Chapter 1176 Is this hurting each other?

Ding dong~!


After hearing the doorbell, Xiaolan ran to open the door. After opening the door and coming outside, Xiaolan looked at the person in front of her with some surprise.

"Conan, why are you here?"Xiao Lan asked Conan doubtfully.

"Oh, by the way, you live in Dr. Ali's house now, I almost forgot."Xiaolan patted her head and remembered

"Sister Xiaolan, I should be the one to ask you this, right? Sister Xiaolan, why are you here?"Conan asked, staring at Xiaolan.

At this time, Conan's mood was very complicated, as if he was torn apart, and he was in great pain. He actually saw Sister Xiaolan at Ri Xiangchen's house.

Sure enough, Hattori Heiji didn't lie to himself. He really saw it. Arriving at Xiaolan's house in Ri Xiangchen.

In fact, Conan also knew that probably everything had happened between Xiaolan and Ri Xiangchen, but Conan just didn't believe it in his heart. He forced himself not to believe it.

"Oh, I told you, don't tell my dad. In fact, I live in Chen's house now."Xiao Lan said to Conan.

Conan's pupils shrank, and he was actually living in that bastard Ri Xiangchen's house. Suddenly Conan felt even more painful in his heart, as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

"Why do you live here?"Conan clenched his fists, lowered his head and said with suppressed anger.

Xiaolan frowned slightly. Conan was a little rude. She didn't need to answer these questions.

"Where is Yuanshan and Ye? Live here too?"Conan raised his head and asked Xiaolan

"Conan, why are you so rude now? You want to call Sister Heye, she also lives here now."Xiaolan said to Conan dissatisfied.

Xiaolan was very angry that Conan was rude, but Xiaolan was not Conan's parent and could not control him.

"I see."Conan turned around and left.

"Strange, what happened to Conan?"Xiaolan looked at Conan's back and expressed doubts. He left before he said what he was doing here.

In fact, Conan came here just to confirm whether Xiaolan lived here, because Hattori Heiji told him that Xiaolan Lan is now living in Ri Xiangchen's home.

When he got the news, although he was mostly convinced that Hattori would not deceive him after all, he still had a bit of luck.

Fortunately, he felt that Hattori Heiji might have seen it wrong. , so I came here to confirm.

Originally, Conan was still troubled about how to confirm, but it turned out that the person who opened the door was the real owner, and Xiao Lan also knew everything.

Conan's expression suddenly became extremely complicated. Both fists and nails were not even penetrated into the flesh, but Conan still couldn't feel the slightest pain.

"Damn it, why?"Conan couldn't help but roar in his heart, why did it become like this?

Xiaolan stood at the door in confusion for a while, and then went back

"Xiaolan, who is here?"Mingmei asked Xiaolan.

Originally Mingmei was going to open the door, but Xiaolan volunteered to go there.

"It was Conan. I didn’t know what he was doing, but he suddenly left again."Xiao Lan said.

After hearing this, Chen's eyes flashed slightly. He could probably guess why Conan came, but Chen had no intention of saying it.

Xiao Ai glanced at Chen, probably Xiao Ai You must have guessed it.

On the other side, Conan returned to Dr. Agasa's house in despair.

Seeing Conan's despair, Hattori Heiji sighed helplessly, and then asked Conan:"Are you sure now?"

"Um."Conan nodded lightly.

"I said Conan, why don't you give up? There's no need to be so painful. I think the most important thing now is how to deal with the black organization." Hattori Heiji said to Conan earnestly.

"What would you do if I said that Yuan Shan and Ye are also at Ri Xiangchen's home now? Conan asked Hattori Heiji.

He originally wanted to lecture Conan, but Hattori Heiji, who focused on the overall situation, suddenly stopped talking. He stood up and asked Conan:"Are you telling the truth?""

"Can't you think of it? She and Ye used to live at Xiaolan's house. Now Xiaolan comes to Ri Xiangchen's house. Will Yuanshan and Ye follow?"

After Conan finished speaking, Hattori Heiji's face became more and more ugly. He was originally very dark, but now his face has become even darker. He has truly become a piece of black coal.

"This cannot be confirmed either."Hattori Heiji wanted to struggle.

But immediately, he was thrown into the abyss by Conan's next words, and he was still unable to climb up.

"Xiaolan told me this personally, can you believe it now?"

The two of them, I don't know if they hurt each other, but they do share the same fate at the moment.

Dr. A Li, who originally walked out of the research room, shook his head and sighed after seeing the appearance of the two of them.

Oh, I think so much. What does love between children mean? Look at me, it’s good to be single.

This is what Dr. Ali thinks in his heart. As a single man till old age, Dr. Ali doesn’t understand anything about love between children.

"what are you up to?"Conan saw Hattori Heiji standing up suddenly, and he immediately regretted it.

Could it be that Hattori Heiji couldn't bear such a blow? If he really couldn't bear it, it would be his own fault.

"I'm going to ask." Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and said 19

"Don't go. Even if you ask, it will still be the same. You may be hurt more by then, so don't go."Conan grabbed Hattori Heiji

"I think Conan is right, Hattori, please be more open-minded."Dr. Agasa said to Hattori Heiji.

The main reason is that Dr. Agasa is afraid that if the angry Hattori Heiji comes to visit, there will be a conflict, and then Hattori Heiji will suffer. Before

Conan went there, Dr. Agasa didn't know, if Agasa If the doctor knew about it, he would definitely not let him pass.

Hattori Heiji didn't know what to say. What he had said to enlighten Conan before now fell on him. I don't know why, but he felt particularly bitter.

"No, I must go. Hattori Heiji shook off Conan's hand and walked out of the door.

Conan was startled and immediately wanted to chase him out, but when he reached the gate, Hattori Heiji suddenly locked the door, locking Dr. Agasa and Conan at home. Inside.

Bang bang bang~!!!

"Damn it, it can't be opened."Conan said anxiously, and then looked at Dr. Agasa, wanting to see if Dr. Agasa could do anything. Don't let anything happen to Hattori Heiji.

"I have no choice but to climb over the wall."Dr. Ali is also anxious, but there is no way to get out in a hurry. The only way is to climb over the wall. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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