Chapter 1157 is so true

"Are you teaching me this? I think you are perfunctory with me?"

Judy looked at Chen lying sleeping and felt that she was extremely angry. In order to let him teach her, she had to pay a high price.

There are three conditions, and she doesn't know what kind of conditions this guy Chen will put forward. Well, what if conditions are put forward that she cannot accept?

Judy accepted all these, but what Judy couldn't bear the most was that this guy Chen was not serious at all.

This was simply too much. Judy said she couldn't bear it anymore

"Didn’t I tell you? I want you to refine chakra, but your chakra is too little. Even if I teach you ninjutsu, you won't be able to use it."

Chen opened his eyes helplessly and said to Judy

"I suspect you are just making excuses. You want to be lazy, right? Don’t think that I don’t understand you. After staying in your house for so long, I know you well."

Judy looked at Chen with some contempt.

Anyway, Chen is the laziest person she has ever seen, and even though he is so powerful, he doesn't even think about making progress every day.

"Okay, I know you understand me, but I still have an account to settle with you. What do you think?"

Chen stared at Judy and asked Judy

"You have an account to settle with me. What account is it?"Judy looked at Chen blankly. Are you going to put forward conditions now?

Judy's face turned red slightly when she thought that Chen was going to put forward conditions, and then she quickly covered up the red color on her face, hoping that Chen would not put forward any excessive conditions.

If it is really proposed, should I reject it or accept it? Ah, I feel so conflicted in my heart.

"What are you doing"

Chen patted Judy on the shoulder and asked Judy doubtfully, what is Judy doing now? She must be thinking randomly in her mind. I don't know what exactly is thinking in Judy's mind.

"nothing."Judy shook her head quickly

"Okay, if you don't want to tell me, forget it. I'll settle the score with you. You've been living here for a while. Do you want to live and eat for free?"

Chen looked at Judy with very sharp eyes.

"Uh, do you still want to ask me for money?"Judy was stunned for a moment, and then asked Chen

"Well, actually I don’t care about money or anything like that at all, I care about other things. Chen nodded and said

"what do you want?"Judy stepped back warily, probably knowing what Chen wanted.

"I want some benefits, but you won’t give them to me."Chen hit Judy up and down and said to Judy

"I...I, don't go too far, otherwise, I will be rude to you."Judy glared at Chen angrily, it was too much.

"Then there's nothing I can do, I'll throw you out."Chen spread his hands, looking like it was difficult for me to do it.

Judy gritted her teeth helplessly, stamped her feet at last, then rushed towards Chen and kissed Chen on the face.

"Is this okay?"Judy asked, glaring at Chen fiercely.

"I don't think it's okay. I just kissed him on the face. How can I do it?"Chen looked at Judy with a smile.

"Huh, if it doesn't work, I'll do it. Is there anything else you want to do? If you really still have this idea, I will tell Xiao Ai and the others."、

Judy looked at Chen warily and said, this is her limit, and she must not do anything else.

"Well, if that's the case, then you can practice here by yourself, and I won't accompany you."

Chen walked towards the room, no longer practicing stupidly with Judy here.

"Wait a moment."Judy gritted her teeth, and then kissed Chen again, but this time it wasn't her mouth.

"Okay, then I will continue to teach you."Chen is so real, so real that it's outrageous.

"I despise people like you the most."Judy couldn't help but said angrily. She felt that her life in the future would not be too easy, and she would probably be bullied to death by Chen.

"Ahem, actually I didn’t mean to bully you, I did it for your own good."

Chen said seriously to Judy.

"For my own good? Why don't I believe this? Why are you doing it for me? You can tell me."

Judy looked at Chen angrily and said

"I want you to understand the truth. There is no free lunch in the world. Isn’t this just for you?"

"Haha, I would rather you not be nice to me."Judy smiled coldly. She would never believe a word of Chen's nonsense in the future.

"This is what you said. Since you said so, let's not talk about it."Chen gestured to leave.

But when Chen left, Judy quickly grabbed Chen's hand. Of course she didn't allow Chen to leave like this. Chen hadn't taught her yet, so how could she let him leave?

"You just want to eat up and run away. I know you completely, but I didn't expect you to be more unscrupulous than I thought."

Judy was really angry this time. She really didn't expect Chen to be so unruly. This was too much.

She gave her her first kiss. If Chen cheated her this time, Judy swears I will never let him go

"Thanks for the compliment, that’s how I am."

Chen smiled faintly and was not angry at all because of Judy's words.

"Come back to me and quickly guide me in my cultivation."

"There is no good guidance. You have too little chakra. Just concentrate on refining chakra. By the way, remember not to overdo it when refining chakra, otherwise there will be only harm but no benefit."

Chen gave Judy one final warning. In fact, Chen had already warned Judy before, so this time it's time to say it again.

"Is there really no other way to quickly improve strength?"Judy asked Chen reluctantly.

"Sorry Judy, I have no other way anyway. Just slowly improve your strength. Do you think it's possible to reach the sky in one go?"

Chen's words made Judy speechless. In fact, Judy also understood that it is a bit unrealistic to want to reach the sky in one step, but Judy really wanted to gain great strength and seek revenge from Belmod.

"In fact, I think you don't have that much hatred for Belmode anymore. In fact, sometimes you can consider letting go."Chen patted Judy on the shoulder and said to Judy.

Even if Judy really gains the strength to defeat Bellmod, Chen will never allow Judy to hurt Bellmod. Bellmod is his own woman. Ah, how could he get his woman hurt?

Maybe Judy also knows this in her heart, but she just doesn’t know what Judy is thinking now._Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading - Favorite, Recommend

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