Chapter 1156 It’s easy to misunderstand.

Kazuye noticed Hongzi and Judy’s disdainful gazes, his face turned slightly red, and he felt a little aggrieved.

There's no way, you guys don't understand me at all. I'm living under someone else's roof now, so of course I have to please Chen.

"He Ye, I didn’t expect you to have talent in this area. Hongzi chuckled and patted Kazuya's shoulder.

"Well, don't tell me about Hongzi, especially don't tell it to Xiaolan and the others. If they find out, they won't know how to laugh at me."

Kazuye said to Hongzi with some embarrassment, asking Hongzi to keep her secret.

Thinking about it now, she felt that what she said before was too unscrupulous, and it was too unconscionable to praise Chen.

I really didn't expect that, then The unconscionable words came out of my own mouth."197"

"Don't you guys make fun of He Ye? Didn't you see that He Ye blushed?"Chen helped to talk to Ye.

Xiao Hongzi and the others looked at Chen in surprise, and actually helped to talk to Ye. Could it be that they had misunderstood, the person in front of them was not Chen.

Chen shrugged. When He Ye was trying to please him like that, of course he had to help He Ye talk to him.

He Ye felt sweet in his heart at this moment, and the thought that he had been immoral was instantly forgotten.

It didn't take long before he returned home. , Xiao Ai opened the door for them, but Xiao Ai didn't look at Chen from the beginning to the end.

Chen touched his nose and felt so embarrassed.

"That little mourner……"

"Do not talk to me."

Before Chen finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Xiao Ai, who closed his mouth angrily.

"In fact, I plan to take you on a trip this weekend."

After a while, Chen spoke again and said to Xiao Ai.

Chen's words made Xiao Ai's ears twitch, but after a slight hum, there was no expression.

Looking at Xiao Ai's appearance, Chen was not discouraged. On the contrary, I feel that there is something interesting. If it is Xiao Ai like this, then there is really something interesting. The next step is to consider how to impress Xiao Ai.

"Chen, you really care about this little girl. You have never cared about me that much."Belmod hugged Chen from behind.

Judy looked at Belmod's appearance and felt a chill in her heart. In fact, the current Belmod was completely different from the image of Belmod in her heart. The changes were really Too much

"Suddenly I felt a little chilly."Judy said with some disgust.

"Haha, are you envious? If you are envious, maybe you can too, I believe you."Belmod chuckled, then raised his head and looked at Judy

"envious? Why should I be envious." said.

But although the tone of his words was very calm, he still looked at Chen and stared at Chen for a long time.

"Keep watching what I do, and I will never forget what happened between the two of you. Don't worry, since I promised, I will definitely do it. Chen said to Judy with words that could easily be misunderstood.

Judy's face turned red instantly,"You said such misleading words about what happened between the two of us. Did you mean it on purpose?""

"Is not it?"Chen asked Judy, but Judy was speechless, which seemed to be the case.

But she just asked Chen to explain to her, but she had no other meaning. With Chen's words and tone, it was easy for others to misunderstand.

Judging from the looks in other people's eyes, it seems that there is really a misunderstanding. Judy is a little embarrassed now.

"Teacher Judy, something is wrong. You are blushing."Koizumi Hongzi stared at Judy, as if she wanted to discover something.

"Have it?"Judy touched her face in a panic. Although she didn't know if her face was red, it was indeed a little warm.

"Okay, can you pack your things for dinner?"Mingmei came out and said

"By the way, I was interrupted, what was I about to say?" Chen slapped his head and glared at Belmode angrily. What he was about to say to Xiao Ai was interrupted.

"You mean, you want to go on a trip with Xiao Ai."Yukiko helped Chen pick it up.

"Yes, yes, yes, how about Xiao Ai, how about we go out this weekend?"Chen looked at Xiao Ai and asked Xiao Ai.

Listening to Chen's inquiry and feeling Chen's gaze, Xiao Ai felt a little entangled in her heart.

Should she agree or not? In fact, Xiao Ai's heart was I really want to agree, but if I agree, won't it seem too unreserved?

I agreed that I would be angry with this guy for a week, and now I forget about it? To be precise, Xiao Ai is It was too arrogant, but in the end Xiao Ai hesitated for a long time and said to Chen:"Seeing that you are so sincere, I will give you this opportunity......"

Listening to Xiao Ai's somewhat arrogant words, Chen couldn't help but smile. He felt that Xiao Ai was actually quite cute.

"what are you laughing at?"Xiao Ai's face showed a trace of dissatisfaction. Are you laughing at me?

"No, I was laughing happily that Xiaoai finally agreed to me."Chen touched Xiao Ai's head and said to Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai didn't resist at all when Chen touched her head. If it were in the past, Xiao Ai would definitely not give Chen a good look.

But now she doesn't at all. This is happening, probably because Xiao Ai himself has realized that being arrogant will ruin his life, so Xiao Ai's character is not that arrogant.

"Can you please stop chatting? The food is almost cold, so eat quickly."

Mingmei slapped the table and said to Chen and the others.

"Well, Mingmei, this is the first time I’ve seen you still be so domineering."Chen raised his head and looked at Mingmei in astonishment.

Usually, Mingmei is gentle, soft and weak, but now she suddenly becomes domineering.

"I don’t want to waste the meal I worked so hard to make."Mingmei said to Chen

"Yes, hurry up and eat, don't forget that you still have to guide me."Judy said to Chen. At the same time, Judy also glanced at Bellmod 2.6, wanting to see Bellmod's reaction.

But to Judy's disappointment, Bellmod didn't react at all, as if he didn't hear her. The words are the same.

In fact, Belmod is chuckling in his heart. Do you think that if you let Chen guide you, you can get revenge?

If you really want to take revenge, if nothing else, even Chen will definitely stop you. This is Belmod De Xin's confidence.

After eating, Judy directly took Chen's hand and walked outside.

"I haven't finished eating yet."Chen said to Judy angrily.

"I can't wait any longer. Don't break your promise. Don't forget that you promised me, so come over and practice with me."

Judy grabbed Chen's hand and refused to let go. Chen shrugged. It seems that he really can't eat anymore._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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