Chapter 1151 Do you want to answer the phone?

After Chen and Xiaolan left Yuanzi's home, they naturally did not go home. Xiaolan followed Chen with a red face. Chen arrived at the Rice Flower Hotel

"By the way, Xiaolan, if you don't go back, will your father look for you?"Chen asked Xiaolan

"Do you want me to go back?"Xiaolan asked Chen

"Of course not."Chen hugged Xiaolan, and Xiaolan didn't struggle, because they had already arrived in the room.

If they were outside and Chen did this, Xiaolan would definitely struggle shyly.

But now in the hotel In the room, there are only two people here, Chen and Xiaolan, so Xiaolan will definitely not be shy.

"If my dad asked me, I would just say I went to my mom's place."Xiaolan stuck out her tongue, and then said"one hundred and ninety-seven"

"I didn’t expect Xiaolan to learn to lie too." Chen couldn't help but smile after listening to Xiaolan's words.

"What do you think I am doing?"

Xiaolan snorted softly and glared at Chen.

If it weren't for Chen, Xiaolan would certainly not have lied. However, Chen actually made fun of herself, which made Xiaolan feel very uncomfortable.

"Okay, actually I'm just joking with you, Xiaolan, don't be angry, I don't want Xiaolan to get angry and ruin your body."Chen said to Xiaolan with a slight smile.

Listening to Chen's words, Xiaolan felt a little sweet in her heart. Sweet words always attract people's hearts, especially those of women.

"I won't be angry."Xiaolan said with a smile.

Then Chen kissed Xiaolan on the face. Xiaolan was slightly shy. Seeing what Chen was going to do, she quickly said to Chen:"Wait a moment, it's not evening yet."

Chen also knows that Xiaolan has a shy personality, so of course he won't force Xiaolan to do anything, not to mention they have to eat now.

"Let's go eat first. Should we go down to eat, or let the hotel staff bring all the food?"Chen asked Xiaolan for her opinion.

"Better send it up."

After Xiaolan thought about it, she said to Chen, in fact, this is exactly what Chen wants. If she does anything here, Xiaolan will never refuse her.

Then Chen directly called to order a meal. In fact, what kind of food is there at the Rice Flower Hotel? It was still very good.

Not long after, the food delivery service staff came over, and at this time, Chen had already taken advantage of Xiaolan.

Xiaolan shyly buried her face on the sofa, not daring to look at Chen at all.

"Okay, let’s eat quickly. Don’t be shy anymore. You need to know that after a while, you will have to do some labor."Chen patted Xiaolan's shoulder and said to Xiaolan. Listening to

Chen's words, it is undeniable that Xiaolan felt shy and couldn't extricate herself from the shyness.

"By the way, Xiaolan, you like to eat the most." Chen put the food on the table and asked Xiaolan

"I'm not picky about food. In fact, as long as it's not weird, I like to eat anything. Xiaolan glanced at Chen while she was talking.

Chen touched his nose and said,"Then hurry up and eat. I can't wait any longer.""

After finishing their dinner quickly, the two of them rested together. Chen had also called home before. Mingmei and the others also knew that Chen would not go back today.

Early the next morning, Chen He woke up and looked at Mingmei lying next to him. Chen did not wake up Xiaolan because he knew that Xiaolan was relatively tired now, so he did not wake up Xiaolan.

After Xiaolan woke up, It was already getting brighter. She opened her eyes dimly and looked at Chen.

Then after waiting for a long time, Xiaolan suddenly came back to her senses, with a look of tears on her face.

"Bad, I forgot about going to class, what should I do now?"Xiaolan asked Chen with a bad look on her face.

Because today is already the day to go to class, and at such an important time, she actually forgot about it because she slept in.

You know, Xiaolan is a good student and has never been absent from class at all. of this kind of thing

"Don't worry, Xiaolan, I've already asked for leave for you. Just stay here and wait for school tomorrow."Chen comforted Xiaolan and said


"Don't give up. Can you still go to school in your current state?"Chen asked Xiaolan.

Well, Xiaolan's current condition is indeed not very good. She drags her tired body to school. I guess others can tell what's going on at a glance.

"It's all your fault."Xiaolan couldn't help but glared at Chen

"Okay, it's all my fault, now take a good rest."

Chen smiled and touched Xiaolan's head, and said to Xiaolan with a smile.

Xiaolan leaned against Chen's body, then closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

It was not until noon that Xiaolan woke up. Come here, to be honest, Xiaolan has never woken up so late before. This should be Xiaolan’s first time.

"Got up to have lunch, I've already had it delivered."Chen said to Xiaolan

"It's already twelve o'clock. Did I sleep for that long?"After Xiaolan saw the time, her face changed slightly.

"After all, I was too tired, so it was normal to wake up so late."

When Xiaolan heard the word tired, she couldn't help but glance at Chen. Yes, she was indeed very tired yesterday.

"Still want to take a break?"

After eating, Chen held Xiaolan and asked. Of course, this time Chen just held Xiaolan and did not make any other movements.

"There is no need to rest. In fact, I have already rested enough."Xiaolan shook her head slightly and said, if we talk about rest, Xiaolan has had enough rest now.

After all, she got up so late today, and after eating, Xiaolan also feels strong.

"By the way, will the teacher call my dad to confirm?"Xiaolan thought of something, and her face suddenly changed.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing won't happen, and you didn't tell your dad on 2.6, you are now at your mom's side. If the teacher really called your dad, your dad will definitely be looking for you now."Chen said to Xiaolan who looked worried.

Xiaolan's face changed slightly, and then she took out her phone.

"In fact, I had already turned off my phone yesterday."Xiaolan immediately turned on the phone. What made Xiaolan relieved was that her father did not call her.

However, there were still several missed calls, all of which were from Yuanzi.


Xiaolan had just Turning on the phone, another call came in. It was still a call from Yuanzi. It should be that Yuanzi knew that Xiaolan had asked for leave and was worried. Xiaolan looked at the phone and wondered whether she should answer it. If she talked to Yuanzi, would Yuanzi What did you guess?

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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