Naruto God-level System

Chapter 806: Extraterritorial classification

Six-winged archangel!

"That is the strong man of my father's generation, roughly the strength of which can break the planet, and is the same level as the super demon. By the way! You are from another plane, I am afraid we don't know the division of strength here. "Lucy swallowed: "The so-called class is actually a mark of the chaotic alliance that we have invaded the world."

In the Chaos Alliance, the general Zerg is the strength of Tier 1 to Tier 3, and there are many! We rely on the insect pill in these zerg bodies as energy sources.

The top is similar to the insect king, but it is only the fourth or fifth rank. Above the sixth level, there are basically some cunning demons, just like the monster demon you killed.

He is a leader in the demon world, the weakest is also Tier 6, the highest can reach Tier 9. However, in addition to his greater strength, he has no abilities. Then there are the demons with names like Kazan.

Kazan of Flame!

The super demon of the Kazan clan!

The ordinary Kazan demon under his subordinate has the strength of rank 8 or higher, and the highest rank is rank 10! Our planet stipulates that if you can kill the ordinary Kazan, you are eligible to get the proof of the brave who left here.

This is why I want to kill the Kazan Demon. "

"But with your strength, it is too difficult to kill the Kazan Demon." Ye Liang has seen through Lucy's strength, which is roughly the second-order ability of the Holy Spirit.

There may be some hidden means, but it is not third-order.

Because of the use of palm immortality, Ye Liang after close contact naturally understood the opponent's strength.

The second-order holy spirit is equivalent to the ordinary second-order demon. According to this estimate of strength, the Kazan demon is also the appearance of the eighth or nineth holy spirit. As for the super demon?

"Is it a saint level?" Ye Liang was puzzled. At this moment, a golden spot of light suddenly flew in the distant sky.

He immediately squatted, and a golden laser light swept over his head! "Who!" Ye Liang asked sternly.

A golden mechanical angel with six wings was slowly fluttering in the sky.

"Big Brother Changfeng, why are you here? Don't get me wrong. This big brother is my friend and won't hurt me." Lucy looked at the angel in the sky in surprise. Continue to attack Ye Liang.

Flick the wings!

Several golden lasers appeared from the surrounding void. Like a halo in the air, these lasers shot towards Ye Liang's body one after another.

"The king ordered, anyone who dares to invade the princess must die!" The mechanical sky fox said coldly without emotion.

"Hey, hey, you familiar big brother, it seems unfriendly." Ye Liang hurriedly hid away.

'Snapped! ’

All the soil under your feet fell apart!

Lucy also became anxious at this time: "Big Brother Changfeng, you really misunderstood, this handsome gentleman is really my friend, he is not a possible enemy!" Because Ye Liang took care not to expose the two of them. Relationship, so she didn't speak out.

"Order from the king, dare...definitely die!"

The robot continued to say this.

Ye Liang frowned. He is not stupid. He also understands that this so-called big brother Changfeng is a robot at all. If he really has feelings, he will not fluctuate at all: "Silly girl, stop shouting. This guy is Executing Mo's orders!"

It is the users behind the scenes who can make the robot move.

"Order?" Lucy was puzzled: "Is it my father? No, no! How did my father know that you exist? He should drink at ease in the palace."

No matter what, you can run away quickly. Big Brother Changfeng is a semi-genetically modified human. His strength has the strength of a super rank. Seeing him like this, he should have been ordered to die by his father. You can't beat him. "

"Super Robot?"

Ye Liang knocked on the mechanical angel, his mouth twitched, and he laughed suddenly: "I'm just a rookie in the sixth stage of the saint, and I dare to fight Ye Liang!"

He took out the alloy long sword from his arms and threw it directly!

Just when Ye Liang was preparing his sword, the voice of the system exploded in his mind: "Hurry up and stop my mother, you want to die here!"

Ye Liang's sword strength suddenly slowed down.

"Don't forget what Lei Dao Ren asked you, if you dare to use spiritual power here, you will be locked by a nearby saint! Although it is not clear whether there is a saint here, you can't bet."

Ye Liang staggered and almost threw off the ground.

Forget this!

The flying sword he controlled was knocked out by the mechanical angel!

This thing is different from the monster of strange power. The opponent is just a demon with a tyrannical body and no means. Ye Liang was able to kill him by relying on the body of the fairy and only relying on hand-to-hand combat.

But the saint is not!

Although the opponent is a few smaller realms less than himself, he is a saint after all! Just relying on the body to kill the sixth layer of Saints, Ye Liang does not have such confidence for the time I go, you are so cruel. "Ye Liang hurriedly bent over and escaped a golden laser. Lucy beside him was panicked: "It seems that I am thinking too much, and the master can't beat the superpower. "

She looked at the sky and quickly stood in front of Ye Liang.

"Master stood behind me. Although Big Brother Changfeng loses his mind, he will never attack me. These angels transform people, and they have carved the mark that they can't attack the angels." She just finished speaking, and Changfeng immediately stopped.

He swept forward, and Ye Liang, who was blocked by Lucy's eyes, had an invulnerable font!


The Changfeng robot in front of him stopped.

At this time, the middle-aged man who saw the scene through the Changfeng robot smashed the throne: "Damn it! How much is this **** daughter so fascinated by ghosts that she would be interested in an ordinary human!"

Is she fascinated by the fox? "

In the palace of the royal palace.

A holographic image completely floats in midair.

The middle-aged man clenched his fists: "Well, since you are going to die for the man, then I will give you 10%! I want to see if the wild species behind you will save your life at this time.

No, just go to death with your ineffective brother! "

The cold tone flooded the sky.

Who could have thought of what a father said to his daughter at this time.

Changfeng robot moved!

It seemed that he was being drawn by some kind of force, the inability to attack the font in his pupils completely disappeared, and his pupils changed from urgent red to green.

But he did not relax his vigilance.


Six wings stood up again behind them, and they aimed at Ye Liang, not even Lucy before him!


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