Naruto God-level System

Chapter 841: The methods are too scary

Angel Yan looked at Ye Liang and continued: "I'm sorry, thousands of masters. The previous Alliance army mistakenly thought you were such a bad guy, and launched an attack on you.

Don't be afraid, I have carefully observed your eye pupils just now, you are definitely a pure and pure blood of thousands of Lords! Of course, a simple test is still to be done. "

"What if I am not in the blood of thousands of masters?"

"Skinning and deboning!"

"The soul refines the lamp!"

"The meridian is a whip!"

"Use blood as a drink and meat as a staple food. Don't worry, once you find that you are not really a thousand masters, the high priests will not let you go easily."


My tm cracked!

Ye Liang couldn't bear such a fright. The woman's **** that he had felt warm, now became cold. Just as he desperately tried to break free from Angel Yan's embrace, the angel army on the side all approached.

None of these people have the strength to resist the eighth rank of the saints!

"Thousands of Lords, don't worry. Our Scarlet Crusade is the strongest angel army in the entire region. There are saints guarding outside the planet. If the planet is not too weak, their elderly will definitely come to see you."

"The saint guards? Or they!"

"Tell me honestly, how many of your saints outside are here..." Ye Liang asked in a panic.

"Not much, just three or four."

"Three or four!"


Ye Liang's face turned into bitter gourd! It is very difficult for a saint to escape, let alone three or four saints! He also had a new understanding of the strength of the angel family.

When he met Lucy's father at the frontier, he thought that the angels were nothing more than this, but according to today's situation, the strength of the angels should be far beyond his perception.

"Are there many saints in our angel family? How can a single remnant of thousands of masters bring so many angel saints?"

Hearing that Ye Liang used'we', Angel Yan was immediately overjoyed: "Not many, but the thousands of masters now are really declining. If it weren't for the fact that we just found a tribe from the Lower Realm recently, I'm afraid our noble blood will soon It's going to be extinct!"

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Liang gasped. It seemed that the angel family was not as terrible as he thought.

"By the way, this time is the White Wing Saint. She is the top three in strength among the 100 Saints currently public. It can be regarded as a tribute to your family lineage."


I tm!

After a few words, Ye Liang followed Angel Yan's Crusaders into space. After communication, he has roughly understood the situation.

Thousands of masters are the most powerful angel variant in the entire foreign civilization! They don't have wings, but their pupils have undergone extremely strong evolution, allowing them to penetrate several arbitrary creatures outside the galaxy at a glance.

The strongest thousand master pupil technique can see through the universe, any creature you want to know!

This is the most powerful reason for the angel line.


The demons have been surging frequently in recent years. In order to fight against the evil demons, the angel line suffered heavy casualties in recent touches, and even the most noble line of thousands of masters was on the verge of withering during these times.

The current ethnic group does not even exceed three.

Don't look at it there are dozens of people, but the angels command the entire outside world, and the number of races is as large as several trillion people! With such a huge number, the direct descendants of thousands of masters naturally cannot see it.

In the countless Long River Star Regions, I am afraid that there is only one thousand masters sitting in town. This is also the reason why the demons still cannot be completely eradicated despite showing weakness.

"Are you sure you have found a tribe with thousands of masters in the lower realm?" Ye Liang asked again.

"That's right. It is precisely because of the participation of such tribes that we are determined to find the legacy. These days, we have found many tribes of thousands of masters in the lower realms, including various other realms.

I am afraid that even the queen herself did not expect that we could find a good tribe like you outside the territory where we live. "

"I am excellent?" Ye Liang asked.

"You have such strength at a few hundred years old. You are already the best young man in the whole line of thousands of masters." Angel Yan replied casually.

Ye Liang's mind sank.

The reason why he was not resisting was not just the reason why the saint stayed aside. Because in the conversation with Angel Yan, he noticed something.

Because of the eyes of reincarnation, he is regarded as the blood of thousands of masters, does that mean that the Datongmu clan is the blood of thousands of masters. If this is the case, what Shiyan said that day, would the people who were discovered from the lower realm be the same as Huiye!

If this is the case, Ye Liang might be able to see his wife during this trip!

This is his calculation.

"If it is not verified, will he really be sentenced to death?" Ye Liang asked. He already had the thought to follow, but the sanctions still made him a little alarmed.

"Don't worry, your blood is extremely pure, I have seen it. Of course, if you really are not, you must be killed. As for the method of death, it depends on the meaning of the sacrifice.

The ones I just mentioned are just some of the simple ways to die, not too complicated. There are also penalties such as the punishment of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart, peeling and firing, and the punishment of crushing ten thousand pieces of corpses and cutting off flesh.

Don’t worry about letting those criminals get away with it. Our angels are very kind. "

You m's very kind!

Ye Liang almost burst into foul language.

"Then if it is forced, or forced to inherit the blood of thousands of masters, or get the eye pupils of thousands of masters through copying, or other means, will it be punished by capital punishment in this case?" Ye Liang asked.

Angel Yan was silent.

After a while, she suddenly glanced at Ye Liang with a complicated look: "If this is the case, then you must join the family of angels. The blood of thousands of masters cannot be tarnished. If you are in this situation, I suggest you start to find a girl to marry you. . Otherwise, thousands of masters who fancy bloodlines will not let you live safely in the world."

She scanned the planet that she had left: "That little girl is the person you like, UU reading is really good. We also learned that you helped her find her missing brother, although it is two low-level angels. But this approach is worthy of admiration.

If you are really not of the blood of thousands of masters, I will try my best to talk to the White Wing Saint. "Angel Yan is very serious, obviously not talking casually.

Ye Liang's repeated questioning also made Angel Yan realize something. The bloodline he saw was indeed not tolerant of fraud, but Ye Liang was right.

If it is to copy, or through other means, to seize the blood from thousands of natives, it is really impossible to see through. This situation can only be detected by the high priest in the capital through special means.

Ye Liang asked repeatedly that there must be some circumstances in this regard. The first novel is

Angel Yan sighed, and can only hope that his saint will be gentler. <>showbyjs('Naruto God-level System');<><>;<><>;<>(Naruto God-level System)

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