Chapter 1150 Definitely next time

"No, I just finished my homework and you are leaving?"

When Yuanzi heard that Chen and the others were leaving, she suddenly looked depressed. She had just finished her homework with great difficulty, and now Chen and Xiaolan were actually leaving.

"Yes, it's already four o'clock in the afternoon."Xiaolan showed Yuanzi the time.~

"But there's no rush. When you come to my house, you should at least have a meal before leaving."Yuanzi tried his best to win over Liuchen and Xiaolan.

"Ahem, Xiaolan and I actually have some things to do."Chen - said to Yuanzi.

While speaking, Chen winked at Xiaolan. It was not to show off to Yuanzi, but because something really happened, Chen was serious.

"What's the matter?"Yuanzi didn't believe it and looked at Chen and Xiaolan suspiciously.

"As for the question you asked, I'm sorry Yuanzi, it seems it's not convenient for me to tell you."Chen didn't mean to tell Yuanzi.

Because it's really inconvenient, he can't tell Yuanzi about everything, and it's really the kind of thing that can't be said.

Chen himself doesn't care, anyway, he is thick-skinned, even if I don’t care what I say, but Xiaolan will definitely care.

So, it’s better not to say anything. If you say too much, it will easily make Xiaolan shy, and then everything he wants will fly away. gone

"Not comfortable telling me?"When Yuanzi heard this, he looked at Xiaolan. Since Chen said it was inconvenient, what did Xiaolan mean?

Xiaolan's face turned slightly red, and she lowered her head and said to Yuanzi:"I'm sorry Yuanzi, Chen and I are serious. I have something to do, so I can't stay here for a long time."

"This, okay."Yuanzi gritted his teeth unwillingly. It took a lot of effort for Chen to come here once, but he had to leave so soon. He felt really unhappy.

"Come to your house next time. Chen said to Yuanzi

"When you said next time, I suddenly remembered that I had invited you before, but you forgot about it after you agreed."

Yuanzi stared at Chen with unkind eyes.

"Ahaha, right? I seem to have forgotten."

Chen said to Yuanzi embarrassedly. He remembered it now, but it was already too late.

"Wait until next time, next time for sure."

I don't know why, but after listening to what Chen said next time, Yuanzi felt a little worse.

Then Chen and Xiaolan left. After Yuanzi sent Chen and Xiaolan away, as soon as she returned to the room, she saw Ayako coming out of the room. Walk downstairs

"Where are Chen and Xiaolan?"Ayako asked Sonoko

"Uh, I've left. Sister, what can I do for you? Could it be that you are attracted to Chen? I see that sister, you are very concerned about Chen."

Sonoko looked deeply at Ayako and tried to test her.

""No, don't talk nonsense, I can." Ayako waved her hands quickly, her face turned red, and she raised her fist as if to fight.

"Wait a minute, sister, don't do anything, otherwise I will tell my mother that you bullied me. Yuanzi said immediately after retreating.

"How old are you to still use this trick? Zi looked at Yuanzi speechlessly and said

"Hee hee, the key is that it is effective. I think it is very effective. Sister, you don’t even dare to do it now. Yuanzi said with a smile.

"Huh, it's not that I don't dare to take action anymore. If you still dare to continue talking nonsense, don't blame me for really teaching you a lesson."

Ayako snorted lightly and said warningly to Sonoko.

"I know, I know, I will never talk nonsense, but I don’t think I am necessarily talking nonsense."

Sonoko whispered.

Although Sonoko thought she was whispering, her voice was still loud enough for Ayako to hear her. She glared at Sonoko in shame, but Ayako didn't really do anything to Sonoko.

After all, Ayako has a very gentle personality. If Ayako is really asked to do something, Ayako really can't do it.

And for her sister Sonoko, Ayako still loves her sister very much in her heart. Of course, she is not willing to do anything. She just threatens Sonoko.

"By the way, mom will be back soon."Ayako said to Sonoko

"Mom is back?"Yuanzi looked at her sister in surprise. Her mother, a workaholic, strong woman, hasn't been back for who knows how long.

Why did she come back this time?

"I heard that Chen came to the house, so my mother wanted to come back and have a look. I think my mother cares about Chen very much. It seems that she approves of Chen. You should work hard too."Ayako said to Sonoko with a smile.

····Seeking freshness······

"Sister, what are you talking about? If you have time, find a boyfriend by yourself. Yuanzi said with a blushing face.

Although Yuanzi usually has a very bold personality, but those are all pretending. In fact, Yuanzi is far from that bold.

"But now that Chen has left, isn't it true that mother came back in vain?"Yuanzi couldn't help but say, and at the same time he was changing the shy topic.

While they were talking, the sound of cars outside sounded. They knew without going out that their mother must be back.

"It seems that my mother is back. It's so fast. Sonoko couldn't help but say.

When she walked out of the room, it turned out that Suzuki Tomoko was back.

"Where is Chen? Tomoko asked her two daughters..................

"Mom, you came back a little late, Chen has already left." Sonoko answered honestly to her mother, Tomoko Suzuki.

"What, already left?"Tomoko Suzuki was slightly startled, but she didn't expect Chen to leave soon after.

"You run really fast, I will definitely block you next time." Tomoko Suzuki whispered to herself.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Sonoko didn't hear clearly what Tomoko Suzuki was saying, so she asked Tomoko Suzuki

"It's nothing. Don't ask so many questions. Since Chen has left, I will leave too."Tomoko Suzuki walked outside

"No, leave now."Yuanzi looked at her mother a little depressed, but she was still a little excited in her heart.

Her mother was still a little strict with her. Now that she is gone, she can be liberated. If she cannot be liberated, she will be reprimanded.

Xiang Compared to her sister Ayako, Sonoko is often scolded by her mother because Sonoko is not as motivated as Ayako, so she is often educated

"By the way, remember to let me know as soon as possible when Chen comes next time."Suzuki Tomoko walked outside, then remembered, and then said to Sonoko

"Got it mom."Sonoko nodded, feeling a little strange in her heart. Her mother seemed to care a little too much about Chen, but she didn't think much about it.

Ayako looked at the back of her mother Tomoko Suzuki, and felt a little strange in her heart. In fact, Ayako has some guesses in her heart, but Ayako herself can’t believe the loss._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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