Naruto God-level System

Chapter 807: Exposed

"Shoo hoo!"

The scorching air current flanked the Wings of Steel, wiping a silver-white spark in the sky! This is the performance of the extreme high temperature. Such power can only show that the material of the wings is not achievable by ordinary materials.

At least the pinnacle material for casting artifacts!

"Good fellow, even you have to be killed together!" Ye Liang hurriedly pulled Lucy behind him. With a move of his finger, he abruptly resisted the feathers flying out in front of him with the body of a fairy.

The middle-aged man in the palace is stupid!

He had no idea that someone would be able to mechanically use the feathers of an angel with a physical body, because this material was the work of their angel family over millions of years!

Lucy behind Ye Liang is also stupid!

She never expected that her biological father would really treat her like this!

"Damn it, this is your decision, father!" Lucy yelled at the mechanical angel. At this time, the dull mechanical angel suddenly showed a human expression.


Even contempt!

"Human! Which planet are you invading species? I can't believe that a human being can actually block the pinnacle technology of our noble angel race!

You are the spy of the demons. "

The voice of the middle-aged man came from the body of the mechanical angel. This is a very vicissitudes and arrogant voice, Ye Liang only listened for a second, and judged that this person is a complete villain!

Can such a man be a good man if he can kill his daughter mercilessly!

"Whoever I am doesn't care about you, but I am definitely not the spy of the Devil Race. You don't even let your daughter go, you are still a human being!"

"Hmph, a daughter who is about to die, she didn't have a lot of life at first, but now she is still together with humans! Do you think the noble angel race can tolerate such a heinous daughter!"

"About to die?"

Ye Liang looked at Lucy in surprise.

"I'm sick." Lucy's face turned bitter: "I have been in poor health since I was a child, and I have always borrowed precious blood magic gold for treatment, but now that magic gold is scarce, our angel family can't consume it. My brother is helping me , Just go to the legendary Baqi family.

It is said that the Baqi family has the ability to regenerate flesh and can resist all diseases. But after four hundred years, my brother never came back. "

"It's because you are sick, the direct heir of the injured Lao Tzu never returns. My son is gone. You lose money, you shouldn't have been born!

It's you this cheap embryo that caused your brother to disappear! "

Lucy's face turned bad immediately.

Ye Liang was stunned while watching. This was actually what a father should say. He grabbed Lucy and pressed it firmly in his arms: "Don't blame yourself. Since your brother is willing to go out to take risks, this On the positive side, he loves you. If you feel guilty all your life because of his disappearance, how happy your brother would be if he knew.

Why don’t you want to go out and find your brother? Okay! I can help you! I don't believe in this big universe, and there is no missing angel prince. "Ye Liang comforted Lucy.

In fact, he is not so selfless, at least he lacks a tour guide. Before he grows up, he can see the style of the world.

The mystery of sanctification cannot be found in a corner.

"Humph, then see if you can survive!" The robot moved again! But this time, his body seemed to include a faint phantom of angels.

The whole body is shiny, even under the moonlight, a little dazzling! Buge Novel Network

"This is the arrival of the father's god, who can attach his own power to the puppet he controls! Although he can't fully add his own power, it can make the puppet more soulful and possess his father's martial arts!"

As soon as the voice fell, the powerful mechanical angel flew straight to the sky. He whirled in the sky, and the overwhelming light shone from the wings.

The surrounding night is all dyed into daylight by this light!

"After possessing the body, the power has reached the eighth level of the saint! It seems that this seraph is not in the realm of saints." Ye Liang resisted the light, while turning him to Lucy in his arms: "Your planet is the most powerful. The change is your father."

His voice was flat, without any fluctuations.

"Father is the Archangel, and the Milky Way is already a general-level figure. Although the other planets have stronger existence, father is naturally the strongest on the outer planet." Lucy explained.

"Then it's fine!"

Ye Liang smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Since there is no saint on this planet, Ye Liang will naturally not continue to hide himself. He lifted his eyes, and the brilliance of the reincarnation eyes shot straight out of his eye sockets.

The incredibly dazzling light above the head instantly became extremely sad!

As soon as he raised his hand, the incomparable mechanical angel in front of him was pushed aside by him. Shenluo Tianzheng, who has added spiritual power, should not be underestimated!

"How is it possible, how can you have the eyes of thousands of masters! Who are you!" The middle-aged man's voice gradually drifted away, and then slowly disappeared into the distance person The mechanical angel is also broken.

However, it is a small eightfold saint, Ye Liang received a lot of rewards from Lei Dao before he came, and his power at this time has reached the tenth saint!

That is Dzogchen!

According to Lei Dao Ren, Ye Liang has now reached the pinnacle of orderly power, and he is thinking of taking a step forward, except for the disorderly power that the saint needs, he has no other advanced possibilities!

This is why he is willing to help Lucy.

Looking for sacred artifacts is second, and finding ways to improve strength is his top priority!

Lucy in her arms hugged Ye Liang in fear, and she slowly opened her eyes until there was no movement. The mechanical angel was finished, and the talking six-winged archangel was naturally unable to attach.

Only Lucy shook her head: "Brother Changfeng was originally a follower of my brother, but when his brother disappeared, he voluntarily accepted the angel transformation. Hey, he didn't expect his father to deprive him of his intelligence."

Ye Liang also shook his head. He originally thought that the outside world was just a super planet similar to the immortal world. Now it seems that he has to go on complicated interstellar travel.

The entire outside world, like the fairy world of the universe, is extremely vast, almost impossible to vertically and horizontally!

"Master Ye Liang, let's go quickly! Father lost the puppet, and he will definitely come and kill him himself. I hid a long-distance flying spaceship somewhere. I was planning to find my brother, but now it is decently used."


Ye Liang nodded heavily.

Just as the two began to flee, the man in the palace stood up from the throne anxiously. He slightly raised his hand, and greeted several waiters on standby from the air: "Hurry up and report to the head, saying that the sixty-nine star region has discovered the thousands of missing master bloodlines!

Let them send someone here! "


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