Chapter 1195 I asked you to test the medicine.

After being kicked out of the room by the angry Xiao Ai, Chen shrugged slightly and left the house.

Since Xiao Ai asked him to find the white mouse, Chen naturally went to find the white mouse Conan.

After all, Conan seems to be the only one who is suitable to be a guinea pig, and Chen estimates that Conan might not refuse.

What does Conan want most? I want to change back, I want to be like Kudo Shinichi again.

It seems that the only thing that can help Conan is Xiao Ai's medicine, so even if it is poison, Conan will definitely try it.

As for whether Conan will doubt it, this is very simple. Conan will never doubt it, because Conan has already tried it once.

There will definitely be no suspicion this time. Even if there is true suspicion, Chen will definitely force Conan to eat it, so"910" is of no use even if Conan really suspects it.

"Chen, what are you going to do?"

As soon as Chen walked out of the door, He Ye's voice came over. Originally, He Ye wanted Chen to help guide her in her practice.

"I have something to do and will be back soon. If you have something to solve with me, wait until I come back first."Chen turned his head and said to He Ye.

He Ye nodded lightly when he heard the words. As for what Chen was going to do, He Ye did not ask.

After leaving his home, Chen headed towards Dr. A Li's house.

He took a look Opposite the Kudo Shin family, there is no one in the Kudo Shin family at this time. Even if Kudo Yusaku is in Neon, he does not live in his own home.

The last time he was attacked by a black organization, if Kudo Yusaku still has the courage to continue If you stay at home, that would be really strange.

Unless Kudo Yusaku is not afraid of death, but how could Kudo Yusaku not be afraid of death? Who in this world is not afraid of death.

Even Conan is definitely afraid of death, don't It seems that Conan likes to seek death, but if he really faces the threat of death, do you think he will be afraid?

Arriving at the door of Dr. Agasa's house, Chen rang the doorbell.

In the living room of Dr. Agasa's house, Hattori looked gloomy Heiji and Conan raised their heads in confusion.

"Strange, who is ringing the doorbell? Is it Dr. Ali’s friend?"Conan said in a low voice.

According to Conan's knowledge, Dr. Ali doesn't seem to have any friends or relatives. In normal times, few people come to Dr. Ali's house.

"Could it be those people from the black organization?" Hattori Heiji said doubtfully.

"Impossible. If they were from the black organization, do you think they would ring the doorbell honestly?"

Conan shook his head, feeling that Hattori Heiji was a little too suspicious.

Have the people in the black organization become Hattori Heiji's nightmare?

Not to mention, in fact, this is really the case. The black organization really wants to become Hattori Heiji's nightmare. It’s a nightmare.

His father’s disappearance, and his life and death are still unknown, is suspected to be related to the people of the black organization.

At this time, Hattori Heiji was eager to find the black organization, so when there was some trouble, he thought of the black organization.

In fact, it was also related to Conan Similarly, when Conan saw people in black before, he would suspect that they were from the black organization.

"Dr. A Li is not at home, let's go out and take a look first."Conan said.

Dr. Ali is not at home now. Conan plans to go out and have a look. If he is a friend of Dr. Ali, he should tell him that Dr. Ali is not at home.

"In fact, I suspect that maybe some of your friends came to see you."Hattori Heiji said to Conan.

Only a few of Conan's friends, the Young Detective Team, often came to Dr. Agasa's house to look for Conan.

"It could be them."Conan stood up, then came to the door of the yard and opened it.

"Hello, Dr. Ali is not here……"

"why you?"Conan hasn't finished speaking yet. When he saw Chen's strength, he immediately showed a shocked expression on his face.

"Why can't it be me?"Chen asked Conan calmly.

"What are you doing here?"The vigilance on Conan's face did not diminish at all.

In his heart, the threat from Ri Xiangchen was actually no greater than the threat from the black organization.

"In fact, my coming this time may be a good thing for you."Chen smiled faintly, not caring at all about Conan's repulsive eyes.

"Good thing, haha."

Conan smiled coldly, not trusting Chen's words at all. How could anything good happen if Ri Xiangchen came to him?

"You look like you don’t believe it. Do you remember the medicine you took last time?"Chen asked Conan.

Conan's body was shaken, and he immediately thought of the medicine Chen gave him last time that could make him change back.........,

"What do you mean?"Conan's expression became a little excited.

"It's very simple. I'll ask you to try the medicine."

Chen didn't mean to hide it. He told Conan directly that he came to you to test the medicine.

"The kind of medicine that can make me change back?"Conan's expression was uncertain. He didn't know whether what Chen said was true or false.

"Don't think I'm going to lie to you, I don't have to lie to you, this is the pill."Chen took out the medicine Xiaoai gave him.

"Conan, don't believe him. What if it's poison?" Hattori Heiji came out of the room and shouted to Conan.

Compared with Conan's words, Hattori Heiji actually distrusted Chen even more and was more wary of Chen.

"poison? Have you made a mistake? Do you think that if I really want to attack Conan, do I still need poison?"Chen sneered.

If you need poison to kill the brat Conan, then you would be underestimating him too much.

"It’s okay if you don’t believe it. Since you don’t want to eat it, I won’t force it."Chen turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a moment."

Seeing that Chen was about to leave, Conan immediately called out to Chen. This is the medicine that can make him change back. Conan felt that he had to try it.

What if this medicine is real? Just like what Ri Xiangchen said , with Ri Xiangchen’s various methods, if he wanted to kill his 5.5, he would not use this method.

What’s more, he is here now, Hattori Heiji is also here, if Ri Xiangchen really wants to poison him, he will Not so aboveboard

"conan." Hattori Heiji's expression changed. If Conan really wanted to eat something of unknown origin, Hattori Heiji would be really worried.

"Conan, I think we should let Dr. Ali study it. If it's poison, he can check it out. If it's an antidote, maybe he can take the opportunity to research something." Hattori Heiji said in Conan's ear

"Haha, your abacus is quite good, but let's just leave it to Dr. A Li to study it. I don't have that much time to wait."

When Chen heard Hattori Heiji's words, he sneered and said lightly, Chen wanted to know the effect more quickly and didn't want to waste time. _Please download the novel without underlining

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