Naruto God-level System

Chapter 840: Upper 0 main 1 pulse

The next day.

Ye Liang woke up from his deep sleep and found that Lucy was chatting with his brother about the housework, and he walked out of the room.

The weather today is very noisy. The fastest computer terminal for novel updates s.xs.

Because of the hard work over the past few days, Ye Liang intends to relax. He first went to a tea shop for a long time drinking tea, and then went to a very famous urban restaurant to have a meal.

In the afternoon, Ye Liang went to watch movies and relax. Although alone, he is still very interested. In the evening, he went to the bar to cheer for a while, except that it was very hilarious, nothing more.

Walking into the wilderness, Ye Liang found a place where there was no one and sat down.

"System, what you just said is true."

"Yes, host. After comparison, the soul's true meaning you just got is very similar to the strengthening law beads you previously obtained. From the parameters, this is probably also a saint's true meaning!"

"Really? I'm doing this for life and death, and I already have the true meaning of a saint?" Ye Liang hurriedly entered the sea of ​​his own knowledge. He didn't even have time to defend the barrier, so he got in.

Know the sea.

In addition to the system sphere floating in the air, there was also a black air mass floating around. This is the true meaning of the soul suppressed by Luster with special power.

As soon as Ye Liang stretched out his hand, the black air mass on it directly corroded a piece of Ye Liang's skin: "Raster's power is really domineering!"

Before leaving, Luster had explained that when her soul could touch the death breath without rebounding, it meant that he could have the true meaning of the soul.

According to the current situation, Ye Liang was still too early from that level.

He turned and walked to the other end of the space, and the incarnation of the system respectfully held out the black sphere that had been hidden in the system space for an unknown number of years.

This was the strengthening law obtained at the beginning. Ye Liang originally thought it was just a law, but so many years passed. His shell was never absorbed by Ye Liang.

Whenever he draws a part of the power of law, this bead will give birth to new power. It just takes a long time, and the quantity is small each time. Over time, Ye Liang forgot the bead.

"Really the same?" Ye Liang asked again. The girl in front of me stuffed the beads into Ye Liang's hands: "Don't believe me, you can feel it yourself. There is obviously a trace of saint in this thing. At the beginning, we were not strong enough to feel it. But last time we opposed the Saint Wantian. At that time, he obviously had this special breath in his body."

The system changed its breath, and continued: "The true meaning of the soul we just got has this kind of sacred aura. If it weren't for the two are really similar, I can't remember this thing."

Ye Liang carefully placed the beads in his palm and felt it.


This thing really has a sacred breath, but it is very light. If it weren't for Ye Liang's half-step saint, I'm afraid he would really not be able to comprehend the power inside!

"It's really the meaning of a saint! Wocao, this big happy event is coming too soon." He took the power of the bead away, and then slowly handed it to the system: "Unfortunately it is a fragment, this The power inside was probably already used by someone, but after that person broke through the saint, he kept the second pearl.

He kept a hand deliberately, fearing that he was nurturing his own offspring. "Ye Liang smashed his mouth. Although most of this bead has been used, the remaining benefits have benefited him a lot.

That indifferent holy breath is enough to make him penetrate a lot in the realm.

"No, you didn't set up a defensive barrier!" The system suddenly frowned!

"What's wrong? This is a science and technology planet. Even if people outside are close to me, they can't hurt me." Ye Liang said casually.

"Then you can't be caught and left!"


Ye Liang was startled, and then rushed to Shihai to shake. He quickly withdrew from the inside and returned to his body.

at this time.

He was already in midair. Surrounded by countless armies of angels, with four pairs of wings, they danced gracefully beside Ye Liang.

"I'm going! What the **** is this!" Ye Liang's back was a very soft, tall ball of meat. A nice-looking young female angel is holding him on his back.

Ye Liang was also held by the female angel and flew into the air.

"Who are you, what are you doing, where am I?"

Asked three times.

Ye Liang expressed his doubts.

When the female angel heard Ye Liang’s voice, she immediately lowered her head happily: "Thousands of Lords, you finally woke up! I am the trial angel Yan in charge of the star field. Upon receiving the notice, we finally found it here. You. Don't run around."

"Angel Yan?"

Ye Liang was shocked.

What's the situation, I just closed my eyes, the expansion is this kind of expansion? Could it be that I crossed again?

He looked around and found that he was not far away from the planet, and he was relieved immediately. They should still be in the atmosphere now, but they are fast, and they are about to leave the planet.

"Then Angel Yan, can you put me down? I feel a little bit difficult to breathe. Your two dumplings have reached my waist." Ye Liang moved his back, and the angel named Yan immediately Blushing.

"No way, Master Thousand Lords. You've already run through the border before. You can't run away this time. Otherwise, your branch will definitely blame us again."

"Thousands of Lords?"

This was the first time Ye Liang heard this name. He can swear that he has never heard anyone call himself that in most of his life.

Thousands of masters?

Isn't Lao Tzu called Ye Liang?

"That name, Miss Yan, are you mistaken. My name is Ye Liang, and I am not a master of thousands. I am not a man of thousands or a lord." He said simply.

"Thousands of Lords are not your life, but your race. You are the highest order of thousands of Lords in our angel line. Although you don't know it, your eyes have completely exposed you. Now we are about to Take you to our nearest big city. UU Reading

Whether it is true or not, our high priest can tell at a glance. "

"Eyes? Are you talking about this?" Ye Liang used reincarnation eyes. Two of his eyes rolled around in his eye sockets, and everything around him was caught in his eyes.

"Yes, this is the mark of our thousands of masters! Only the most standard blood of thousands of masters can have such bright and powerful eye pupils." Angel Yan's excitement immediately fell in Ye Liang's eyes.

Ye Liang had a meal.

This is the symbol of the Datongmu clan. Is it possible that this Datongmu clan is the line of thousands of noble masters outside the territory?

Ye Liang thought about what Huiye and the others looked like, but they didn't seem to have any wings on their backs?

"Recently, many powerful gangsters have tried to dig out the noble line of eyes!"<>showbyjs('Naruto God-level System');<><>;<><> ;;<>(Naruto God Level System)

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