Ye Liang saw Ryu Yin coming, and naturally stepped aside. The female staff frowned, she seemed to realize something!

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