Chapter 1,196 This world is really unscientific

"Kudo Shinichi, the choice is now in your hands, eat it or not."

Chen threw away the capsule in his hand and asked Kudo Shinichi calmly.

There was a look of hesitation on Conan's face. If he chooses to eat it, it will definitely be dangerous.

Even if it is not poison, it is definitely dangerous, Conan I understood what Ri Xiangchen meant, which was to treat myself as a guinea pig for the experiment. It depends on whether you are willing to be a guinea pig. To be honest, Conan will definitely be very resistant to being a guinea pig.

Who is willing to be a guinea pig for the experiment ? Medicine, but if you don’t try the medicine, how can you get the real antidote?

"I want to know, who developed this antidote?"Conan asked Chen.

Now, Conan still doesn't know Xiao Ai's true identity. He may know that Xiao Ai is definitely extraordinary, but he doesn't know that the A drug he took was developed by Xiao Ai.

"You ask so many questions about what you are doing. Now tell me whether to eat or not. If you don't eat, then I will have to force you to eat."

Chen said that he had no patience anymore. He didn't have time to talk nonsense with Conan here, so he might as well go back early.

Conan's expression changed and he forced him to take it. It was his own choice. Anyway, no matter which one it was, the last medicine He wanted to take it.

Instead of being passive, he might as well take the initiative. Conan gritted his teeth and took the medicine directly from Chen's hand.

"conan."Hattori Heiji shouted to Conan

"Hattori, I don't have the power to choose."Conan can clearly understand the reality. Even if he doesn't want to take it, can he resist Chen?

First of all, Conan doesn't have that strength. Besides, even if he has that strength, Conan still wants to take this pill.

What is certain is that this The pill is definitely an antidote. With the previous antidote, there shouldn't be much of a problem with this antidote.

Ri Xiangchen would never use a poison to harm himself.

After all, if Ri Xiangchen wanted to kill him, he wouldn't need to go to so much trouble. , just tell the black organization his identity and let the black organization deal with him.

I don’t believe Ri Xiangchen will not use it to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Therefore, this medicine can be confirmed to be the real antidote. But the efficacy of this antidote may not permanently change him.

"If something happens to Conan, I will never let you go."Hattori Heiji shouted threateningly at Chen.

Well, facing Hattori Heiji's threat, Chen acted very indifferently. Is your threat useful to me?

Or do you think you have the ability to pose any threat to me?

If If you really have this strength, then I won’t say anything. The key is that you don’t have it. He glanced at Hattori Heiji lightly, and Hattori Heiji immediately took a few steps back and looked at Chen warily.

"Hey, how dare you to threaten me?" Chen said with a sneer.

Hattori Heiji's dark face was flushed. This was because he was angry. His angry black face turned red.

"Hattori."Conan shook his head slightly towards Hattori Heiji.

At this time, Conan became very aware of current affairs. He was completely different from before. It seemed that Conan had also changed some of his personality.

Then Conan stared at Chen and swallowed the medicine in his hand. , the moment he ate it, Conan's frugal expression suddenly changed.

Cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, and Conan knelt down on the ground in some pain. Pain, severe pain spread to all parts of Conan's body.

This change, Bigger changes than before

"Conan, go home quickly." Hattori Heiji thought of something, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately picked up Conan and went home. If he was seen outside and changed back, you can imagine what Conan's final fate would be.

Chen also followed to Dr. Agasa's house At home, what Xiao Ai researched this time was an improved version of the last medicine.

I don’t know how much better it can be than the last medicine.

It didn’t take long for Conan’s body to change, as if he was violating the rules. Same as regular growth

"This world is really unscientific."Chen looked at this scene and couldn't help complaining.

A few seconds later, Conan's elementary school student body turned into a high school student again.

"Remember the current time, and then change it back to the current time. Remember to tell me." Chen said calmly to Hattori Heiji

"Why should I tell you?" Hattori Heiji said.

"Well, this is a good question, why should you tell me? Why do you think it should be based on?"

Chen didn't say anything else and turned around to leave. I believe that even if Hattori Heiji didn't say anything, Conan would definitely tell Chen.

Because now, the only way for Conan to change back is actually in Chen's hands.

"Uh, by the way, I forgot one thing."

Chen, who originally turned around and left, suddenly came back with a syringe in his hand.

"Need to draw some blood."Chen immediately took a syringe of blood. Conan, no, it should be called Kudo Shinichi now.

Kudo Shinichi has no ability to resist at all. After all, he will change back, but he will have to endure intense pain.

Hattori Heiji also He had no ability to stop him. He just wanted to move, but then he was controlled by Chen and his body couldn't move.

He didn't know what magic method Ri Xiangchen used. Anyway, just now, his body couldn't move. After taking some blood, Chen left. This time he really left.

"Conan, how are you?"After Hattori Heiji resumed Operation 640, he immediately asked Conan

"Still... not bad. Kudo Shinichi said weakly.

"I've changed back now, don't call me Conan anymore."Kudo Shinichi said to Hattori Heiji

"I've become used to it, and now I can't change it. By the way, now that you've changed back, do you have any thoughts?" Hattori Heiji asked Kudo Shinichi.

He didn't know how long the effect of the medicine would last, so if there is anything that needs Kudo Shinichi to do, it must be done as soon as possible.

"Hattori, you know my current identity. It’s hard to show up. If someone from the black organization discovers it, I’m afraid it will be in danger. Kudo Shinichi said with a wry smile.

"I think you should show up openly, at least to cover up your former identity as Conan. What if the black organization suspects your previous identity? Hattori Heiji said to Kudo Shinichi.

In fact, Hattori Heiji's guess was right. Now the black organization has begun to investigate Conan, a very extraordinary kid.

Last time Gin asked Vodka to investigate, but Vodka himself is not good at this. aspect, so this task was handed over to other people in the black organization.

The person in charge of the investigation was Rena Mizuna, codenamed Kir, whose apparent identity is the female anchor of Nippon TV, well, her identity is also the same Undercover._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-凵

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