Naruto God-level System

Chapter 852: Time incarnate, you yin me!

  , the Naruto God-level system

on the ground.

   The ruined Rumble, who had already made a kneeling posture, stayed...

  'S words of begging for mercy have already reached the lips, and the handsome back who is blocking Liluo Ai hasn't held on for a few seconds before he stoops weakly.

   "Uh, these people are brain pumping..." he Nannan said.

   At this time, Liluoai did move towards one direction blankly.

   There, a bottomless human heart hole was left intact on the ground.

   Just now, just when Liloai was about to die, a handsome man fell from the sky. He smashed Mars's main ship in one fell swoop, and then rescued them from the thousands of star fleets.

   All of this was observed from the ground by Li Luo Ai with sharp eyes.

   She walked towards the pothole.

   There is the last place where the benefactor was left.

   "Let me go! The location of this teleportation is too unreliable, it actually made me land in the sky!" A man's voice came from the hole, he cursed slightly, and then jumped out of it.

   Ye Liang!

   heroic and cool, feather fan towel!

   Ye Liang brushed the dust off his body and stood beside the pothole.

   "This man is too handsome!" Liluoai's eyes turned into stars, and she gradually felt that Uncle Ryuin was a little cute, but compared to the man in front of him, it was really bad!

   has become a pig!

   "How can that old man Longyin compare with Ye Liang." Liluo Ai made a judgment in her heart.

   Destroy Ryuun is also dumbfounded!

   A human fell from a high altitude, and it was still intact, which is too weird. He looked at Ye Liang, his brows were full of displeasure, and at the same time, he was inexplicably repulsive in his heart!

   I don't know why, I always feel that the trajectory of life has been changed by this man.

at the same time.

   Ye Liang also found them.

   He first looked at the neighborhood carefully, then cast his eyes on the two of them again: "God? Monster?" The same words appeared again.

   Li Luoai looked at Ye Liang in front of him, and quickly walked over: "I'm Li Luoai, I'm glad to see you."

   "It turned out to be Miss Liluo Ai, who looked up for a long time." Ye Liang stretched out his hand politely. No way, the girl in front of me is too cute, although she puts on a men's uniform, the cuteness of the girl in Dad's clothes is simply unobstructed!

  Especially the double ponytail on that end, and the pink hair that I don’t know if it’s dyed or perm, it perfectly reveals the attribute of loli.

"Nice to meet you!"

   Ye Liang shook his hand again.

   Destruction Longyin came over. He looked at Ye Liang in front of him displeasedly, and said in annoyance: "I will destroy... Emperor, you call me Emperor." He suddenly changed his tone.

  Why don’t boys have a pseudonym when they go out! Destruction Longyin didn't want to reveal his real name, because he didn't have any good feelings for Ye Liang.

   Ye Liang looked at him strangely: "Destroy the emperor? Wocao! This name is too high. Why don't you call Nangong Wentian!" Ye Liang held back the slander in his heart, and still handed him his hand.

   Ruin Ryuyin saw this scene and stretched out his hand reluctantly, but just as he stretched it out, he was beaten aside by Liluo: "Dishonest person!"

   Li Luo Ai doesn't like Ryuyin!

   She remembered that her master once said that the most important thing in this world is trust between people. A person, even if he is strong, if he is full of lies, he is a downright person!

   Time Daozu is because he believes too much in others, and they secretly calculate. Of course, he used his life to explain what must be honest!

   Ye Liang looked at this scene in surprise.

   In his eyes, the two of them are like vindictive lovers. Although weird, they patted Long Yin on the shoulder: "Man, don't care too much, it will always be noisy."

   Rumble of destruction: "..."

   "Everyone, I got into the teleportation formation by mistake, can you tell me where is this place? How long will it take to return to the holy city of angels?"

   The angel race is being invaded by demons. Although Ye Liang is unfamiliar, he still wants to remind.

   "Angel family? I have seen those birdmen with wings by the master's side before, too long, I can't remember." Liluo shook her head.

Destroy Longyin frowned, and he said: "The angels are in ruins in the south, far away from our human race. Why, brothers want to go over to beg a wife? The women there are all amorous." Destruction Long Yin wanted to court Ye Liang, but his words irritated Li Luoai next to him.

   When she talks about women at every turn, such a man is also not allowed!

   This is the time Daozu warned Liluo every word before his death. He was hunted down by many enemies because of a **** word, so he naturally took a warning.

   Li Luoai pushed Ruin Longyin away from Ye Liang!

   Rumble of destruction: "I tm..."

   "Thank you brother for reminding me." Ye Liang bowed his hands politely. At the same time, he winked at the man who lacked a string in his head.

   Talking about women in front of women, do you still want to talk about love? In his eyes, UU reading www.uukanshu. com still thinks that these two people are little lovers quarreling.

   Time passed bit by bit.

  After spending a few days with Liluo Ai, he finally understood the current situation.

   This is called boiled starfish, and it is a remote star in a remote area. There are very few people coming here, because of Master Liloai, here is a powerful time law, ordinary life can't get close at all, light outside the atmosphere will be affected by time.

   Don't even think about approaching this desolate planet for four to five hundred years! This is also the reason why Liluoai has only seen one man Ruan Longyin for so many years.

   Interstellar Federation has the technology of time jumping, so it will not be affected by the law of time.

   "Lady Liloai, you said that your master is the strongest time ancestor in the universe. Is this true? I have grown up so much and I have never seen such a great man."

   Time Daozu is a time sage, Ye Liang learned about the identities of some famous sages when he was chatting.

   "Of course! It's a pity that his old man's strength is inadequate, and he was finally attacked." Li Luoai's expression dimmed, she suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and looked at the ruinous sound next to her!

   "This uncle lying, although his character is not good, but his strength is very strong, once defeated more than 60,000 saints! Even more than 10,000 saints were killed, I look down on him a bit, but I still want to admire his strength."


   The audience is silent!

   Ye Liang looked at the unknown mysterious man in front of him in surprise, the Holy Spirit Realm, actually beheading more than a hundred saints!

   Niubi Niubi is broken!

   Ruin Ryuyin's face flushed: "Idiot, get out of here!"

   He ran away by himself...

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