Chapter 1,199 Kudo Shinichi's plan

Chen glanced at Kudo Shinichi, and then got in the car. Seeing that Chen was in charge of driving, Xiaolan, Heye and the others got in with confidence.

Looking at Chen leaving, Kudo Shinichi clenched his fists, feeling very unhappy in his heart.

"Where do you think they are going?"Hattori Heiji asked Kudo Shin~ichi

"have no idea."Kudo Shinichi was a little irritable. He felt as if he had completely lost Xiaolan.

In fact, it was not just Kudo Shinichi who was irritable. Hattori Heiji was also irritable, so he asked Kudo Shinichi where Hinata Chen was going. After all, He Ye was following him, and He Ye didn't even say a word to him or even say hello just now. Did he completely ignore him?

"Do you want to follow?" Hattori Heiji said.

In fact, Hattori Heiji really wanted to follow him. If he didn't figure it out, he might not be in a good mood for several days.

"Can you keep up?" Kudo Shinichi shook his head. They were driving in a car, how could they follow him? What's more, Kudo Shinichi followed Ri Xiangchen in the past, but there was no time when he could really track Ri Xiangchen.

"Go to my house first, but is it really okay for you to walk with me like this?"Kudo Shinichi walked towards his home.

But when he went home, Kudo Shinichi showed a look of hesitation on his face. Is it too dangerous for Hattori Heiji to follow him?

What is certain is that, After the black organization discovers him, it will never let him go. It is very likely that Hattori Heiji will be implicated by then.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of the black organization, I even look forward to their appearance."There was a cold light in Hattori Heiji's eyes.

"By the way, your aunt has asked you to go back. What are your plans?"

Kudo Shinichi suddenly thought that when Hattori Heiji called yesterday, his mother Hattori Shizuka asked him to go back.

"How did you know?"Hattori Heiji couldn't help but ask Kudo Shinichi.

When making the phone call, Hattori Heiji deliberately carried Kudo Shinichi on his back. Ordinarily, he shouldn't be able to know.

"I overheard it."Kudo Shinichi was quite embarrassed, but he did not eavesdrop on purpose. He overheard it.

"I won’t go back for the time being. I have already refused. I will investigate the news about the black organization with you. You won’t welcome me, right?"

Hattori Heiji asked Kudo Shinichi

"To be honest, I really don't want you to take risks with me. Using yourself to attract people from the black organization is very dangerous. Kudo Shinichi shook his head slightly and said.

Yes, the reason why Kudo Shinichi showed up so arrogantly was to attract people from the black organization and then find a way to catch them.

Moreover, Kudo Shinichi had already fought with Officer Megure. After passing the greeting, he can get the support of Officer Megure at any time.

This is why he dared to do this. If he was the only one, Kudo Shinichi would definitely not let himself die.

"I don’t know how long the medicine lasts."Kudo Shinichi's expression revealed a slight hint of worry.

The antidote Ri Xiangchen gave him didn't know how long it would last, but he hoped it would last a few more days so that he could complete his plan.

Otherwise, he would change. If it's too small, the plan will probably fail.

"Hopefully Gin will take the bait."Kudo Shinichi's goal is Gin, and the medicine in Gin's hand.

Although he got the antidote from Ri Xiangchen, Kudo Shinichi definitely cannot trust Ri Xiangchen.

Of course, the antidote still depends on Do your own research so that Kudo Shinichi can feel at ease.

Although he does not have the talent in this area, there is still Dr. Agasa. When the time comes, just ask Dr. Agasa to help.

Even if Dr. Agasa can't solve the problem, you can still ask his father. Kudo Yusaku helps, and even Dr. Agasa has many friends.

"Let's go to my house. By the way, has Dr. Ali left? Kudo Shinichi asked Hattori Heiji.

If he left, that would be fine, but what Kudo Shinichi fears most is that Dr. Agasa refuses to leave. If Dr. Agasa is involved, he will feel worried. guilty

"Don't worry, Dr. Ali is gone, I'm sure." Hattori Heiji said to Kudo Shinichi

"That's fine."Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji returned to Kudo Shinichi's home together.

Because no one had lived there for a long time, the house was now very dirty and covered with dust.

In the past, Xiaolan helped him clean it. But now Xiaolan won’t come here at all.

···Asking for flowers

Even though Xiaolan now lives in Chen's home, it is only a few dozen meters away from Kudo Shinichi's home, and she has never been to Kudo Shinichi's home again.

On the other side, Chen had already brought Sonoko and the others to the seaside pier.

I have been driving for several hours to get here, and the next step is to take a boat to the private island that Yuanzi purchased from her family.

"Shall we go on a cruise ship?"Chen looked at the cruise ship docked on the shore. It looked very luxurious, but it was not big.

"Yes, we took a private cruise there."Yuanzi nodded.

Then he put the car in the parking lot nearby, and then Chen and the others walked towards the cruise ship. However, after boarding the ship, Chen's expression became slightly surprised...........0,,

"Chen, were you surprised when you saw me?"Tomoko Suzuki asked Chen

"Surprised, indeed surprised. Mom, why are you here?"There was a look of surprise on Sonoko's face, and not only Sonoko, but even Ayako was also very surprised.

"Can't I go out with you to play?"Tomoko Suzuki asked her two daughters.

"Of course you can. I also want mom to go out with us, but mom, aren't you very busy?"

Sonoko looked at her mother's expression and nodded quickly.

If there is anyone whom Sonoko is most afraid of, it is definitely Tomoko Suzuki.

Well, there is also Ayako Suzuki, who is also more afraid of Tomoko, a strong woman.

"Now that we're all here, let's set sail. It just so happens that I also want to relax."Tomoko said with a smile.

Especially when looking at Chen, the smile on her face became more and more obvious, and Chen couldn't help but touch his nose.

In fact, Chen could probably know what Tomoko meant.

"Chen, let me take you to see it on the cruise ship. Yuanzi said to Chen

"Sonoko, are you familiar with this cruise ship?"Ayako couldn't help but say.

Others don't know, how could Ayako not know? Sonoko has never been to this cruise ship at all, and there is absolutely no way she is familiar with it.

"Okay, I'll trouble you, sister."After Yuanzi heard this, he realized that he was indeed not familiar with this place, so he asked Sister Four for help._Please download the novel without underlining

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