Chapter 1198: Is your sister scared?

"Hongzi, are you really not going?"

The next day, Chen asked Hongzi

"I won’t go. I plan to take a good rest today."Hongzi yawned, his condition was not very good.

"You must have practiced too much in immortality."Chen looked at Hongzi's dark circles and said involuntarily.

He used medical ninjutsu to help Hongzi eliminate some fatigue, and then Chen said to Hongzi:"Don't work so hard in the future."

Chen didn't know why Hongzi studied magic. After all, magic is not as useful as ninjutsu.

After all, the magic in this world is too low-end, which is why Chen didn't study it.

"After all, it is passed down from the family, so you have to master it. Hongzi took a deep breath, then smiled and said to Chen

"Then you should stay at home and rest."

Chen took Ye and Xiaolan out of the house and waited for Yuanzi to send someone to pick them up.

Originally, Chen planned to go there by himself, but Yuanzi had already made an agreement with Chen yesterday and insisted on coming to pick them up.them.

So I could only wait for Yuanzi to come and pick him up, and before 297, Yuanzi had already called and said he would be here soon.


Xiaolan stood at the door, looking at Kudo Shinichi who was walking with Hattori Heiji not far away in astonishment.

"After missing for so long, he finally appeared."Xiaolan has forgotten how long it has been since she last saw Kudo Shinichi.


After hearing Xiaolan's voice, Kudo Shinichi suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiaolan with complicated eyes.

"Shinichi, where have you been? Why haven't you come to school for a long time?"Xiaolan asked Kudo Shinichi.

Kudo Shinichi was silent for a while, and then said:"I have some cases to do, and I went to solve them."

Xiaolan nodded. If it had been before, Xiaolan might have been angry and beat up Kudo Shinichi, but now in Xiaolan's heart, Kudo Shinichi is just a simple childhood sweetheart. She even feels a lot stranger.

"Xiaolan, can I talk to you alone about something? Kudo Shinichi asked Xiaolan with some excitement.

He finally changed back once, and now he wants to talk to Xiaolan about something, such as the matter of Ri Xiangchen, so that Xiaolan should stay away from Ri Xiangchen. After hearing this, Xiaolan turned to Chen Take a look, then shake your head slightly

"Sorry, we have other things to do and it's inconvenient."Xiaolan rejected Kudo Shinichi, which made Kudo Shinichi's expression very stiff.

To be honest, this was the first time Kudo Shinichi experienced the feeling of being rejected by Xiaolan, and he glared at Chen angrily.

Kudo Shinichi I feel that the reason why Xiaolan is like this is because of Ri Xiangchen. If it weren't for Ri Xiangchen, it would never be like this. It's true.

If it weren't for Ri Xiangchen, it wouldn't affect their relationship, but Chen It also helped Xiaolan get out.

Maybe Kudo Shinichi is very smart, but he really doesn’t deserve to be liked by any girl. With his extremely self-centered character, few people can stand it.

"Hey, I said, can you give way, Kudo Shinichi?"

Sonoko has already driven here. When he saw Kudo Shinichi standing in the middle of the road, his expression was very shocked.

"Yuanzi, you actually drove here?"Xiaolan and He Ye looked at Yuanzi in surprise. When did Yuanzi learn to drive?

And does Yuanzi really have a driver's license? Could it be that he was driving without a license?

"Yes, I learned it before, and my driving skills are pretty good."When Yuanzi heard Xiaolan and Heye's inquiries, he immediately smiled and showed off to them.

"Really? I'm quite suspicious of you."Xiaolan had a look of suspicion on her face.

"Also, Sonoko, do you have a driver's license in your hand?"Kazuye asked Sonoko.

Could it be that Sonoko doesn't even have a driver's license? It's very possible. After all, Sonoko's age, uh, (ccfe) seems to be enough to get a driver's license.

"Of course I have a driver's license."Yuanzi immediately took out his driver's license.

"Yuanzi, let me ask you, was your sister frightened?"Chen patted Sonoko on the shoulder, pointed at Ayako who was sitting in the passenger seat, and asked Sonoko

"Yep, my sister is too disappointed. I even told her that my driving skills are very good, yet she is still scared like this."Yuanzi cut lightly.

"It turns out that Sister Ayako is here too, but I didn’t notice it before."It was only then that Xiaolan and Kazuye saw Ayako.

Mainly because their attention had been on Sonoko before, so they didn't notice Suzuki Ayako.

At this time, there was another person who was very depressed, and that was Kudo Shinichi. At this time Kudo Shinichi felt very uncomfortable as he seemed to be ignored.

"Huh, Yuanzi, you still have the nerve to say that you almost had an accident on the road, and you will never be allowed to drive again."Ayako said with a straight face.

Something almost happened on the way, so Ayako looked frightened.

"Nothing happened, my driving skills are very good, but you don’t believe me, am I my sister?"Yuanzi said with a depressed look.

Xiaolan and Ye looked at each other, and she probably knew what level Yuanzi's driving skills were.

"If it's still Yuanzi and you drive, then we'll think about it and decide not to go."Xiaolan said with a stiff smile on her face.

"Why? Yuanzi asked Xiaolan

"You actually ask why? Don’t you have any ideas in your heart? After all, you only have one life, and it is too precious to be left in your hands."Chen said.

"Xiaolan and Heye, you don't believe me either. It makes me sad."Yuanzi pouted and said

"I really don’t have confidence in you. After all, it won’t take too long for you to learn to drive, right?"He Ye shook his head.

"Okay, I'll drive next. Chen said directly.

Although Sonoko still wanted to continue driving, she was opposed by everyone, including Ayako.

After all, Ayako has really suffered persecution, and she doesn’t want to do it again. This car really can’t do it. ah

"Why is Kudo Shinichi here?"The depressed Sonoko looked at Kudo Shinichi, and then asked Chen.

I remember that Kudo Shinichi has been missing for a long time, and even Sonoko has forgotten Kudo Shinichi. Now that he sees Kudo Shinichi again, he doesn't know who he is. Why are you here?

It was finally brought up, and Kudo Shinichi's mood improved slightly.

"I don’t know either, but have you forgotten that his home is here?"Xiaolan pointed to the house not far away, that is Kudo Shinichi's home.

"Oh, forget it, it has nothing to do with us anyway, let’s go quickly, don’t be too late."Sonoko just glanced at Kudo Shinichi, and then turned away.

For some reason, Kudo Shinichi felt like vomiting blood._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - 凵

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