Chapter 1175 The pot comes from the sky. After being bullied by Chen, Heye finally got free, and then looked at Xiaolan with shame.

"Xiaolan, are you just going to watch me being bullied by this bad guy and not help?"

"Well, were you just calling me a bad guy?"Chen's eyes were on He Ye again.

"No, I said the wrong thing, I'm an idiot."He Ye said aggrievedly.

At the same time, he glanced at Xiaolan with a rather resentful look. Sure enough, in Xiaolan's heart, this bad guy was obviously more important than himself.

Best friends are still not as good as boyfriends.

If Chen knew that He Ye If you think of Ye's idea, you will definitely laugh with disdain. How do you think your best friend can compare to your boyfriend?

"We're down. How is Yukiko now?" Chen asked Fei Yingli.

"Guess how she is now"197"?"Fei Yingli had a smile on her face, but this smile made Chendu feel a little scared.

"How could I possibly know."After Chen finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Fei Yingli strangely.

"I said Eri, did you do anything to Yukiko?"Chen couldn't help but asked Fei Yingli.

"Well, you can take a guess, or you can go and take a look, and you’ll know by then."Fei Yingli blinked at Chen and said to Chen.

Xiaolan looked at her mother, a little confused. Does her mother still have such a side?

"Then I'll go see Yukiko first."Chen felt that he should go check on Yukiko's situation.

Before, he thought that Fei Yingri had sent her to her door to throw herself into a trap, but now Chen suddenly thought that Yukiko didn't have much strength at this time.

If Fei Yingri wants to do anything, Yukiko They didn't seem to have the ability to resist, so Chen was going to see what the specific situation was. He quickly ran upstairs, and then Chen took a look at Yukiko's condition. He looked at the pig's head drawn on Yukiko's face with a pen. He didn't know why. Chen wants to laugh very much

"Damn it, it can't be wiped off at all, damn Yingli, I will never let you go. Yukiko shouted angrily

"Hahaha."Chen couldn't help laughing anymore. Yukiko's current appearance was really funny. Even Chen couldn't help laughing.

When he heard the laughter, Yukiko looked towards the door with murderous eyes. , and then saw Chen laughing.

"You are still smiling, it's all you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in such a mess. Yukiko said in embarrassment.

"Uh, what does this have to do with me?"Chen was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face disappeared. Is this a pot coming from the sky?

"If it weren't for you, how could I still be bullied by Yingli if I don't have the strength now? It's all your fault anyway."

Yukiko looked unreasonable. Of course Chen would not talk to Yukiko, because it is impossible to reason with a woman.

However, what Yukiko said makes sense, but all this is still the fault of Yukiko herself. If Yukiko hadn't provoked her yesterday She won't be so miserable now, herself

"Aunt Yukiko?"

Xiaolan and Kazuya came upstairs at this time. After seeing Yukiko's appearance, they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

"Call me sister. Yukiko said angrily, and then immediately covered the pig head on her face.

"Oh, okay, Yukiko-sister."Xiaolan replied obediently, and then looked at Fei Yingli who came up with her.

"Mom, did you really do this?"

Xiaolan really can't believe that this was made by her mother. I really can't believe it."

"Who made Yukiko clamor to deal with me, so I had no choice but to strike first."Fei Yingli nodded lightly, and then said

"Yingli, what kind of brush did you use to draw it? Why can't I erase it? Yukiko asked Fei Yingli angrily.

"I don't know about this either. I think this pen is pretty good."Fei Yingli thinks the effect of this pen is quite good.

"What should I do now?"Yukiko looked at Chen depressedly. Yukiko felt that Chen should have something to do.

"Well, this is actually very simple, I can just get it off for you."Chen shrugged and said.

For Chen, this is not a big deal at all and can be easily eliminated.

Chen walked over and helped Yukiko wipe it, and quickly wiped away the oil paint on Yukiko's face. Got it

"That's it now."Chen took a mirror and showed it to Yukiko......

"Thank you Chen, that’s great."Yukiko couldn't help but kiss Chen.

"Is this the only verbal thank you you have? This is too perfunctory, at least there must be some practical actions."

Chen couldn't help but said to Yukiko.

"Didn’t I kiss you? Isn't this enough? Yukiko asked Chen depressedly.

"Also, I am already like this, what else do you want to do to me? Yukiko spread her hands and said.

"Okay, let's get up and eat. Chen smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand to give Yukiko a hand.

"I have no strength now and don't want to get up. Yukiko said coquettishly.

"Even though he is such a grown-up person, he is still acting like a spoiled brat, and he is not ashamed of it."Fei Yingli couldn't help but said

"Hee hee, I'm much younger than you, and you must be jealous, because you can't find anyone to act like a spoiled brat. Yukiko made a face at Fei Yingli and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Fei Yingli's heart was severely hit.

Although they are the same age, it seems that Fei Yingli is older..

It’s not that Fei Yingli is old, but Fei Yingli is more mature. In Yukiko’s body, she is completelyShe is innocent and innocent, just like a little girl, without the slightest hint of maturity.

This is really incredible

"snort. Fei Yingli snorted and walked out of Yukiko's room. She felt a little guilty before, but now Fei Yingli doesn't feel guilty at all. She even feels that her attack was a little too light and she should have been heavier.

"Sister Yukiko, don't be angry."Xiaolan said to Yukiko. She also felt that her mother was a bit too much.

But Xiaolan really couldn't believe that her mother would actually do the same thing as a little girl.

Well, there were more than just people who couldn't believe it. Xiaolan herself and even Chen, He and Ye found it incredible.

"Xiaolan, please stop talking. I must let Yingli know how powerful I am. I am definitely not someone to be trifled with." Yukiko waved her hands and said, she will not give up like this.

After suffering such a big loss, it is impossible for Yukiko to let go. Yukiko has to let Fei Yingli suffer a big loss. _Please read the underlined version of the novel Download Feilu novel

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